Thursday, June 4, 2015


Well, this is "ONLY" part of what makes up my BODY...(this is when I broke my ankle, bet you can't tell which one-the left one).....:)  It DID heal very nicely _ in March of 2014, I slipped on the wet bathroom floor after my shower_ ( slippers-made by yours truly,  yep,  I crochet too  ( MARY'S CARRY, Inc.)

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

Getting showered, dressed and all that "good stuff" I do each morning after my breakfast,  I do what I have taught myself to do in the past few years.  I am a Massage Therapist,  & with a little fall here & there I have really learned how to take GOOD CARE of my "heavenly body".....:)

Unfortunately it took these falls/breaking of my bones to force me to look closer at how I am regarding my own FLESH & BONES.    Well,  folks, now I know,  that I only have one body and it TOTALLY deserves "BETTER" love & attention than what I have given it through the years.  Oh what an understatement that is.  When I started taking better care,   I just gave it really "excellent"
showers...."therapeutic-in-nature" &  then I rubbed it  ( my ankle in particular) with coconut oil.
At night I gave special attention with ice packs and elevated it.  That procedure gave me shining rewards from my ankle & my Orthopedic Doctor...who said, _ "Mary, you're the best little bone healer in the world ! "  Hey,  I  "liked"  that !

Now,  that I have been "healing" my own "SOUL",  my "body" has " made mention" of some neglect & hurts as well !!!   YIKES,  oh please,  _ another understatement !

The  "l-o-n-g  &  the s-h-o-r-t"   of it,  is this.......I do what I never dreamed needed- to- be- done.
I   "THANK MY BODY"  up close & personal,  each morning as I put creams & oils all over and tell it that I appreciate how it has stuck by me all these years through thick & thin !   Now, I could probably be arrested for abusing my body and not giving it the love and attention it  "ABSOLUTELY & COMPLETELY" needs & actually deserves !   Also,  that's not really enough,    so I do it some more  throughout the day.   The time I spend giving attention to my number friend and companion  (MY BODY),  is money in the bank !    I don't skimp .....I consider this a  "LIFETIME investment".  I don't think it is EVER too late,  to begin something extremely positive & life giving in our lives.  Consider the alternative !  HUH ?    I choose changing NOW !  .... "AWESOME" !    WHO  loves  you,   "BABY" ?

Once again this morning, the pleasure is mine,

From the "fabulous" country "aura", of OJAI,  CA, _ I,  ( Kat),  bid you "happy trails"  this day, Thursday !

(_A Wink & a Smile_)..........................................................................:),,  http;?/  ( 2014-2015 (Archives) "look me up"  ( I Support Life & Living Words ) Google+

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