Monday, July 20, 2015

Is this "really" Southern California ?   It just keeps on "RAINING " with temperatures of 99 degrees. 

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

My topic " Day by Day",  has to do with each & everyday,  I wake up,   yawn,   stretch,  make a trip to the "little girls room"  open (or close) windows,   step outside and touch "nature" with a greeting,  pour a cup of java,  sit down at my laptop and see "what unfolds".  My entire Life consists of  "what mystery will unfold" today ?  There are NO fixed plans.   Simply none.

It didn't use to be that way.   But it is my constant "delight" to get to experience  new and fun things  that could probably only thrill me,  and definitely does alright.  The very best thing I experience along with new adventures is the  "PEACE"  that accompanies/carries me.   A better companion,  could not "EVER" be found.    Among other things,  I have "strength" , performing tasks  that make me scratch my head and say to myself,    "I don't believe I just did that !"  Designing and creating just sometimes blows my mind.   I say to myself,  "how did I do that or know that ?"  _  Answer : " I don't know",  EVERY TIME !!!!

Often simply ,  there are "shortcuts",  lots of them,   just a  "smarter,   simpler,  less expensive  way",   to perform something that use to be harder /more expensive !    That too I relish and "naturally" look forward to.   I get to say to myself,   " I  LIKE  ME" !!!    Yeah,  I really do that !    If that is a "normal" daily experience for you,   then I am just a late bloomer,  but hey,  who cares,  better late than never!!

My "DAY" is just beginning,  "I  LOOK  FORWARD  TO  IT" .....................

The avocados are "growing" and they are " SO " good.   Looks like I will be doing "more" weeding soon !

 In a "large" nursery type pot,  ( needs to be transplanted),  is a "FIG" tree.  The oranges
 are sweet and juicy.  Now,  for my breakfast,  think I'll have  an "orange,  oatmeal, with blueberries,  honey and plain yogurt ".   Oh yes,  sometimes for a snack later,   I have sourdough bread made with rosemary and olive oil,  topped with melted sharp cheddar cheese!   Sound good ?

I'm ready for "life" to unfold 

Thanks you for visiting me today................

(_A Wink & a Smile_).................................................................................................. :)

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