Sunday, July 19, 2015

From where I sit,  looks like a "very" good morning, 

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson _ author/publisher

It's 5:00 a.m,  moments ago,  I stepped outside and sat in this very same spot.  See this bench I'm on,  I took it apart yesterday.  And would you believe with bricks on the ground and everything
dissembled,  "RAIN" started pouring.  It just poured "buckets", at first I said to myself, oh stay,  get wet, it'll be fun.  THAT did not last long,  I stayed a "few" seconds and skedaddled.  Off and on throughout the day yesterday,  it just "POURED "  RAIN.  As I came in this morning from this bench, my feet were actually WET. 

For us here in Southern California,  "RAIN" is a "real blessing".  And along with that,  the "AIR " smelled awesome.  That crisp smell,  making the earth express it's "thanks" and I could
just sense that !!   When LIFE has a chance to verbalize,  things just "stand out",  and become

Hey,  it's "SUNDAY" ...( my brother Ron's birthday _who lives in Spokane, WA. "Happy Birthday" Ron ).  When you are in church this day,  ( for those who go),  ( church for me is this delightful country setting today ),  ... look over at your neighbor ( right & left),  "SMILE"  ?    "CELEBRATE"   "LIFE",   and breathe "deep".  Ah-h-h-h, !!  I can give- "thanks", can't I ??

Outside .... my front yard
"Friendly neighbors " ................:) 

More "friendly" neighbors

Another beautiful "VIEW"

It's all good ..................

Have a "HAPPY" !!  

(_A Wink & a Smile_)..............................................................:),,  ( 10/14 - 1/15 ), ( I Support Life & Living Words) (One Step Closer)

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