Showing posts with label Feeling Good. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Feeling Good. Show all posts

Monday, November 2, 2015

Sounds of "SILENCE "

Very  very early in the morning,  BEFORE,   daylight savings time........:)   my walk on  Rice Rd.    

by:  Kat ( Mary) Carlson    _  author/publisher

Belonging and choosing to "be" one,   means,   among other things,   time spent "alone",  all along with one's self.    I did that this morning.   It became awesomely quiet as I sat down and turned all electronics off,  just sat with the sounds of silence permeating the room.  An experience I choose to duplicate whenever I provide myself with the "opportunity".  An experience of uniqueness.  The   " QUIET, "   I could touch,  and feel,   and allow healing into my being,  my being of oneness. 

I rather suspect that  the element of " PEACE"  was a major proponent.    Anytime_ "PEACE ",  _anytime, _  you wish to officiate ,     I'm  there !!!           **** An awesome experience !!

(_A Wink & a Smile_) ...................................................................:)

Friday, September 11, 2015


Tomorrow's Yard Sale is going to outfit 3 families,  me, then next door and then the next door after that !!    

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson  _  author/publisher

We are ALL gearing up for a rip roaring three family yard sale.  The weather man has been kind in that the predicted temperature will only be 90 degrees F.   Oh,  lucky,  lucky us.  Because you see,  already this week we've had 100 - 104 degree weather.  My thoughtful next door neighbor loaned me his very large patio umbrella.  I just finished rounding up a nice stand for it.  That's a 
gift,  I didn't expect,  ............. thank you, Chuck!

So,  in less than 20 hours,  folks will be pulling up next to our drive-ways,  and "looking for "treasures",  as they say,  they can't live without.  Lots of people,  remark,  I don't  see anything I can't live without!  Ojai is a really wonderful, Garage Sale, Yard Sale paradise.  We are a simple folk,  yep, that we are.  These kinds of activities also bring us together on weekends,  affording us the chance to say "hey"...................:)

You know,  country living is the real deal!   We call a spade a spade !   So,  when you "click" with
your neighbors,  that's something special !!   The size of a town calls for genuine representation of one's self.   RIGHT ? 

Which brings me to a anecdote,  an relative remarked to me,  after I reported to him that my Sale is tomorrow,  well,  Mary,  I'll "pray" that it is successful.  That kind of remark,  made me very upset,  and now,  after putting it aside for a day,  ( I practice waiting on clarity when I get upset like that ) so a few moments ago,  I got a glimpse of this "happy" concept ,  truth will out,  I do live for each moment of each and everyday.   That is key  for me to have a strong value system.  First things first.   Enjoy the moment !   So,  when I arrange this type of deal,  the fun is in preparing,   signs,   setting up,  meeting & greeting.    It's a wonderful experience.    I haven't actually given much thought to how much I'll derive monetarily.  I've prepared,   so,  I know,  it will be adequate, or more.   So-be-it !    I exchanged a life of anxiety ( oh yes,  I was EXTREMELY anxious for most of my life),  but not anymore.  ( Sigh)  Now,  it's full of richness and wealth of a different kind. 

I know I am going to enjoy tomorrow !!  Because I enjoy "TODAY",  so,  it's in-the-bag!  That is not-to-say,  "Life is Predictable",  uh uh,  not so much ! 

I plan on taking pictures of the festivities.  Now,  ..... the weatherman could be nice and surprise us with "cooler" weather,  huh?  ...  The three families involved are getting this together for the very first time.  Y-a-a-a-a-y !!  Picture time on my blog/post coming up soon.  Stop by and visit !!!!  I'll take your picture ....................:)

Happy Trails 

 (_ A Wink & a Smile_) ......................................................................:)


Saturday, September 5, 2015


It's Labor Day weekend,  so I labor not !! ( ha )

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson _  author/publisher

Days,  mornings,  even future days are often enhanced by the "morning constitutional",....a "WALK" in these parts of our "beautiful" community  of Ojai Valley,    first off,   when you lend a listening ear,  the sounds are spectacular,  roosters crowing,   birds singing,  even the trees make a sound,  the hills seem to give off there own special wonder, (which can be translated as a sound),   the woodpeckers hard very hard at work ( see pic), lots of them.    I even hear the trees singing,  well, .....I do !  Maybe that's just "happy" me.   Happy to  be out and about.  in the "crest" of the morning .  

