Sunday, July 26, 2015

Here I am again,  pumpin' iron (or wood)...........:)  Hey folks,  not really,   just a gimmick,   BUT,   I surely did "LOAD" up those there logs,   yep,   sure as shootin'........

by: Kat M. Carlson _author/publisher

Ah Life,  can't live with it and can't live without it !   Oh, you know, once in a while,  we run into snags,  at least I do.  A for instance is,  when I figure out how to make money writing,  that will make-my-day.  For almost a year I have looked up on the internet and TRIED a whole lot of ways to monetize this medium for me.  But,  I  WILL,   find a way,  I  "WILL". 

Right now,  in the works I am planning to write my first book.  This October I begin the interview process.  The story is very "sweet" about a gal & "HER"  special  horse named "RED".  Many people will be able to relate and also take away something from it that will inspire their own lives.

Red is quite a "handsome" guy,  I say, (although he is NOT quite this red in reality,  but lots & lots of pictures have been taken of one so special ..........

But this blog is about "the information highway".  Five years ago,  at age 70,  my brother in Idaho got me my very first laptop (computer).  Another brother ( I only have four brothers),  came to see me,  and being-in-the-business,  "taught me " a cursory course on "how - to" use a computer.  Well,  I took to it like a duck to water.  Unbelievable and I was a "happy camper".

Later, around two years later,  after writing family and friends,  I had a strong desire to write blogs.  Still I didn't try for another two years and then my oldest son suggested that I write a blog. That was all it took.  I then set up my own web site and have always done so.  No "hosting" for me.  That just might change though.   Still looking for a way to monetize my "passion" !  ( What's that saying , what you "LOVE' and the money will follow ? )

Of course,  there's always brick laying & loading up cut tree logs,  yep,  that was me that did  all that...:)

 However, as much as I enjoy this sort of thing,  I'll stick to writing,  _thank you very much !!

Outside this day,  I decided to "work" and take in the breathtaking view !   LIFE  is " AWESOME" !!  So much to see & do.  Don't you just love it ?

"HAPPY SUNDAY" in every part of the "WORLD" ....................

(_A Wink & a Smile_).............................................................................:),,,,  ( archives 2014-2015) http:// ( I Support Life & Living Words)  

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