Showing posts with label LOVE ...Set me FREE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LOVE ...Set me FREE. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 15, 2015



by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson   _ author/publisher

I'll bet I get lots of readers based on this topic ? ................:)   But,  just as quickly,  they are likely to buff-aw it and move on.  No matter !  The news I have discovered first-hand will not be readily received.  

Are you listening to your body ?  Is it telling you "what-to-do" ?  It probably is !  In fact it has to tell someone.  Do you know why?   BECAUSE,  it doesn't know EITHER.   And when you hurt, obviously,   you & I seek "HELP"!    And then of course,   you are compelled to seek someone ( ?????) who does know,  right ?   If you are "extremely lucky",   you'll find that "someone" after what (?),  numerous tries and " humungus  tests, & lab work,  x-rays,  MRI's , and so on and so on.  Prescriptions will be issued,  "try this" for a month,  etc,  etc,  etc,  etc,  etc.   By now,  you should be well !  What,  don't tell me you're not !!

If you are not tired of this,  then that will basically continue for your entire LIFE.  Probably will anyway, because you have not found out,  that "YOU" are "NOT" your body.   If our own bodies did have authority,  then in all these jillions of years,  we wouldn't be sick.  The very first complaint would be accurate ,  wouldn't it?   If not the first then the next and so on.  The system we have now does not work !

Obesity for instance,  would not be prevalent and is even on the rise until,  it can't even stop itself.
During the recent months,  years,  I have had the good insight to blow their cover into these demands placed on me,  and hear them "speak" out loud in a horribly demanding voice.  Hearing yourself,  can FREE you !   I realize most folks DON'T hear the command ( yes,  it's a command -unheard message) and we can't decipher the code.  With obesity and all other ills,  there is a code ( like a micro -chip),  & it "will be obeyed" !!  "It's not your fault " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm not touting a new method,  religion or anything of that nature.   It's has become my awareness and my own determination to take charge of my own needs.   I " CHOSE " to do that ! You can "toss" around this information,   I am just passing it on ! 

 It may just behoove you to "give this some thought" !  ? ? 

The "malady" I surrendered wasn't obesity !  

Nevertheless,  it gives it's messages through our very own flesh.   Do whatever you have to do,
to get to know "YOU" !!

(_A Wink & a Smile_)...................................................................:) 

Saturday, July 25, 2015


 KNOW WHO'S COMING ............

That would be "me"..........:) 

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

The entire time I have been rejoicing about this "great"  "LIFE & LOVE"  of mine,  it looks like I had not yet discovered this new "whole" complete "ME" ( inside & out).  This morning in the bed even before I got up and in the shower,  while i was dressing, and during my "coffee time",  I was literally getting acquainted with "myself" on a level that amazed "Me".    After 75 yrs,  I thought I knew "ME".   Turns out,  there's some "new"things  (aspects about me)  I am discovering.  And it is _ very pleasant,  (believe it or not). 

This exchange at breakfast was the exact same thing,  as inviting and important guest, relaxed and then continuing to ask questions to "learn" more about them.   It came as a complete surprise,  but one that I am  "happy and so very comfortable"  with.   Well,  who knew ? 

So as I have said often in my blogs,  "the mystery continues to unfold".   It's a beautifulbeautiful  experience,   this extraordinary thing called  "LIFE".    75 years old and it's brand new for me.   Become all you can "BE" .........   There's  MORE  in "YOU" & "ME"  ........  lots "MORE" to discover ,  love &  <"ENJOY">.    In every possible way,   physically,    financially,   mentally,   &  spiritually ,   "there's a "great deal more to "experience".   The complete picture is yet unfolding  for me,.......  it's how LIFE was meant to be for me !!!!   

Yesterday, I went shopping at Target's ( department store in Ventura, CA),  I bought a cute shirt, this morning I put it on, and then I read it, it says "HAMMOCK,  _SUNSHINE, _ NO PLANS, PERFECTION._"  on it.  I grinned from ear to ear.  _ "ALRIGHT"....   I'll drink to that !!!

"JOY",   that's it,   what a "THRILL" !!!     Get "linked" to IT  !!

Find a song today that "fills" you with "JOY"...  