Here in this picture I took this morning, is one different example of the auras I find to enjoy   

But the sights of sunrise on the mountains,  and the silhouettes of trees just before the sun peaks,
I am mesmerized and in awe of  the"teaming beauty" of  "LIFE" as  portrayed always in our Ojai gorgeous mornings.  All of LIFE is waking up,   ( well,  some are still snoozing, .... late night,  ya know?),  but when you have the chance and want to really experience something of JOY and WONDER,  this will knock- your- socks- off !  Do, please, stop,  look & listen !

Rice Road,  up higher above where I live in the river bottom,  I turn right and head back,  down the hill to delicious "casa de Kat"

I often pass this house on my walks,  I'm pretty sure these folks are still sleeping 

I guess most folks are still sleeping on Saturday morning  and  it's a "holiday"  today.   But the couple you see below are braving the "beautiful" morning and vistas 

These early risers are enjoying their walk and told me that by the time they return home it will have been 6 miles..... Y-a-a-a-y !!

More Ojaians plus our animal friend (pooch) taking a stroll.....:)

The roads/streets of this amorous valley  "beckons" me and others to open our "hearts" ( physical & spiritual)  and "minds" to all that "IS" available in the course of real "Life" .

Look at ALL those holes,  these five woodpeckers are busy bees,  ( another sound of "LIFE" )  

 I'd like to invite you to our neck-of-the-woods ,   for a  "joyful"  morning stroll.

"Happy Holiday".....

(_ A Wink & a Smile_) ..............................................................................:),,,  ( Word )  10/14- 1/15 Archives,  http:// ( Living Words & I Support Life)  Google+

Sunday, August 9, 2015


Although it's "hard" to believe,  that IS  "ME",  many years ago ( 50 yrs.)

by : Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

Would you look at the " HAIR " ?   I had "Lots" and it was curly too.  The topic of this blog is about "touching".   And yes, it's about touching your own flesh/body.   More of the articles I written on this subject are on  Knowing how much you & I push ourselves,  hence our bodies and the harshness of the world at large on these vessels of ours,  we can only enhance our HEALTH,  by attending to our own individual persona.  Understand,  when we stroke our bodily parts,  we not only help our systems, ( immune & also lots, lots more ).  When you & I realize that it's the only body we have and taking care of it is up-to-us. 

Gently,  recognizing that we are in touch with the nerves,  skin and very close underneath ,are the blood vessels,
  decide this is a very healthy practice all the way around.  Emotionally, we benefit & physically, 
as also reap wonderful results.  After I take a shower,  I rub delightful smelling cream (Blissful Body), and take my time to make myself feel good and yes,   feel "loved" !  "If Not Me, Then Who" ?  Another shot : below

Yeah,  I am 75,  however I feel like a teenager !  

Arms and hands and even feet,  especially your feet, ( the bottom of our feet are where all the nerve endings are located)   what a job they have "All Day",  right ?   But I contend that every single inch of our body deserves the attention we need to give it.  Hands, ( my hands),  really do tell me that they like the attention I'm giving them.  How,.... by "feeling so good ". while I am rubbing them.  

I am just beginning to emphasize this practice.  The way I got started was I "broke" my ankle in 2014.  The healing process was quite pleasant,  in that I found giving my ankle "very special" attention ( based on what I knew as a Massage Therapist)  brought about a wonderfully successful healing.  My Orthopedic Doctor announced to me that I was "the Best -little -bone-healer" !!   She was very,  very "smart".......... :)

Here I am doing my thing,  walkingwalking did I mention walking ????

 Be very good to yourself !!!

(_A Wink & a Smile_)........................................:)



Don't you just "LOVE" summer ?

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson  _ author/publisher

If you take-a-look at the   "tags",   I have contradicted myself on two counts..   Funky day & Feeling Good.   That's because most of the time I DO write about feeling good.   But that's not quite correct.   Yeah,  often I am "doing time" with the struggles of  "my Life" !!   I am going to say though,  I usually  "DON'T "  write anything then   anyway  !!   Ha Ha !!!   So as I arise victorious  & I "SHARE" that,  with you.    And today  I can't go there either,   although last night,  this morning and a few days past,  I just haven't been on-top-of-the-world, and not very pleasant to be around,    of course nobody sees that but me.    So,  who really cares anyway,   huh?


