Saturday, July 25, 2015

Oh now, wait, "dinner isn't ready yet " (Fundraiser for Mary Carlson)  that's me (Kat) Transportation (Golf Cart)

I really enjoy walking......true enough

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

A golf cart can be/ will be a help this hot summer and again in the ensuing months.  We here in California expect "RAIN",  don't we before many more months.  It can rain and rain, and everything will be "green" again.  Beautiful Lake Casistas,  (here in Ojai, CA)  can fill up again.  It's 60 ft. lower than it has ever been.

So, with that said _ Rain is 'a comin' and I want to go "grocery shopping"  when the pantry dictates that I do so.  All of you ( family , friends & followers ) have time to help me raise some $
for my Golf Cart to ride into town (10 miles) and pick up what I need/want at the store.

More pictures of the terrain here in our little "burg"  ...

Both of these pictures are Rice Road,  each & every morning I walk


down this road,  _ this morning two coyotes dashed across the Road,   no more than 8 ft in front of me  !  I "stopped" short, and continued to walk.  Last week,  I saw two deer,  frolicking across the very same vicinity.   Most days,  cute little white-tailed rabbits dash around ( not to forget the squirrels)  ......  f-u-n-n-y  &  f-u-n !    I get a kick out of the wild life "gracing" our roads and meadows.

This particular day there was a storm threat

Friendly folks are often passing by and it's a treat for me to make their acquaintances.

before I leave you with this "happy" person's picture,......
I ask you again,  donate to the cause,  please !  Mary's golf cart
for trips to and from Ojai, CA. "Transportation ( Golf Cart) ( Fundraiser).....I appreciate it !
Thank you !   ( oh yes,  I forgot to mention that I am 75 yrs. of age,  here in this picture.

"IT'S A GRAND NIGHT FOR SINGING "...........  The Moon Is Shining Bright  ....  la la la la la la ..............:)

(_A Wink & a Smile_)...........................................:)

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