Monday, July 13, 2015


* In the interest of our "bodies" & and our "souls",  consider this ......

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

Greetings folks !  "Top of the morning to you,  &  you  &  you " !!

Having been an experimenter in my more advanced years and "ASKING" questions,  lots & lots of them,   I "really" "dug" deep.   I was " insatiable "!   Being "satisfied" DID NOT happen,  just like that !  Some folks told me,  oh, I wouldn't ever ask questions like that,  it's too "deep" !

Today,  I can tell you,  I  AM  s-o-o-o-o "GLAD"  I did  ..ask & ask !   WHO did I ask ?  My answer is this,  "the Universe",  or then I would question this profound voice of "LOVE".   I knew,  I just  "KNEW" !!   But "knowing" also helped me ask more questions.   AUTHORITY or not,  I wanted answers !  And I didn't  stop ... until I was "SATISFIED".  

"SATISFACTION",   ( a precious commodity,  in our "crazy" world.)   You cannot buy it,  can you ?   In fact people still think they can find it in a bottle,  prescription drugs,   food,   work,  "sex" ( although it has a great deal of "significance" , in the production of our bodies "chemistry"_ "ENDORPHINS" produce pleasure,  good for our "hypothalmus" ( in our brains-both pleasure & pain center).     Which brings me to the topic today.

All along the PATH to my own "well-being or healing"I was still curious as to what exactly I was receiving into my LIFE.   Our "LIFELINE" ,  our "BLOOD" ,   is majorly affected by "chemistry",  or our "emotions".   Our  HEART  first ,  "emotions"  prompted by our attitudes,  then "PHYSICALITY"  finally comes into PLAY.    Unfortunately,   I HAD to go way back to my childhood,   but,   you know,  "HEALING" in your "SPIRITS "   first,  meant for me _ not having to hash through "stuff" or "gory details".    The entire process,   was completed by learning to "TRUST".   When that attitude was cemented and yes,   it does become cemented.  ( It did for me)!

You have heard "nothing's"  etched in stone.    Guess what,  "L-O-V-E "  _ "IS" _  etched in something "M-O-R-E "( greater than) stone ...... a   "SUBSTANCE"   ( FAITH,& LOVE,  a substance )  that is impenetrable !   Therefore,   I say to you, this morning,  a  "w-a-y"  to "health" is and always will be through the POWER & SUBSTANCE called "LOVE".   Here I will interject this experience for me,   I experienced   "LOVE" in a "red" light of  ENERGY",  which I "KNEW",  immediately, _ was "L-O-V-E"  itself.    It was and is "personal",    personal sometimes is hard to accept,   but "oh"   "you want to",   "you really do",   _"TRUST ME" !!!    When you "really", "really"  think about it,   "EVERYTHING"  is personal,    one way or another" , _  either you are getting "better" or you are   _ "NOT".    That's "PERSONAL", _ isn't it ??    You & I tend to go with what's "familiar",  but  often , "familiar" is something that you should change.   Familiar can and does come in the form of "SATISFACTION" ...........

                             This is personal ........have an "awesome" day,     friends !!!!! 

(_ A Wink & a Smile_)..........................................................................:)

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could just pour fresh unblemished "blood" into your bloodstream, but it does not work that way, your Healing is absolutely personal and must come from your "own" experience that affects your very own "heart". That is what HEALS US. Our hearts actually alter our entire system, beginning with the "spiritual, emotional HEART, and so on down the road. My goodness, "hearts" all over the world are Hurting....., I hope you see to it that your's gets a "heart" transplant, now, _ not later !...