The pictures I took yesterday are "funky too "..................take a look

I think I'll name him  "Lincoln",  as in "lincoln log"

Everyday, for four months,  I walked pass this guy,   and I saw " LINCOLN" ( log) for the first time  yesterday.   It sits back off the road a little,  but  I thought "he" was sort of cute.  Do you remember Lincoln Logs,  anyone?   I played with them as a kid!

The next picture is the same sort of story ......

There are "eyes" her in this picture two pair,

Very same cactus,  different set of "eyes"  made out of "reflectors"

In each of the cases and pictures I found along-the-way yesterday,  I have passed by them hundreds of times,  but for some reason,.    they simply "jumped" out at me.    Can you find the "eyes?   I counted six sets of "eyes"  in this "huge" cactus.   And I found each of these "people" (?)   _ very,  very close-to-home !!   ........................:)


Saturday,  I was out and found a few discoveries again.  "  Luck & I are often in  sync . "  

It's a pleasure to share a little "sompin sompin " with you today,  Sunday,  August 9, 2015

(_ A Wink & a Smile_)............................................................................................:),  http://chooseurwords,  ( Word Press archives 10/14- /1/15)  ( I Support Life & Living Words) 

Friday, August 7, 2015


This "TIP" will make a difference in your "LIFE"    

by : Kat ( Mary) Carlson)  _ author/publisher

I'll start by saying this,  you'll not get this advice from your Doctor.....either kind,  Doctor of Medicine or Doctor of Psychiatry  ( what's the difference it's all medicine anyway, huh? ).  To continue I am going to recommend this type of experiment in addition to or in place of a "tranquilizer" or "ativan" or other types of mood medicines.  First off,  I am not taking medicines of any kind and have undergone,  hordes of body & emotional changes,  all of which I have used various natural means to assist my growth.  This "ADORABLE"  wind up clock is one of many methods I use.

It dawned on me a few months to a year ago,  that this sound .... tick,  tick,  tick,  tick,  tick was  a similar sound to our own heart beat.  For me,  it was a nostalgic sound.   I used to sleep upstairs with my wonderful "grandmother" when I was a kid.   We slept in an enormous "feather" bed.
In the room was a grandfather clock and it was always ticking.  I remembered that glorious sound and made the decision to purchase a wind up clock.  This is the one,  in the above picture.

I will go-on-record as saying,  you are going to be "surprised" at the soothing and powerful results when you keep it very close to you at night or as I do,  I lay in right on my chest.  Obviously, our bodies respond to stimuli or no one would even take pills in the first place.   
In the case of a clock that sounds like a heart beat,  our own system is reminded of it's own center/ruler,  it's "HEART".  Beyond the physical is also the symbol of "LOVE"  the center of 
"LIFE".   THE  MOST  POWERFUL  FORCE   !!!!    It heals our wounds!

Go out and buy a clock,( like the one in my picture)  it doesn't cost much,  it even may sound a little silly, .......I'm certain in- the- end,   _ it   "will"  "sound"  like "relief".   It "will" alleviate a "fewsleepless nights and probably more than that !    

"OWNER OF A LONELY HEART" .......ever hear that song ?   A clock,  it's metal,  how could it work to provide comfort at times, _  "IT DOES" !!! ..........................................:) 

"LOVE" & "POWER"  is a heart beat  "AWAY "

 (_A Wink & a Smile_)........................................................................................:)

Thursday, July 23, 2015

It's all  good !!

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson) _ author/publisher

Honestly folks,  YESTERDAY,    the "title" of my blog was,  "Let's take a trip to Bermuda".   I had more viewers than ever.    I chuckle,  because,  well,   just "because"..............:)  When I woke up this morning,  I took a trip.   I took a deeper broader view of  "my _ Place of Happiness _ my "home",  _ my "HEART".   Inside me,  is the best place on "Earth",  "HEAVEN".  If you think I am kidding,  "trust me",   not a chance !  