One that does that for me is   " YOU'LL NEVER FIND   A LOVE LIKE MINE,   someone who

 loves you tender like I do ",  by Mr. Lou Rawls............... he's awesome (was) !   Well,  another one by him , I 

like  is  " LADY LOVE"     Ever hear those songs ?  There's this one.... by Mr. Nat King Cole..... 

THE VERY THOUHT OF YOU, and I forget to do, the ordinary things that everyone ought to do,

I'm  living in a kind of daydream,   I'm happy as a king,   but foolish though it may seem, 

to me you're everything,  WOW,  that's powerful !

(_A Wink & a Smile"_).......................................................................................:)

Thursday, July 23, 2015

It's all  good !!

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson) _ author/publisher

Honestly folks,  YESTERDAY,    the "title" of my blog was,  "Let's take a trip to Bermuda".   I had more viewers than ever.    I chuckle,  because,  well,   just "because"..............:)  When I woke up this morning,  I took a trip.   I took a deeper broader view of  "my _ Place of Happiness _ my "home",  _ my "HEART".   Inside me,  is the best place on "Earth",  "HEAVEN".  If you think I am kidding,  "trust me",   not a chance !  

One morning,  years ago,  I stood in my oldest son's bedroom, (second floor) looked down at my youngest son practicing hoops.  He is and was a disciplined,  self-motivated, "loving" "rascal",
and when I looked at him, always diligent ,  (mind you he was only 14-ish),  I knew what I wanted
for "ME" .  Depression had consumed me for the bulk of my Life and I poured out my "Heart" to whoever would listen,  "I want, not only what He has, but what has him" _ Somehow, I knew,  I wanted to Love,   but I also wanted   "LOVE-TO-HAVE-ME"!!!!!!  All these years later,  "that's what "IS" inside me.  I DO LOVE,  but better than that,  "LOVE HAS ME",   PEACE has ME,  REST has ME,   JOY has ME,    FAITH has Me,   TRUST has ME,   the list is "ENDLESS". 

 So, in "REALITY",   I want  "nothing",   nothing- at- all.

Now,  now that I do have "everything",  I "can" LIVE",   really LIVE,    like I never knew was possible.  Whether I go to Bermuda,  Indonesia,  the Tropics,  Hawaii,  Singapore,  Australia, Peru,  or stay here, ( that's just geography),    I AM,   in the "happiest" place on "EARTH"  , "HEAVEN - IN- MY- HEART".    Hey,   it is NOT    just a   "cliche",    IT'S NOT,   and I recommend the "investment" that it took for me to "arrive",  in HEAVEN.        <  Yours & my "heart "   is the "CENTER" of- The- Universe  >    READ THAT AGAIN _  < Yours & my "HEART"  (separately of course)  IS the CENTER   of the UNIVERSE >   More important than anything you"ll ever know is   _THAT FACT!

 In our "hearts" is where we "LIVE",  there is "PEACE",  inside !  It will NEVER leave you.
IT'S a "beautiful" morning !!

Monday, July 20, 2015

Is this "really" Southern California ?   It just keeps on "RAINING " with temperatures of 99 degrees. 

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

My topic " Day by Day",  has to do with each & everyday,  I wake up,   yawn,   stretch,  make a trip to the "little girls room"  open (or close) windows,   step outside and touch "nature" with a greeting,  pour a cup of java,  sit down at my laptop and see "what unfolds".  My entire Life consists of  "what mystery will unfold" today ?  There are NO fixed plans.   Simply none.

It didn't use to be that way.   But it is my constant "delight" to get to experience  new and fun things  that could probably only thrill me,  and definitely does alright.  The very best thing I experience along with new adventures is the  "PEACE"  that accompanies/carries me.   A better companion,  could not "EVER" be found.    Among other things,  I have "strength" , performing tasks  that make me scratch my head and say to myself,    "I don't believe I just did that !"  Designing and creating just sometimes blows my mind.   I say to myself,  "how did I do that or know that ?"  _  Answer : " I don't know",  EVERY TIME !!!!

