Sunday, July 12, 2015


I'm back .......from Glendale, CA.  The party was a time of "getting together and talking about "old times"  
by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

I moved back to my  beautiful,  sweet,  adorable, "happy" home here in Ojai in May 2015.  Seems like a lot longer.  My time here has mushroomed and so many fabulous things have happened that makes this place for me, "the happiest place on earth".  

Visiting my old "haunt" in Glendale yesterday didn't bring back the wonderful memories I use to have. That being said,  I am "glad" to be back here in my own home this morning. I remind myself, that I can and will visit those fond memories whenever I choose in my "head".

Being back with "dear" friends,  DID help me "draw-a-line" in the sand regarding "relationships",   meaning,  time marches on, my life has changed.  I learned who to LOVE, but more like,  who I am going to invest "time" and "emotions" in.   Some old & some new "delightful",  "dependable" "hearts" have entered/re-entered my "world" and I am deeply "grateful" for them. ........:)  Just a fact that they have reached a level of life time connections
& quality.

Well, this IS my blog and often that's what people who write blogs do, write down what might be 
visiting our brains, especially this early in the morning. I got home late yesterday to "home sweet home"  very "HAPPY" to be living here in this "fantastic" place.

Trains are such an "awesome" experience.  Taking the train has been comfortable, expedient, and a way to meet people from all walks of life.  Conductors temperaments "vary" but I can't say enough about how pleasant and helpful most of them are.  So, "kudos", to them, & "hats off to them all,  male "&" female.

I close with this "happy" anticipatory"  thought,   I'm looking forward to pushing open my sliding glass door on this "gorgeous" land, where I enjoy my "freedom", and "EXPLORE" all the vistas I have at my opportunity.  

I recommend the "train", it sometimes takes you where you didn't expect to go, but perhaps need to anyway!
I have a place called "HOME" how GREAT is that? 
MEANWHILE,  back-at-the RANCH,  "Welcome,  friends !!!! 

Have a "wonderful",  "exciting" ,  "SUNDAY",  July 12, 2015 ! 

(_ A Wink & a Smile_)..................................................................:),  http:lilymakesmesmile,com, ( _ archives 10/14 - 1/15 by Kat Carlson )  ( I Support Life) & (Living Words)

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