One morning,  years ago,  I stood in my oldest son's bedroom, (second floor) looked down at my youngest son practicing hoops.  He is and was a disciplined,  self-motivated, "loving" "rascal",
and when I looked at him, always diligent ,  (mind you he was only 14-ish),  I knew what I wanted
for "ME" .  Depression had consumed me for the bulk of my Life and I poured out my "Heart" to whoever would listen,  "I want, not only what He has, but what has him" _ Somehow, I knew,  I wanted to Love,   but I also wanted   "LOVE-TO-HAVE-ME"!!!!!!  All these years later,  "that's what "IS" inside me.  I DO LOVE,  but better than that,  "LOVE HAS ME",   PEACE has ME,  REST has ME,   JOY has ME,    FAITH has Me,   TRUST has ME,   the list is "ENDLESS". 

 So, in "REALITY",   I want  "nothing",   nothing- at- all.

Now,  now that I do have "everything",  I "can" LIVE",   really LIVE,    like I never knew was possible.  Whether I go to Bermuda,  Indonesia,  the Tropics,  Hawaii,  Singapore,  Australia, Peru,  or stay here, ( that's just geography),    I AM,   in the "happiest" place on "EARTH"  , "HEAVEN - IN- MY- HEART".    Hey,   it is NOT    just a   "cliche",    IT'S NOT,   and I recommend the "investment" that it took for me to "arrive",  in HEAVEN.        <  Yours & my "heart "   is the "CENTER" of- The- Universe  >    READ THAT AGAIN _  < Yours & my "HEART"  (separately of course)  IS the CENTER   of the UNIVERSE >   More important than anything you"ll ever know is   _THAT FACT!

 In our "hearts" is where we "LIVE",  there is "PEACE",  inside !  It will NEVER leave you.
IT'S a "beautiful" morning !!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

LET'S TAKE A TRIP TO BERMUDA (Transportation Golf Cart )

Let's get away from it all ...........:) 

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

Good Morning one & all,

Think I'm tired of  "beautiful",  "heavenly", "serene",  "luscious" Ojai  ?  ......  Well,  I've never been to Bermuda.    It might be nice for a change,  huh?    Have you ..........been to Bermuda ?  The trip I am alluding to is my own little burg of Ojai California in a "GOLF CART" .  Recently I signed up for a Fundraiser Campaign called "GiveForward".    So the long & the short of it is,  they are assisting me in raising enough funds to help me purchase a form of transportation to and from the "grocery store" ,  Doctors, & Dentists.    Most of you know I walk everywhere, and I DO mean everywhere.   I walk many, many miles everyday.   I can and do still do that.    The problem ensuing is "heat" and "rain".   Having a little put-put ( like a "GOLF CART ")  just  would be affordable & "NEAT".    Yeah,  I'm just-a-kid at "heart".  

Back from "town" to my little ole' grass shack....:)

I am including a link for this campaign ( Fundraiser) through   ( TRANSPORTAION (GOLFCART)  The next step for me is to donate  $25  to my own Fundraiser. 

An exciting "future" event for me is to add another dimension to my activities.  I like to sing,  and I have found a small coffee house that has an "open mike"  night on Tuesdays.   It is held at 6:00-7:00 p.m.  My goodness, a "golf cart" is going to make that "DREAM" come true.

Please help out by "spreading the word" to others about this Fundraiser (
TRANSPORTATION (Golf Cart).  Yep, that's mine under the name of Mary Carlson, given name.  I promise I'll post lots of picture and lots of "thanks" for whatever support you contribute.

Bermuda ?   Maybe it will be in my future.  You "never" know. _____ "REAL"  LIFE IS A BIG "Wonderful"   MYSTERY   ___!!!!

I open my "mystery book"  again this bright,  beautiful,  morning with a "song in my heart ",
" YOUR MINE & & WE BELONG TOGETHER" for all eternity !

Til next time .......... 

(_ A Wink & a Smile_).......................................................................................:) 

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

                           "LOVE IN THE AFTERNOON"

This is a picture of my "awesome" friends,  "Vicki" & "Red"

by: Kat Carlson _ author/publisher

Interesting that folks "who" really matter,  are often "found" hiding out at peculiar or let's say,
places you least expected.  Curiosity took me over to the stables,  one day,  & of course I had my 
camera in tow.  That day weeks ago,  this "fabulous" really cute"  woman,  saw that I was interested in the horses in these stables,   and pointed me in the direction of this fella.....

