Thursday, July 2, 2015


From the " first time " I saw this image,  I became so enamored with it,  nice picture,  don't you think ? 

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

So "HEARTLAND" is my choice this morning for a title,  ( I always call them "working titles", because I never know where I am going to go with any of them).  Sure does make my "work" interesting,  well,  at least it does for me.

When I woke up,  something didn't click in my mind or state-of-being.  I needed "freshness",  I
journey "so many"  places during the day ... ( in my head, & in my LIFE).  It is SOOO rich in nature,  and I am challenged by many different kind of relationships.  This morning,  when I saw I was not my usual self,  a bit weary,  I sought the quiet vigilance once again , reaching for , well, honestly, I really didn't know what I "WAS " searching for,  that complete "honesty", although risky as it was,   took me to a  FABULOUS  place,  in my  HEART & MIND.  I turned on a music station that I rarely listen to,  it was ROGER WILLIAMS music.  There I "traveled" and soared in my experiential,  feeling level There was "great" conversation & insight,  and I faced myself and what my challenges are this day.  Incredibly,  I began to "see" and "desire" my very own current place & experience here & now.   As my thoughts & mind & heart, "journeyed",   I honed in on this title "HEARTLAND".  OJAI is my "HEARTLAND".

One of the pieces of music  I heard on Roger Williams station was the score from "THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA", I said,   it was sort of "other-worldly"  for me,  genres that were quite different.   and then I had had enough, and decided to settle into this awesome country "LIFE ",   with temperatures soaring to 90's and 100's.  That situation,  in itself,  can be and is challenging.  So back to "lovely,  lovely" & "beautiful"  OJAI, CA. , and another day of unfolding mysteries & joyous "heart-felt" relationships ( all walks of life-type, relationships) 

Our worlds vary,  but we all need "LOVE" , "ACCEPTANCE" & "UNDERSTANDING"

(_A Wink & a Smile_)..............................................................:)

You will no doubt find a new & different type of blog , me KAT,  on WordPress once again.  I began something there yesterday called  IS SHE OR IS SHE NOT ?    It will be directed toward around-the-house type of goodies, & may shed light on "how-to's" !  ..........................................:)

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