Sunday, July 26, 2015


Oh yes, it WAS me,  I said that,... I said,   don't you just love LIFE ?   

by: Kat M. Carlson  _ author/publisher

Well,  I suppose everyone has an off day.  And I did.  My goodness,  it was pretty bad.  After I attempted to pacify myself with music  ( do you believe music did NOT work ?),  I tried several things.   My morning was the usual,  going to the stables, and a nice walk-up-the-hill.  Fantastic !
When I returned to my place ( palace turned inner sanctum),  I called a friend , (Vicki- she's Red's owner) and she drove me up-the-hill,  to buy an eight pack ( of Dr, Pepper). ( My favorite soft drink).  I showed my custom made jewelry to Vicki and she took off for the stables once more.

Some days I'm pretty sure a TV would help me over some of the hump.   That is coming,  but it did NOT help me today.   Later, around 1:00 pm.,   I drug out my umbrella,  it was windy and hot, and that made an easier walk for me up-the-hill again.  Back again on my patio,  I decided to sit down, outside on my bench,  got a great back rest,  and don't you know,  outside was like "Calgon-take-me-away".   I wasn't about to go inside !   And I'm so glad I made the"great decision".  The trees were stunning along with a magical breeze,  wonder just sort of happened.

 Tomorrow's another day,   I am now back inside two decent hours later.   Everything is again 
right-with-the-world.    The reason I am writing this is because I tend to paint my LIFE rosy most of the time.  Today,  not-so-much,  I mean it wasn't a pretty picture!!!!

Now,  for a terrific night, "EVERYONE".......... 

 I for got to mention the popcorn I fixed immediately upon re-entering the house._ mmmmmmm
(Orville Redenbacher) !!  "GOOD"

(_A Wink & a Smile_)..................................................................................:)

Here in this "valley"  outside where the trees blow in the wind,  is almost always the absolute best resolution for the doldrums.  I was almost tempted to get my sleeping bag and try sleeping out there.  Who knows,  that could happen someday.  My son sleeps outside from time to time.  The stars are radiant and the sky out in this country is clear.

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