Wednesday, July 1, 2015


Yes it's me & I'm in LOVE again,  of course,  it IS a SONG title.....:), but WAIT, it's w-a-y too HOT here in Ojai 
for THIS picture
so here, how about this one

There now,  better ?  Way cool !!

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

Last night around 10:00 p. m. it was STILL "HOT" here in our neck-of-the-woods, around 88.5 degrees !  Good ole AC ran most of the night.

Are you experiencing unusual weather where you are?

So here I am 3:00 a.m., just shut the back door, turned off the fan, and closed the sliding glass door a little,  after I satisfied a little hunger pangs with oatmeal & blueberries, 1/2 cup of java, I am here at my laptop, still "happy" for a brand new day !

I anticipate mysteries to "unfold"
as is a custom for me everyday !


In recent days,  my actual "DREAMS" keep unfolding, step-by-step!

Big time,  "thrilling & comforting ",  _"  huge," _"LOVE"  permeates the "AIR" I breathe !

It really IS an "oxymoron" to intitle this post to "run,  don't walk,"  because the CLOSER I get,  it seems,  that for-the-most part,  I become quieter and more "PEACEFUL & STILL" but FULL of anticipation,  all-the-same !!  I guess in part I AM running to my "DREAMS" being fulfilled,  and experiencing the ultimate"PROMISE" !

Very soon, I will be 3/4 a century old,  (in just two weeks,)  I am happy & grateful for my "LIFE" !  Honestly,  I did not know how good it could be.

That's a wrap this morning,  friends!

(_A Wink & a Smile_)...........:),, (WordPress 2014-2015) ( I Support Life & Living Words)

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