The name I gave him is  "R2D2",  but his other name is "Boomer"

                 In keeping with these TWO guys,  below,........R2D2 was given "top billing"

You remember,  Darth Vadar & Luke Skywalker,  that's what I call them .....

Every day, I have the privilege of coming to the stables close by and get to "greet" "good friends",
these well -behaved,  loving horses.  The animal kingdom definitely contributes something unique for the lives of  HUMANS.    It is more than one can  imagine,   &   it behooves us to get better acquainted.   My LIFE is "richer"  (by far)  than it has ever been.    Today,   Luke & Darth came right up to me and poked their noses thru the fence and wanted a "nudge"  or maybe I'll call it a "nuzzle".   It's  "Honest"  & "Open".  They do not stand on ceremony.    They  JUST ARE,   it's "BEAUTIFUL" !!!

Oh,  I couldn't resist this guy,  I was walking home from Meiner's Oaks, and there HE WAS, ....
 I love it !

             This blog/post today July 15,  2015 was simply an "afternoon delight" ....... for me !

Tell your animal friends you appreciate them,  I know I do _ such "good" hearts especially when they are not being mistreated !!    Our togetherness at "blog time" is always a "treat" for me !

(_A Wink & a Smile_)..........................................................................................:)


Monday, July 13, 2015


* In the interest of our "bodies" & and our "souls",  consider this ......

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

Greetings folks !  "Top of the morning to you,  &  you  &  you " !!

Having been an experimenter in my more advanced years and "ASKING" questions,  lots & lots of them,   I "really" "dug" deep.   I was " insatiable "!   Being "satisfied" DID NOT happen,  just like that !  Some folks told me,  oh, I wouldn't ever ask questions like that,  it's too "deep" !

Today,  I can tell you,  I  AM  s-o-o-o-o "GLAD"  I did  ..ask & ask !   WHO did I ask ?  My answer is this,  "the Universe",  or then I would question this profound voice of "LOVE".   I knew,  I just  "KNEW" !!   But "knowing" also helped me ask more questions.   AUTHORITY or not,  I wanted answers !  And I didn't  stop ... until I was "SATISFIED".  

"SATISFACTION",   ( a precious commodity,  in our "crazy" world.)   You cannot buy it,  can you ?   In fact people still think they can find it in a bottle,  prescription drugs,   food,   work,  "sex" ( although it has a great deal of "significance" , in the production of our bodies "chemistry"_ "ENDORPHINS" produce pleasure,  good for our "hypothalmus" ( in our brains-both pleasure & pain center).     Which brings me to the topic today.

All along the PATH to my own "well-being or healing"I was still curious as to what exactly I was receiving into my LIFE.   Our "LIFELINE" ,  our "BLOOD" ,   is majorly affected by "chemistry",  or our "emotions".   Our  HEART  first ,  "emotions"  prompted by our attitudes,  then "PHYSICALITY"  finally comes into PLAY.    Unfortunately,   I HAD to go way back to my childhood,   but,   you know,  "HEALING" in your "SPIRITS "   first,  meant for me _ not having to hash through "stuff" or "gory details".    The entire process,   was completed by learning to "TRUST".   When that attitude was cemented and yes,   it does become cemented.  ( It did for me)!

You have heard "nothing's"  etched in stone.    Guess what,  "L-O-V-E "  _ "IS" _  etched in something "M-O-R-E "( greater than) stone ...... a   "SUBSTANCE"   ( FAITH,& LOVE,  a substance )  that is impenetrable !   Therefore,   I say to you, this morning,  a  "w-a-y"  to "health" is and always will be through the POWER & SUBSTANCE called "LOVE".   Here I will interject this experience for me,   I experienced   "LOVE" in a "red" light of  ENERGY",  which I "KNEW",  immediately, _ was "L-O-V-E"  itself.    It was and is "personal",    personal sometimes is hard to accept,   but "oh"   "you want to",   "you really do",   _"TRUST ME" !!!    When you "really", "really"  think about it,   "EVERYTHING"  is personal,    one way or another" , _  either you are getting "better" or you are   _ "NOT".    That's "PERSONAL", _ isn't it ??    You & I tend to go with what's "familiar",  but  often , "familiar" is something that you should change.   Familiar can and does come in the form of "SATISFACTION" ...........

