Tuesday, July 14, 2015



P.  S.  _  end of this blog ( 8/ 15/ 15)   "HOVERCRAFTS"
These humans "travel" by horse,  ( of course, this is just for fun)

This "young" lady travels by "TRAIN"

by:  Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

But,  tonight,  after a birthday phone call from my youngest son, I was awake and so I began a litany of thoughts.  Deep, deep thoughts for myself and my life's vocation ( don't laugh, so I am 75 yrs. old, so what ? )...............:)  On I go with this vein of thought,  I went places in my head,  even I don't believe.  Yep,  it had to do with "MALE,"  "FEMALE" gender specifics and it's relationship to the "LOVE" power,   you know, "unconditional LOVE".   Is it male or female,  ( simply because of the "romantic thing"_view...it's all over the air waves, & LIFE itself alludes to it. )  and what does that have to do with how we (Male) or we (Female) see our own Life's situation.  You know, things like shelter,  food,  clothing ,  in short,  FINANCES !!!!!!  THAT'S a BIG ONE !   HUGE !!   Sorry,  I get carried away sometimes.   But when you & I address this monumental problem,   today's world needs answers.    So, that's what I did for about 2 hours.  I thought,  asked questions,  & went really "deep into the spiritual/mental realm".  

If you have faith ( FAITH IS A SUBSTANCE).......oh, that says it all right there,  yep,  it sure does.
Substances aren't a gender in the first place.  They are non-gender.  BUT,  we think that FAITH comes from GOD, ,  ( but then that "Biggie" you get to figure out for yourself too , ),   and that is where "some of us" get confused.  Is there a slant on GOD'S view
as to whether or not,  Men and Women get equal billing or opportunities.    No doubt this is a subject that has been hashed over again & again,  and will continue !!  I "DO" have more to say on this at a later date.

I "DUG" really deep so  I could get a handle on this subject for me.  It's personal,  you understand ?  It doesn't matter what age you are,  it has to be answered for each individual.
So,  I conclude with this,  after 2 hours of deliberation,  I said to myself,  I have been out here in space with these "thoughts',  so many of them, don't know, if I can find my center.  Of course, I looked right below in my HEART,  and sitting right there with me,  was "PEACE" & "LOVE" &
"REST".  I smiled and said to myself,  "PEACE  &  REST"  were  my  "hovercrafts !!

It's "super "  for an individual to have his or her own  "HOVERCRAFT" ...didn't quite see it that way until tonight !!

HOVERCRAFTS : _ "PEACE"  &  "REST"  &  "LOVE"........ they give us an "edge" over our complicated,   busy  ... "MINDS" !

< P. S.  No doubt "everyone" has discovered by now,   our  "HEARTS" ,  our "SPIRITS" are

what  determines "FREEDOM" ............. I know that my mind gets in-the-way of   "TRUE 

FREEDOM".     It is fantastic to allow myself this "avenue" of  " FAITH "  > 

(_A Wink & a Smile_).........................................................................:)

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