Tuesday, June 30, 2015



Good morning my friends around the globe,  welcome !

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/ publisher

These bits of "Trivia" were recently mailed to me by a "great" friend from my old "haunt" in
Glendale, CA.  They are as follows:

" To make sure they don't drift apart , sea otters hold hands when they sleep"......  awwww !                                                                                                                                            
" The inventor of the Pringle's can,  Fredric Baur,  had his ashes buried in one".....hmmmm!

"Hitler's nephew Willam Patrick Hitler, in 1939 wrote an article called,  " Why I Hate My Uncle", he later emigrated to the U.S. and served in the Navy during World War II."

" All clams start out as males,  but some later become females".....

" A day without sunshine is like,  you know,  night" " _ * Steve Martin

" Police departments in Canada hand out positive ticketswhen they see citizens doing something positive.  They are redeemable for community discounts and other rewards "......... cool

" The audible rumbling in your tummy is called "borborygmi"................................")

" Read the best books first, or you may not have a chance to read them all "....................:)

" In Disney's "Fantasia", the Sorcerer's name was "Yensid ( Disney spelled backwards"....

* If these tickled -your- funny -bone or maybe enlightened you some,  I'm glad.  I enjoyed them too! 

One of my two new best friends, this one I dubbed "Darthvader"

And now I also present, "Luke Skywalker",  these two fellas are stable-mates on Meyer Rd.

Signing off for Tuesday,  June 30, 2015  ( the last day of June).....

(_A Wink & a Smile_)..............................................................................................................:)

http://akneadedtouch4u.com, http://lilymakesmesmile.com, http://chooseurwords.com  )WordPress archives 2014-2015), http:// 4u2become1.blogspot.com ( I Support Life & Living Words)

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