Wednesday, July 15, 2015

                           "LOVE IN THE AFTERNOON"

This is a picture of my "awesome" friends,  "Vicki" & "Red"

by: Kat Carlson _ author/publisher

Interesting that folks "who" really matter,  are often "found" hiding out at peculiar or let's say,
places you least expected.  Curiosity took me over to the stables,  one day,  & of course I had my 
camera in tow.  That day weeks ago,  this "fabulous" really cute"  woman,  saw that I was interested in the horses in these stables,   and pointed me in the direction of this fella.....

The name I gave him is  "R2D2",  but his other name is "Boomer"

                 In keeping with these TWO guys,  below,........R2D2 was given "top billing"

You remember,  Darth Vadar & Luke Skywalker,  that's what I call them .....

Every day, I have the privilege of coming to the stables close by and get to "greet" "good friends",
these well -behaved,  loving horses.  The animal kingdom definitely contributes something unique for the lives of  HUMANS.    It is more than one can  imagine,   &   it behooves us to get better acquainted.   My LIFE is "richer"  (by far)  than it has ever been.    Today,   Luke & Darth came right up to me and poked their noses thru the fence and wanted a "nudge"  or maybe I'll call it a "nuzzle".   It's  "Honest"  & "Open".  They do not stand on ceremony.    They  JUST ARE,   it's "BEAUTIFUL" !!!

Oh,  I couldn't resist this guy,  I was walking home from Meiner's Oaks, and there HE WAS, ....
 I love it !

             This blog/post today July 15,  2015 was simply an "afternoon delight" ....... for me !

Tell your animal friends you appreciate them,  I know I do _ such "good" hearts especially when they are not being mistreated !!    Our togetherness at "blog time" is always a "treat" for me !

(_A Wink & a Smile_)..........................................................................................:)


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