Friday, July 10, 2015

A TOPIC _ for this Friday,  July 10, 2015  "ORGANIZED" 

by: Kat Carlson _ authorized/publisher

To begin,  I am organized,  yes, I have always been.   BUT,  what compelled me to write about this topic,  has way more to do with my "inner-LIFE".  I "FIRMLY" believe,  when one has taken-to-task,  the practices of how one administers , manages,  all one's "HEALTH",  mental & definitely, "PHYSICAL" ( such as what I eat , too ),   "every facet"  of one's "entire" SELF !  Doing this daily, creates "healthy organs",  see where I am going with this.?     What I do ("practice") inside & outside,   just quite  simply keeps those tissues (organs) "HEALTHY".  See,  the consequences ARE  "everything" "ORGAN-IZED"   or also this concept   "ORDER".    There is "ORDER" in our "UNIVERSE" , "THANKFULLY" !!!!    Teaching one's "SELF" to have an actual mental picture of ALL  the  ORGANS inside the BODY,    I am able to "SEE" (visualize) my own.   Pretty darn good thing too!  _ " NO SURPRISES & NO BLAMING SOMETHING , OR ,  SOMEONE else."  Having "control" of "ME" is a "VERY SWEET" experience.  ( That "MAY"even be why,  I DON'T have "DIABETES" )...... ya' know ?  No,  really go ahead and give this lots of consideration !!!!

Keep this "TRUTH" in front of you,  know this, " IF NOT ME,  then who ? 

 OUR ORGANS,  like "IDAHO potatoes"  have "eyes" ....  well,......:),   when you do have eyes -to -see"inside " you,  things change for the better,  right ? 

LIFE IS GOOD,  and even better when you are good ( considerate) to it

I'll take a few days off,   friends,  "GOING TO GLENDALE,  CA  on AM TRAK,  "
I have a Birthday Celebration Party Combo to "happily" attend,  with GOOD FRIENDS,  Saturday & Sunday,  July 11 & 12 

  _" ALL ABOARD" !!  _  Wanta'  go with  me ?  ......:)

(_A Wink & a Smile_).........................................................:) 

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