Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Yep,  quite gratefully I took a "selfie" at the train station in Ventura of ME,   arriving here on my way to HAPPINESS, a condition I have come to know and ADORE

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson_ author/publisher

This condition I speak of is in-a-manner-of-speaking is getting better and better as the delicious days go by.  And they are prospering in this quaint little town of no other than one called , ...( you guessed it),  ...OJAI, CA.   One might even call it "KISMET".  I kid you not.  The miracles, healings,  keep coming "down-the-pipes". 

I woke up later than usual, and a little stiffer than usual,  most mornings my body has a few 
complaints,  you know, stiff muscles, which I always attribute to lifting heavy objects ( oh yeah,  I still do that -often), and other such work-a-day activities,  but THIS morning,  as I was making coffee ( you know that usually helps those kinks), I stepped into a memory ( not a pleasant one), but not an unpleasant one either, in that that memory has become "totally" healed "right here" on-the-ranch (so-to-speak).   I don't think one could really call this a ranch!  __  But it IS close to being one. take a look............

Behind me are around 40 orange trees, and behind those orange trees are 14 avocados trees, and surrounding this 2 1/2 acre piece of property are, you guessed it,  MORE  trees of various varieties.

Now to continue with my story about this morning,  as the healing came & at  the miraculous
discovery,  I started noticing that those aches & pains in my muscles started "disapating" .  So as is my custom,  I decided that "MAYBE",_  some of our aches and pains,  stiff joints and muscles ( i.e., arthritis ?)  are actually due to some long -past emotional ache and pain.    If  so,  then our bodies can become actually "FREE",  and one "might "experience ( ya think ? ) _"BLISS"..........:)    I'm hoping !!!! 

Back to my day-to-day  "LIFE",.......this delightful man,  below ..... makes- my- day,  often

Introducing GEORGE,  our frequent trolley driver and a good one, FOLKS !   To get around these parts,  Ojai Valley,  I need a good trolley driver!!.........:)  As you may remember I walk 4 miles ( around twice-a-week) ,  to board a CUTE trolley and go to other parts of this DELICIOUS valley & other times I go to Ventura, CA via Gold Coast transit ( bus) to shop ( 20 miles away)

This morning already has been another great one.  ( Just finished a wonderful talk to my 98 yr. old friend ( Martha) in Glendale, CA)........I'm so happy that she is okay and very much alive.  She still bowls at Leisure Vale Retirement Community.

So long 'til tomorrow...................friends

It's a beautiful morning,  ( can't you just hear that song ? )   I LOVE music,  I am infatuated with it,  ...... it is LIFE to me !!!  I DO have favorites,   lots & lots,  ....   HEAVENLY by Johnny Mathis, MARIA, by Johnny Mathis,  ... WHEN I FALL IN LOVE,   by Nat King Cole,  ...  well,  I could go on forever !!  If you love music too, I am sure you know how I feel !!!

(_A Wink & A Smile_)........................................:),,,  ( Word Press archives 10/14 - 1/15 ) check them out,  ( maybe this one called_ "Peace,  a Word for Everyday on Word Press)___ ( I SUPPORT LIFE & LIVING WORDS ) you'll like these too .........................:)

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