Wednesday, June 10, 2015


Does Tommy Johnson have "some" piano playin' for you ?????  I just  "LOVE"  his piano playin' !!
Tune in _ I recommend,  "Rhapsody in Blue", "Old Cape Cod",  &,  of course you won't want to miss "Boogie Woogie", (the "real" Boogie Woogie" man ) !

More piano playin'  available on You  Tube , is the music of Carmen Cavallaro & Ernesto Cortazar 
I simply adore piano !..........:)

Music is "divinely" inspired.  Last night after dinner & popcorn a "sometimes" special treat,  I tuned in to PANDORA RADIO 

I was " happily"  entertained for "several " hours !   This particular radio station was called " Andrea Bocelli Radio,"  _  it provided a variety of songs,   all of unique quality and geared toward "relaxation" & " inspiration ".   I was "moved" and "taken to musical heights" !!!  Andrea Bocelli  has inspired me for a number of years.  I hope this tip will be something that will enhance your listening ear !

 by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson _ author/publisher

An extra advantage of living in this "gorgeous" community of "trees". & wildlife of all varieties is
"weather".   Here, the weather is "pronounced "  ( anyway it is to me).   I walked to the mailbox, yesterday afternoon, &  after a "subtle rain"  for hours, the wind  kicked up !  I looked around and was "spellbound"!   It seemed to be " saying" something,  yet I wasn't quite clear on what that was !  One thing that "was" clear _ to me, in the "big city" I no doubt wouldn't have even noticed the "mystery"  of  "sounds"like the "swooshing",  and "bustling" of leaves,  indicating movement, but one cannot see where or what it is that is "moving"  everything around. !

I gave a lot of thought to this phenomenon.   Naturally,  you & I cannot  "see"
GOD,  our Creator & Provider,  we still " know & trust"  that " HE is!   On one of my "early morning walks up-the-hill" in  Glendale,  I did get-in-touch with the "REALITY" , that "everything that was "MADE".....     I mean......."EVERYTHING"    was made,   by the POWER & substance of FAITH.    That "knowledge" gave me the awareness that I "CAN"  trust  " FAITH"  itself.  It isn't up to me,  but only to let " FAITH"  do it's JOB !  That was a new awareness & set -me- free _( after a fashion) !   It,  quite simply,  became a "new & different " perspective  on the subject of  how "FAITH"  & other  "gifts"  work. 

On my walk two days ago,  the side road I took houses two dwellings,   so I went there to get the picture of TOPA TOPA, 
 " the mountain side" seen all over OJAI that depicts this profile of the "INDIAN CHIEF " !  ( see previous blog )    Our "love" & "respect" for this VALLEY is rallied about "everywhere"  you go and by most of us FOLKS  who have the privilege of living here!

"In days gone by , and yet again today & tomorrow,  I honor this time with you.....".

 (_A Wink & a Smile_)....................................................................:),,,  ( WordPress archives 2014-2015 ) by Kat Carlson,  http://4u2become1.blogspot  ( I Support Life & Living Words)
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