Often simply ,  there are "shortcuts",  lots of them,   just a  "smarter,   simpler,  less expensive  way",   to perform something that use to be harder /more expensive !    That too I relish and "naturally" look forward to.   I get to say to myself,   " I  LIKE  ME" !!!    Yeah,  I really do that !    If that is a "normal" daily experience for you,   then I am just a late bloomer,  but hey,  who cares,  better late than never!!

My "DAY" is just beginning,  "I  LOOK  FORWARD  TO  IT" .....................

The avocados are "growing" and they are " SO " good.   Looks like I will be doing "more" weeding soon !

 In a "large" nursery type pot,  ( needs to be transplanted),  is a "FIG" tree.  The oranges
 are sweet and juicy.  Now,  for my breakfast,  think I'll have  an "orange,  oatmeal, with blueberries,  honey and plain yogurt ".   Oh yes,  sometimes for a snack later,   I have sourdough bread made with rosemary and olive oil,  topped with melted sharp cheddar cheese!   Sound good ?

I'm ready for "life" to unfold 

Thanks you for visiting me today................

(_A Wink & a Smile_).................................................................................................. :)

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


P.  S.  _  end of this blog ( 8/ 15/ 15)   "HOVERCRAFTS"
These humans "travel" by horse,  ( of course, this is just for fun)

This "young" lady travels by "TRAIN"

by:  Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

But,  tonight,  after a birthday phone call from my youngest son, I was awake and so I began a litany of thoughts.  Deep, deep thoughts for myself and my life's vocation ( don't laugh, so I am 75 yrs. old, so what ? )...............:)  On I go with this vein of thought,  I went places in my head,  even I don't believe.  Yep,  it had to do with "MALE,"  "FEMALE" gender specifics and it's relationship to the "LOVE" power,   you know, "unconditional LOVE".   Is it male or female,  ( simply because of the "romantic thing"'s all over the air waves, & LIFE itself alludes to it. )  and what does that have to do with how we (Male) or we (Female) see our own Life's situation.  You know, things like shelter,  food,  clothing ,  in short,  FINANCES !!!!!!  THAT'S a BIG ONE !   HUGE !!   Sorry,  I get carried away sometimes.   But when you & I address this monumental problem,   today's world needs answers.    So, that's what I did for about 2 hours.  I thought,  asked questions,  & went really "deep into the spiritual/mental realm".  

If you have faith ( FAITH IS A SUBSTANCE).......oh, that says it all right there,  yep,  it sure does.
Substances aren't a gender in the first place.  They are non-gender.  BUT,  we think that FAITH comes from GOD, ,  ( but then that "Biggie" you get to figure out for yourself too , ),   and that is where "some of us" get confused.  Is there a slant on GOD'S view
as to whether or not,  Men and Women get equal billing or opportunities.    No doubt this is a subject that has been hashed over again & again,  and will continue !!  I "DO" have more to say on this at a later date.

I "DUG" really deep so  I could get a handle on this subject for me.  It's personal,  you understand ?  It doesn't matter what age you are,  it has to be answered for each individual.
So,  I conclude with this,  after 2 hours of deliberation,  I said to myself,  I have been out here in space with these "thoughts',  so many of them, don't know, if I can find my center.  Of course, I looked right below in my HEART,  and sitting right there with me,  was "PEACE" & "LOVE" &
"REST".  I smiled and said to myself,  "PEACE  &  REST"  were  my  "hovercrafts !!

It's "super "  for an individual to have his or her own  "HOVERCRAFT" ...didn't quite see it that way until tonight !!

HOVERCRAFTS : _ "PEACE"  &  "REST"  &  "LOVE"........ they give us an "edge" over our complicated,   busy  ... "MINDS" !

< P. S.  No doubt "everyone" has discovered by now,   our  "HEARTS" ,  our "SPIRITS" are

what  determines "FREEDOM" ............. I know that my mind gets in-the-way of   "TRUE 

FREEDOM".     It is fantastic to allow myself this "avenue" of  " FAITH "  > 

(_A Wink & a Smile_).........................................................................:)

Wednesday, July 8, 2015


This is the pic I selected for "this" topic.... 