                             This is personal ........have an "awesome" day,     friends !!!!! 

(_ A Wink & a Smile_)..........................................................................:)

Thursday, July 9, 2015


Days ago, I started another blog on WordPress "" dedicated to helping out a little with ERGONOMICS

by : yours truly,  Kat Carlson _ author/publisher

Only a few blogs designed toward fixing a toilet that keeps on running,  and one little blog on 
"how to" soothe your heart _  the sound of my clock goes "tick -tock" ,  "tick-tock", "tick tock"
over and over again.  But that very night I WAS able to sleep with that little gadget.  What I am going to say in this blog is about many,  many, things that CAN be fixed,  made, created with little time and money and effortlessly.  I am a sort of " JACKIE" of all trades.............:)  Maybe even a
JACKELYN of all trades.  I use hammers, screwdrivers, tree trimmers, wrenches, ladders,  paint, paint brushes, wheel barrows,  power screwdrivers, drills, etc.  ERGONOMICS,  there are classes in Universities that teach this timely study.  Today's world is in dire need of short-cuts, and money saving tips,  along with the ability to keep up and "have  a life" too. 

Although I tackle a few odd jobs around the house,  I really........
can,.....look,  feel,  talk,  even "SING" like a "GIRL"...........of 75 yrs.

( I have always forgotten to mention,  I AM a Massage Therapist too!...although I am retired ! )

(_A Wink & a Smile_)....................................................:) 

Sunday, July 5, 2015


Me, "doing the make-up" & hair  thing, ( a little anyway),  days ago !  5:30 in the morning,  my shower is over,  getting "spruced up" for my walk up-the-hill and my steady visit to the stables....& picture time !   On the wall near the lamps are my certificates for Massage Therapy!   Oh well, that was when I turned 50 yrs. old !  Only 25 yrs ago!  The pillows in my window help insulate and keep my room warm from cold nights !   Floppy,   one of my "stuffed doggies" is still sitting on my unmade bed !!!

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson _ author/publisher

Good morning everyone,  I am flying "solo",  this morning,  on the "outs" with the usual Master Builder as I once called my Friend and Creator.  Yep, it's true,  we had a spat.   I think I'll just wing it anyway.   I'm a big girl and seem to be doing very nicely on my own !!  

I find that "Independence" is quite refreshing!   I was getting a little bored with it all.  Besides, I suddenly realized ( right this minute) as I write this,  "I AM FREE",  huh?   Yesterday,  I worked outside in the vast yard on this glorious property.   I trimmed trees again,   raked leaves again,   gathered up old oranges lying under trees for centuries......:).   Then I dropped the whole kit-and-kabuttle,  and quit my duty,  to just "do-nothing".   Now,  quite seriously,   I actually DO  love working outdoors.   But I have simply HAD IT for now, anyway......:)   Of course , later,  the trees needed watering and I do some by hand.  The others are on a drip system.  ( All 40+ of them....)
Oh yes, and don't forget the avocados !!   Oh my,  come December,  they are going to taste DELIGHTFUL !!   It has been a while since I had one of mine. "I can't wait"......mmmmmmmmmm !!!

More orange trees here,  but the huge avocado trees are behind them, ... 14 tall trees, yum!

........."IF YOU TRAVEL TO THE WEST,   TAKE,   THE HIGHWAY THAT"S THE BEST,   GET YOUR KICKS ON ROUTE 66 " as sung by Mr. Nat King Cole.   Sound familiar.??    Sorry,   it just popped into my head !  I get carried away.   As you may remember I LIKE MUSIC !!!  It's the BEST !!!
See the horses behind Vicki.  She owns and cares for her "Red" and other horses as well,   at the sables I visit each morning on my walk. Vicki & Red, a pair for my first booklet !

I call them the "DYNAMIC DUO".   My working "title" is  " A "STABLE" ROMANCE !!  The pretty earrings she is wearing ? ...... They are from me.  And along with many other things I do,  I make earrings, and necklaces,  oh yeah !!! .............:)

That's all folks,   "this"  morning ......


(_A Wink & a Smile_)...........................................:)