Sunday, June 28, 2015

THIS morning,  I gotta "GO" with this black & white,  friends,  this "TITLE" _ "YOUNG AT HEART" dates back,  huh?

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

I've been all over the web, .......  goofing off,  experimenting,  etc.    I finally gave up.   No music played at Rice Road ( my house) all day yesterday,  oh now ,  THAT'S unusual, very,  very unusual.
These facts may or may NOT be connected.   Still last night "&"this a.m, (many hours)  I was dabbling on the internet ( mostly,  web sites,  and I " just now"  surrendered to this concept .....)  HELP,    I don't know what I'm doing.!!!    THEN,   right then,  I tuned in to Pandora radio station  ( my music station)  and "up came"  two songs that are unique and special to me with "connections from above",  well,   you know what I did, (of course,)   I DO this a lot,   _ I cried !   Sometimes,  I just plain,  get lost "in space",   I go venturing off,  and , looking for something different,  something extra.   Okay,   I DID  find some new interesting things to share with my readers,  but I also made a few boo-boos !!   But  "MOON RIVER" ,  by Andy Williams & "YOUNG AT HEART"  by Frank Sinatra  has me back on track.  YAY !  Honestly,  I am a little kid sometimes or as I have often been called a "maverick",   I investigate,  yep,  I do!......................:)   And I often need a rope to pull me back in !  It always works, though !  Whew !!    ( I've got a friend,  "people") !!!

Yesterday I shared a few pics at the pool,  this is another one.  Here I am relaxing after trapsing around Ojai all morning  

I took a few more pictures , here they are ..........

This is a picture of our SHOPPING CENTER with a market called "VON'S" and other places to shop & eat

By the shopping mall above, is this "bus stop", with a Gold Coast bus to Ventura, CA,  where I went one day this week 

When I take daily walks, though,  this is the top-of-the-hill and I am again headed back home

Going to town is my get-away, but a very long one,  so I get quite a variety here in my new digs

These guys are always here to "greet" me....."EMUS"

Happy Sunday everyone,  far & near .........                                                                                                                                       

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