Sunday, July 19, 2015

WORKING makes for a "happy" SOUL

My front yard on one of my off days ,  (off from hard labor),   ya gotta admit, this us where "all Life" can flourish

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson _ author/publisher

Now, I can actually add "laborer" because I have been digging holes for brick laying ,  and of course I am lifting and laying them.  I didn't know it was so "strategic".  The soil underneath has to be "just right", dimension wise,  deep enough, wide enough,  and then keeping it in that state until the brick ( 9" x 9") fits exactly.    I am telling you,  it "feels" good to have to stay with it,  sweat pouring down your face & all.    Many times ,   after it was positioned and laid,   dirt back over it all,  I started over again.    Hey,  < satisfaction, >   is a "holy" thing.    Honestly,  it "truly is" !

Trees are plentiful and naturally,  they all have _  leaves,  leaves,  leaves,  that _  fall,  fall,  fall!    I have two wheelbarrows that fill up quickly.    I was born on a farm,   ( in Kentucky),    but was 5yrs. old when we moved to Indiana.    So I was raised a city "girl".   Each summer,   however,  my Aunt & Uncle asked me to come live with them.    That was so special.   And guess what, they had no children of their own.   I fed chickens, played with & fed the pigs,  ( slopped the hogs),  spent time in the smokehouse where the hams stayed.   We had a cistern for pumping water.

What I am saying,  is,  living the way folks live in this community,   uplifts and makes life richer by far.   That definitely makes me feel better,  body and soul.   Just didn't know I could do all these things and I am thrilled to be able to.   Seems as though I also have all the right tools,  blunt-cut-shovel,  pointed shove,  axe and pick,  tree-trimmers,  yeah,  they are all in my possession.     I forgot to mention, pulling weeds.     Yep,  I do that too.    You probably can guess that I sleep "very, very" well at night.

Sometimes, though I do get up,  and sometimes I look outside at the "gorgeous" stars.  Well, it IS "KISMET"  ,  folks.    No need for drinking,  drugs,  (prescription or otherwise).    Someday I might buy a TV,   __  "might" !  .......................:) 

I know you are "just hankering" for a place in the country,   aren't you ?    Well ,  "happy days" are here again !!   Look again at the picture of my "front yard".  pretty, isn't it ?

I "love" this place ..........

(_ A Wink & a Smile_)...............................................................................................:) 

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