Monday, July 27, 2015

Hey,  I see someone in this picture,  anyone I know ?   

by: Kat M. Carlson  _ author/publisher

I wrote about the unusual ,  unsettling day I had yesterday in the blog I posted yesterday afternoon.  The night I had,  yes,  again unsettling.  Honestly  folks,  I have had to and am having to answer some pretty "TALL" questions from my,  precious,  bewildered,  precocious, child within.   Oh, the heart-felt, serious "look" at _ WHO AM I_ ???
For me,  I get pretty shaken and testy.    But hey,  you know,  what is,......... "is" ,  huh? 

At one point I got up and cleaned out my refrigerator,  ( well it really needed it),  but also it helped get over the seriousness and accomplish something useful while energy was being called on.  Energy,  that's a subject worth touching upon some day soon.  I'd "love" to do that.  I'm 
passionate about most things,  I mean a lot passionate.  I might  consider toning that down,  if I'm able.   It's worth a look see,  and who knows it might work !

Having worked through some of the tough questions I faced last night and early this morning,
I proceed with more caution,  but not too much,   that's a little difficult to determine,  at this point.    Plans,   however have been made that seem to please my pallet,  (agenda)   so I'll give it a "GO" ..........  and   "trust" the   "PEACE" in-my-heart   to "engineer" the whole outcome of this
day of days.   As I said earlier,   yesterday threw me off-guard,   but there certainly are curves in "LIFE",  _  never let it be said,  that "Life" is dull or easy.  You know something,  naively I thought so,  I did.   Maybe not the dull part,   but the "easy" part ....   it ain't !

Time to navigate this ship,  and test some "heavenly" prepared "waters".    I'll bring you up-to-date,  next time around.

"SHIPS AHOY"............ smooth sailing on this day,   Monday July 27, 2015

I'll trust the "captain of the ship " ?    :)  

( A Wink & a Smile_)...........................................................................................................:)

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