Sunday, July 5, 2015


Me, "doing the make-up" & hair  thing, ( a little anyway),  days ago !  5:30 in the morning,  my shower is over,  getting "spruced up" for my walk up-the-hill and my steady visit to the stables....& picture time !   On the wall near the lamps are my certificates for Massage Therapy!   Oh well, that was when I turned 50 yrs. old !  Only 25 yrs ago!  The pillows in my window help insulate and keep my room warm from cold nights !   Floppy,   one of my "stuffed doggies" is still sitting on my unmade bed !!!

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson _ author/publisher

Good morning everyone,  I am flying "solo",  this morning,  on the "outs" with the usual Master Builder as I once called my Friend and Creator.  Yep, it's true,  we had a spat.   I think I'll just wing it anyway.   I'm a big girl and seem to be doing very nicely on my own !!  

I find that "Independence" is quite refreshing!   I was getting a little bored with it all.  Besides, I suddenly realized ( right this minute) as I write this,  "I AM FREE",  huh?   Yesterday,  I worked outside in the vast yard on this glorious property.   I trimmed trees again,   raked leaves again,   gathered up old oranges lying under trees for centuries......:).   Then I dropped the whole kit-and-kabuttle,  and quit my duty,  to just "do-nothing".   Now,  quite seriously,   I actually DO  love working outdoors.   But I have simply HAD IT for now, anyway......:)   Of course , later,  the trees needed watering and I do some by hand.  The others are on a drip system.  ( All 40+ of them....)
Oh yes, and don't forget the avocados !!   Oh my,  come December,  they are going to taste DELIGHTFUL !!   It has been a while since I had one of mine. "I can't wait"......mmmmmmmmmm !!!

More orange trees here,  but the huge avocado trees are behind them, ... 14 tall trees, yum!

........."IF YOU TRAVEL TO THE WEST,   TAKE,   THE HIGHWAY THAT"S THE BEST,   GET YOUR KICKS ON ROUTE 66 " as sung by Mr. Nat King Cole.   Sound familiar.??    Sorry,   it just popped into my head !  I get carried away.   As you may remember I LIKE MUSIC !!!  It's the BEST !!!
See the horses behind Vicki.  She owns and cares for her "Red" and other horses as well,   at the sables I visit each morning on my walk. Vicki & Red, a pair for my first booklet !

I call them the "DYNAMIC DUO".   My working "title" is  " A "STABLE" ROMANCE !!  The pretty earrings she is wearing ? ...... They are from me.  And along with many other things I do,  I make earrings, and necklaces,  oh yeah !!! .............:)

That's all folks,   "this"  morning ......


(_A Wink & a Smile_)...........................................:)   

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