Wednesday, July 29, 2015

WHAT'S THAT YOU SAY.....I'm supposed to "feel GOOD" ?

Guess what I discovered ?   

by : Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

In the last few weeks,  I have been feeling "funky".   For some time I have been on top of the WORLD,  and knowing that "wholeness" is without a doubt my gift from GOD,  my "destiny",
it was a little disconcerting to be having such a "negative" feeling.  Still, I am and was aware,  that deep down in my "soul", "healing is/was taking place.

The "kicker" is this,  our "BODIES" expect sickness,  GUYS,  we are "BORN" with that 
expectation,  WE are all born with defective genes  !!!!!   < HEAR that ?  >  Our own "souls" are
"hiding out "  in our genes ( blood stream),    that we were given at "BIRTH". 

I've always believed my own body has a voice !  When I heard it say,  "you mean you "WANT" me to feel good ?  Such an awareness,  and probably ( nah, not probably), all of "US" expect,  sickness & disease.  OF course we do.  How could we NOT ?   It comes with our "original"
"guide book"  _ our GENES.     Our sub conscious has this "PROGRAMMED" at the onset.
People often wonder " Why couldn't I get better ?  I tried this and this and it just didn't take hold
or it simply didn't "WORK" !!!!!!!  Believe this,   I "heard" my own "rebel" against feeling good or me,  giving it positive strokes.  Of course I back off,  giving it time to reconsider.  No pushing or forcing, but "compassion DOES work.  "  There is no substitute for GENUINENESS or HONESTY.    But  "GLORY BE",   It is "AWESOME",  isn't it ? 

 Having "broken that "CODE",    Now anything is possible,  "ANYTHING"Start "treating your own BODY like the "special" gift it is,   the results will be a well-oiled and "Happy",
"MACHINE" !!!  By this TIME I am certain,  we all know that we are "WHOLE",  everything works together as a whole BEING.

So I am stoked,  "EVERYONE",   I "DO" hope this brings someone "excellent news today"  !!!!


(Think about it,  there "REALLY,"  "IS " something "deep down" that quite simply does not want to and cannot want to FEEL GOOD) .   Years ago I  said this to that claim  (you do not want to feel good),  I said "WELL,   I "WANT " TO "WANT TO".   Covering all your bases "does WORK" !!!  Go to BAT for YOURSELF.

(_A Wink & a Smile_).......................................................................:) 

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