Thursday, July 23, 2015

It's all  good !!

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson) _ author/publisher

Honestly folks,  YESTERDAY,    the "title" of my blog was,  "Let's take a trip to Bermuda".   I had more viewers than ever.    I chuckle,  because,  well,   just "because"..............:)  When I woke up this morning,  I took a trip.   I took a deeper broader view of  "my _ Place of Happiness _ my "home",  _ my "HEART".   Inside me,  is the best place on "Earth",  "HEAVEN".  If you think I am kidding,  "trust me",   not a chance !  

One morning,  years ago,  I stood in my oldest son's bedroom, (second floor) looked down at my youngest son practicing hoops.  He is and was a disciplined,  self-motivated, "loving" "rascal",
and when I looked at him, always diligent ,  (mind you he was only 14-ish),  I knew what I wanted
for "ME" .  Depression had consumed me for the bulk of my Life and I poured out my "Heart" to whoever would listen,  "I want, not only what He has, but what has him" _ Somehow, I knew,  I wanted to Love,   but I also wanted   "LOVE-TO-HAVE-ME"!!!!!!  All these years later,  "that's what "IS" inside me.  I DO LOVE,  but better than that,  "LOVE HAS ME",   PEACE has ME,  REST has ME,   JOY has ME,    FAITH has Me,   TRUST has ME,   the list is "ENDLESS". 

 So, in "REALITY",   I want  "nothing",   nothing- at- all.

Now,  now that I do have "everything",  I "can" LIVE",   really LIVE,    like I never knew was possible.  Whether I go to Bermuda,  Indonesia,  the Tropics,  Hawaii,  Singapore,  Australia, Peru,  or stay here, ( that's just geography),    I AM,   in the "happiest" place on "EARTH"  , "HEAVEN - IN- MY- HEART".    Hey,   it is NOT    just a   "cliche",    IT'S NOT,   and I recommend the "investment" that it took for me to "arrive",  in HEAVEN.        <  Yours & my "heart "   is the "CENTER" of- The- Universe  >    READ THAT AGAIN _  < Yours & my "HEART"  (separately of course)  IS the CENTER   of the UNIVERSE >   More important than anything you"ll ever know is   _THAT FACT!

 In our "hearts" is where we "LIVE",  there is "PEACE",  inside !  It will NEVER leave you.
IT'S a "beautiful" morning !!

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