Thursday, June 18, 2015


Good morning folks,  it's Thursday,  June 18,  2015 !  Welcome to my world !

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson _author/publisher

On mornings like this I just want to open with "song",  bringing this one to you is special to me ( this morning....:) __ "Whether sky's are gray or blue,  any place on earth will do,  just as long as I have have you,  my "happiness",  I "crawled" out of bed,  reluctantly _ ( lifted much to much yesterday....groan,  groan... ).  While I was making my coffee,  this pretty song popped into my head & heart,  it made me "happy".  I take these things to heart,  I cherish what comes "down-the-pipes" and turns the "grey "into "blue" & so on and so on.......:)  Long ago I started writing about how music & song & "literally"  changed my entire LIFE.   It still does and will always be there to make-my-day !!  The "OPENER"  song was  "YOU ARE MY SPECIAL "ANGEL",  ( I like this shirt, by the way  (* see picture above )..........................:)

That fateful night when I heard "You Are My Special Angel" opened doors that helped me see that  "LOVE" is "REAL" to me and "FOR" me.  I was faced that night with a choice,  to allow that special "LOVE" into my LIFE and "heal" a lifelong of "FEAR".  I confessed that I didn't see how that was possible,  because there was" way to much"  hurt & pain !  At that point I looked back into my life and that's all I could see.  "LOVE" asked me,  " you don't want to choose "LOVE", over this hurt & pain.   Well, I did it !   I DID it.   Today,  a few years later,  "I AM IN LOVE"  and that kind of "Pain & Fear" is  G-O-N-E.     "All"   my "LIFE",  ALL in knew was misery & pain.   Oh, gee,  what a blessing and a JOY to wake up and be "HAPPY".  Happy all my days, not just one,  but ALL of them for now,  a few years past, and "FOREVER".  

I know LIFE is specific to each & every person's needs and make-up,  so this is & was my 
DREAM,  I am holding out for YOU  this morning and believe that "you have a Dream"  designed for "you" and that "dream is possible".   "DREAMS DO COME TRUE" !!!

Good morning,  good morning, we danced the whole night through,  good morning,  good morning to "YOU"

(_A Wink & a Smile_)...................................................................:),,  htp://  ( WordPress archives: 2014-2015),  http://4u2become1.blogspot,com,  ( I Support Life & Living Words)

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