Friday, July 3, 2015

MY INVESTMENT in _ "REAL" estate

Actually,  not the land around me,  BUT the "house" I  live & breathe,  eat & sleep,  think & talk,  move & laugh, shower  & dress, & " EVERYTHING " that is done in my "BODY"

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

My gosh,  there isn't anything I do without my body being included,  huh?  WELL, then,  I am certainly glad,  I am learning to give it the  attention & love,  it both " needs & deserves" !  How could I have abandoned it all these years and never acknowledged or devoted myself  to what it needs and wants ?  In my book,  that's  "ABUSE",   & don't tell me your body does not "know it".

I am just now discovering my body "DOES HAVE" a "VOICE".  Who did I think was screaming in pain about this ache and that pain, etc ?   But,  I didn't tell it,  "I'll take care of you",  now that I am,  and recognize it ( my body ), by listening very closely with compassion,  not what you would call "pity" or "anger" or "resentment" or worse, "self-hatred".  ( I can say all these things because I have been there & done that !)   Now that I do take very good care of it , with  love & devotion,   at first, (believe it or not,)   it did not believe me,  but thankfully said so.  " NOW", we simply work together (collaborate)  and there is love & understanding.  That is MY MIRACLE,   that is "human progress" !!

So I am proud & happy with my current "investment" the "MOST" "important" truly "REAL"  estate  I will "EVER"  invest in !!   And I say this to myself,  " I love you",   the tears begin to fall, ....."HEALING"  takes place ! .........

Yep,  it IS ... a "WONDERFUL WORLD" !!!

 (_A Wink & a Smile_)..................................................:)

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