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

A topic of this nature "may" be "rejected",  once I expound on it.  But,  here goes !  I am somewhat of a dare-devil !  Have taken many routes that are unpopular,  and have accomplished a "great" deal.  So, this is it. 

The "whole" of mankind & the man vs. woman delima from the garden of Eden, (let's say), the
"real" issues are derived from sexuality.  Which carries over in the "financial" world,  based on 
gender.  Gender has to do with our body parts and their use.  I'm sorry,  I know, it's kind of off-the-wall sounding,  maybe it won't (penetrate),  oh my, that's "THE" word,   of course.  Anyway, this entire issue,  "dominance" vs "dominance",  has gotten into our psyche's and prevented you & me from "utter freedom"  and/or "wholeness".   Wholeness is offered to us in the name of "LOVE",  and that is where the confusion lies.  My only experience with "LOVE" is the same as the rest of us,  human love.  God's "LOVE",  although it is "loving and romantic,  it is that and "then some !!!!    I DO NOT  believe GOD is a man or a woman.   There,  that's what I mean.   That may be what causes  the confusion,   when you are ready to come to completion in your ready to "Live & Move & Have Your Being "  as was stated by GOD as what we have & are in Jesus Christ.    Understand,    that "Freedom"  is meant for now,    in this lifetime.  "My God shall supply "ALL" MY needs  .......  "ALL" ,   or  "SOME" ?    I AM A BOTTOM LINE KIND OF GIRL !       "Is the job finished or NOT ?"    I hope that you "DO"  have everything you need and "DO" have your "COMPLETE BEING".......oh, no,  it's pink,   that will never do......:)   It's a guy thing !


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(_ A Wink & a Smile_)..................................................:),, ( Word Press archives 10/14-1/15 ) WordPress, ( I Support Life & Living Words) 

Friday, July 3, 2015

MY INVESTMENT in _ "REAL" estate

Actually,  not the land around me,  BUT the "house" I  live & breathe,  eat & sleep,  think & talk,  move & laugh, shower  & dress, & " EVERYTHING " that is done in my "BODY"

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

My gosh,  there isn't anything I do without my body being included,  huh?  WELL, then,  I am certainly glad,  I am learning to give it the  attention & love,  it both " needs & deserves" !  How could I have abandoned it all these years and never acknowledged or devoted myself  to what it needs and wants ?  In my book,  that's  "ABUSE",   & don't tell me your body does not "know it".

I am just now discovering my body "DOES HAVE" a "VOICE".  Who did I think was screaming in pain about this ache and that pain, etc ?   But,  I didn't tell it,  "I'll take care of you",  now that I am,  and recognize it ( my body ), by listening very closely with compassion,  not what you would call "pity" or "anger" or "resentment" or worse, "self-hatred".  ( I can say all these things because I have been there & done that !)   Now that I do take very good care of it , with  love & devotion,   at first, (believe it or not,)   it did not believe me,  but thankfully said so.  " NOW", we simply work together (collaborate)  and there is love & understanding.  That is MY MIRACLE,   that is "human progress" !!

So I am proud & happy with my current "investment" the "MOST" "important" truly "REAL"  estate  I will "EVER"  invest in !!   And I say this to myself,  " I love you",   the tears begin to fall, ....."HEALING"  takes place ! .........

Yep,  it IS ... a "WONDERFUL WORLD" !!!

 (_A Wink & a Smile_)..................................................:)

Wednesday, July 1, 2015


Yes it's me & I'm in LOVE again,  of course,  it IS a SONG title.....:), but WAIT, it's w-a-y too HOT here in Ojai 
for THIS picture
so here, how about this one

There now,  better ?  Way cool !!

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

Last night around 10:00 p. m. it was STILL "HOT" here in our neck-of-the-woods, around 88.5 degrees !  Good ole AC ran most of the night.

Are you experiencing unusual weather where you are?

So here I am 3:00 a.m., just shut the back door, turned off the fan, and closed the sliding glass door a little,  after I satisfied a little hunger pangs with oatmeal & blueberries, 1/2 cup of java, I am here at my laptop, still "happy" for a brand new day !

I anticipate mysteries to "unfold"
as is a custom for me everyday !


In recent days,  my actual "DREAMS" keep unfolding, step-by-step!

