Thursday, July 9, 2015

Now, "truth" be told, ........I am really just a scare-dy Kat more times than I admit !

by: Kat Carlson  _author/publisher

Yep,  often I "go-out-on-a-limb" get rather bold,  speak out (and other things) and boom,  there I am, right smack dab in the middle of a "crisis".  Of course one of my own making,  who else is there ?  I kind of like this picture,  I'm pretty comfortable taking pictures and posting them,  mostly of others,  lately !!   Like these gorgeous horses .......

Red,  my friend Vicki"s horse is her charge alone now for 10 years.  He was being put down, and she "fell" for him ! Brought him home for a few months or maybe more,  but DID NOT ever expect this "duo" to last that long.

Here is the "two of them",  ever faithful Vicki, right by his side,  feeding & cleaning & sometimes riding,  every single day of the year,  twice a day ( at least) !  Hot weather or not, & of course "cold" weather as well.  Hooray for my gal pal !!!!   I'm not done telling this story......

Vicki also cleans several other stables,  this is who I named "Darthvadar"

Here in the exact same corral, is Darth's pal,  Luke Skywalker..........:)  That name,  because of the "light" stripe
Darthvadar,  because he is well,  "DARK"

* "R2D2" may just be in my next blog.  Oh yes, I have him,  folks !

* Savor the "moments" you "have"  during this visit to our planet,  _ Earth !!

(_A Wink & a Smile_)....................................................................:)


  1. Today (8/16/15) , I am borrowing this spot to post on. My laptop & I will return asap,
    Just read through some old posts. Interesting ho I learn stuff from them. Maybe
    I'll start by reading some more!

    Enjoy SUNDAY _(Aug . 16, 2015)
    Kat (Mary) Carlson__author/publisher

  2. Today 11/20/19 : with posts from others walks of life, I ‘ve learned to love appreciate
    the animal kingdom more & more ! Getting a dog would the first I ‘d do, if I lived alone again !
