Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Here I AM sitting in the Director's chair....  

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

The last scene just ended.............I am waiting behind stage.  Oh wait, somebody must be in the Director's room,   ready to oversee the performance in the scene coming up.   Which one am I ?
The Actor or the Director ?  Oh,  well,  then there's the prop man,   the wardrobe person,  how many people ARE involved in this act of MINE ?   Or even more to the point,  this "story" of MY LIFE ?  The way I see it,  there really is only one,  at least one who decides to write or publish their own.

A few months ago,  I wrote that I am a bottom-line kind of person.   Wow,  these last few days  I have been "going there" in my "heart &  mind".  Big-time questions,  Oh Me oh My !!!  I make myself deal with the nitty gritty.   "WHAT A STUPID"  thing to do......................:)    I mean--to-say,    it's a scary thing-to-do !!    Oh well,  too late.    I already did it !!!!!

So now, what do-I-do ?  The way I see it,  pick yourself up,  brush yourself off,  and start all over again.  The question I have to let "simmer" today is no doubt "THE BIGGEST" one I'll ever have to deal with.    But I  "DO KNOW"  this, _  there is no right or wrong answer,  it's  just a "question"  !!!

Yay!  I Like That,   huh ??    After all,  I "AM" the "DIRECTOR" !!

COOL !!!!! 

(_ A Smile & a Wink_)................................................................................................:)

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