Big time,  "thrilling & comforting ",  _"  huge," _"LOVE"  permeates the "AIR" I breathe !

It really IS an "oxymoron" to intitle this post to "run,  don't walk,"  because the CLOSER I get,  it seems,  that for-the-most part,  I become quieter and more "PEACEFUL & STILL" but FULL of anticipation,  all-the-same !!  I guess in part I AM running to my "DREAMS" being fulfilled,  and experiencing the ultimate"PROMISE" !

Very soon, I will be 3/4 a century old,  (in just two weeks,)  I am happy & grateful for my "LIFE" !  Honestly,  I did not know how good it could be.

That's a wrap this morning,  friends!

(_A Wink & a Smile_)...........:),, (WordPress 2014-2015) ( I Support Life & Living Words)

Monday, June 29, 2015

The Lanvender Inn, downtown Ojai

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

This morning,  I give tons & tons of  "THANKS "!   For sure,  I am blessed with many wonderful things.  As I crawled out of bed to close the windows from a place with lots of sun & heat yesterday, and head toward the bathroom,  I suddenly gave thanks for my feet,   that carries me everywhere everyday, and found an absolute "litany" of  stuff that reminds me "how lucky" I AM.
From my feet to my toes, and ears,  eyes and head,  it was not hard to go on and find that everything in my fabulous "LIFE" is more than enough to be grateful for!  I never have trouble finding things to complain about.  I mean,  I didn't even realize I was repeating these things over and over in my head, ya know, simply an ache here and an ache there, nevertheless, my brain goes there,  ( I hardly even knew) and yet, there it is/was each morning. So, today I found being thankful so easy and inviting company for myself,  my "BODY " & "MIND"  & "HEART " to dwell on. ( By the way, to "dwell" means where you live,  all-the-time ) !

THERE'S A SMILE ON MY FACE FOR THE WHOLE HUMAN RACE & & IT'S ALMOST LIKE BEING IN LOVE", by _Mr. Nat King Cole, ...........thanks man !!...........................................:)

Ah yes, of course this is a plus, but don't really use that like I use my feet, eyes, ears,  "EVERY" minute of EVERYDAY !!!

Of late, I have been telling my ankles, muscles,  bones,  nerve cells, etc. that I love them and thank them ( I do this while I rub them with lotion or cream),  and I guess this morning,  it has taken hold and my brain is in a wonderful mode !!!  Well,  brain & heart,  keep on, keeping on !!
 I could not ask for a better companion. 

So, here, on-the-ranch ...:), it IS a "beautiful morning" ..........YES ?

My coffee is waiting,  and even before I had my first cup,  today,  _  I found my "cup of ambition" ( Dolly Parton in  (Working 9 to 5 what a way to make a Living)  in "Life itself"

Thanks for the visit "this morning",   friends .......

(_A Wink & a Smile_)...............................................................................................:),, ( Archives 2014-2015,  ( I Support Life & Living Words)

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Yep,  quite gratefully I took a "selfie" at the train station in Ventura of ME,   arriving here on my way to HAPPINESS, a condition I have come to know and ADORE

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson_ author/publisher

This condition I speak of is in-a-manner-of-speaking is getting better and better as the delicious days go by.  And they are prospering in this quaint little town of no other than one called , ...( you guessed it),  ...OJAI, CA.   One might even call it "KISMET".  I kid you not.  The miracles, healings,  keep coming "down-the-pipes". 

I woke up later than usual, and a little stiffer than usual,  most mornings my body has a few 
complaints,  you know, stiff muscles, which I always attribute to lifting heavy objects ( oh yeah,  I still do that -often), and other such work-a-day activities,  but THIS morning,  as I was making coffee ( you know that usually helps those kinks), I stepped into a memory ( not a pleasant one), but not an unpleasant one either, in that that memory has become "totally" healed "right here" on-the-ranch (so-to-speak).   I don't think one could really call this a ranch!  __  But it IS close to being one. take a look............

Behind me are around 40 orange trees, and behind those orange trees are 14 avocados trees, and surrounding this 2 1/2 acre piece of property are, you guessed it,  MORE  trees of various varieties.

