Saturday, July 25, 2015


 KNOW WHO'S COMING ............

That would be "me"..........:) 

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

The entire time I have been rejoicing about this "great"  "LIFE & LOVE"  of mine,  it looks like I had not yet discovered this new "whole" complete "ME" ( inside & out).  This morning in the bed even before I got up and in the shower,  while i was dressing, and during my "coffee time",  I was literally getting acquainted with "myself" on a level that amazed "Me".    After 75 yrs,  I thought I knew "ME".   Turns out,  there's some "new"things  (aspects about me)  I am discovering.  And it is _ very pleasant,  (believe it or not). 

This exchange at breakfast was the exact same thing,  as inviting and important guest, relaxed and then continuing to ask questions to "learn" more about them.   It came as a complete surprise,  but one that I am  "happy and so very comfortable"  with.   Well,  who knew ? 

So as I have said often in my blogs,  "the mystery continues to unfold".   It's a beautifulbeautiful  experience,   this extraordinary thing called  "LIFE".    75 years old and it's brand new for me.   Become all you can "BE" .........   There's  MORE  in "YOU" & "ME"  ........  lots "MORE" to discover ,  love &  <"ENJOY">.    In every possible way,   physically,    financially,   mentally,   &  spiritually ,   "there's a "great deal more to "experience".   The complete picture is yet unfolding  for me,.......  it's how LIFE was meant to be for me !!!!   

Yesterday, I went shopping at Target's ( department store in Ventura, CA),  I bought a cute shirt, this morning I put it on, and then I read it, it says "HAMMOCK,  _SUNSHINE, _ NO PLANS, PERFECTION._"  on it.  I grinned from ear to ear.  _ "ALRIGHT"....   I'll drink to that !!!

"JOY",   that's it,   what a "THRILL" !!!     Get "linked" to IT  !!

Find a song today that "fills" you with "JOY"...  

One that does that for me is   " YOU'LL NEVER FIND   A LOVE LIKE MINE,   someone who

 loves you tender like I do ",  by Mr. Lou Rawls............... he's awesome (was) !   Well,  another one by him , I 

like  is  " LADY LOVE"     Ever hear those songs ?  There's this one.... by Mr. Nat King Cole..... 

THE VERY THOUHT OF YOU, and I forget to do, the ordinary things that everyone ought to do,

I'm  living in a kind of daydream,   I'm happy as a king,   but foolish though it may seem, 

to me you're everything,  WOW,  that's powerful !

(_A Wink & a Smile"_).......................................................................................:)

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