Now to continue with my story about this morning,  as the healing came & at  the miraculous
discovery,  I started noticing that those aches & pains in my muscles started "disapating" .  So as is my custom,  I decided that "MAYBE",_  some of our aches and pains,  stiff joints and muscles ( i.e., arthritis ?)  are actually due to some long -past emotional ache and pain.    If  so,  then our bodies can become actually "FREE",  and one "might "experience ( ya think ? ) _"BLISS"..........:)    I'm hoping !!!! 

Back to my day-to-day  "LIFE",.......this delightful man,  below ..... makes- my- day,  often

Introducing GEORGE,  our frequent trolley driver and a good one, FOLKS !   To get around these parts,  Ojai Valley,  I need a good trolley driver!!.........:)  As you may remember I walk 4 miles ( around twice-a-week) ,  to board a CUTE trolley and go to other parts of this DELICIOUS valley & other times I go to Ventura, CA via Gold Coast transit ( bus) to shop ( 20 miles away)

This morning already has been another great one.  ( Just finished a wonderful talk to my 98 yr. old friend ( Martha) in Glendale, CA)........I'm so happy that she is okay and very much alive.  She still bowls at Leisure Vale Retirement Community.

So long 'til tomorrow...................friends

It's a beautiful morning,  ( can't you just hear that song ? )   I LOVE music,  I am infatuated with it,  ...... it is LIFE to me !!!  I DO have favorites,   lots & lots,  ....   HEAVENLY by Johnny Mathis, MARIA, by Johnny Mathis,  ... WHEN I FALL IN LOVE,   by Nat King Cole,  ...  well,  I could go on forever !!  If you love music too, I am sure you know how I feel !!!

(_A Wink & A Smile_)........................................:),,,  ( Word Press archives 10/14 - 1/15 ) check them out,  ( maybe this one called_ "Peace,  a Word for Everyday on Word Press)___ ( I SUPPORT LIFE & LIVING WORDS ) you'll like these too .........................:)

Monday, June 22, 2015


Your eyes are the eyes of a WOMAN IN LOVE.......sigh !! 

by: (me) _ who would be Kat ( Mary) Carlson

Each and every morning,  of late ( for the last 2 to 3 years),  I have been blessed with the company
of "SWEET LOVE"I know, I'm bragging,  & why not ?   Many years before that I suffered l-o-n-g  and managed to screw up my "precious" "LIFE".  Some of my nearest & dearest were not given a chance to know & love a mom who was gifted with a "happy" heart.   No, my heart was damaged early on ( way too early) in infancy.   So,  when I was blessed with precious children of my own,  they didn't have the opportunity to know or witness ( experience or see), their own
maternal parent enjoying this "incredible" WORLD.  

The story of their childhood "could" be worse,  however,  because as it turns out, my "wonderful" off springs, DO  have lives that are not damaged so much,  but are enjoying who they are.    That makes "THIS" mom,  "very" thankful.    Now,  it is a fact that they have a "happy", "happy" mom.    It's never too late to hold-out for the very best LIFE,  that has been given to YOU !!!!

This world is so Precious & Beautiful,  but I totally & completely understand how there are those lives that don't get off to a "good start".   To them,  I say,  I'm sorry !   Perhaps "change" will come to your "heart" and "mind" !   Nothing's impossible! 

A song comes to mind....." We're In This World Together " and there's more to it,  maybe you can finish it for me.  As "Hillary Clinton" so aptly wrote in her book _ " It Takes a Village" _,  it does!!   My arms & heart are extended to lives in our "world" who "want & need"....something
that is destined to make them "happy" & "complete" !  It is the "right" of everyone to know
"PEACE" & "LOVE" .

Hey,  know what,  I just now, looked at my "topic" for today.   Guess I did,  after all  have this
message on my HEART !!! 

That's a wrap,  this morning, thanks for "being here"...........

" We're in this world together " gotta make it last forever........

(_A Wink & a Smile_).........................................................:),,  htp://, (WordPress archives 2014-2015) "DO YOU HAVE AUTHORIZATION",  " I NEVER KNEW"
& SO MANY OTHERS down the list for you to view......,