Showing posts with label My "heart" moved first. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My "heart" moved first. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 12, 2015


by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson)  _ author/publisher

"THE ROSE"   _  Bette Midler

Some say "LOVE",   _it is a "river",  _that drowns the tender reed,  _ some say "LOVE", 
it is a razor,   that leaves your "SOUL" to bleed,   some say  "LOVE",   it is a " HUNGER",

an endless aching need, _  I say " LOVE ", _ it is a  " FLOWER ",  and you it's only "seed" _ it's the " DREAM",  afraid of  "waking ", _  that never takes the chance,   it's the "ONE"  _   who won't be "taken",   who cannot seem to "give ",  _ it's the " SOUL ",  afraid of  "DYING",

who never "learns" to  "LIVE", _  when the  " Night",   has been too "LONELY", _ and the road has been too "long",  and you think that " LOVE ", __ is only for the  " LUCKY " and the  "STRONG"

JUST -REMEMBER- IN- THE- WINTER,  _  far beneath  the " bitter"  SNOW,  _ lies the " SEED",  _ that with the " SUN'S / SON'S  "LOVE",  _  in the "spring ",  becomes the "ROSE"   

"Ah-h-h-h - some"

(_ A Wink & a Smile_)..................................................................................................:) 

Sunday, July 19, 2015


CHECK OUT ............  APOD ( Astronomy Picture of the Day )
_ today,  July 20, 2015   WOW !!

* It's a "great Big,  wonderful world"  we live     
  ( oh yes,  oh yes,  another "beautiful" song )

"Be wise,  be smart,  behave my heart"  

(_ A Wink & a Smile_).....................................................................................:)

Saturday, July 4, 2015


               YEP,  it "IS" INDEPENDENCE DAY

I am, oh so "grateful" for that too !!!

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

_"Our country "does" enjoy a place where this concept is allowed." 

That's so-o-o ...."COOL"....... &  I plan to_ and I DO,  take advantage of my "FREEDOM"........with THANKS,  everyday !!!


 (_ A Wink & a Smile_)............................:)


Monday, June 29, 2015

The Lanvender Inn, downtown Ojai

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

This morning,  I give tons & tons of  "THANKS "!   For sure,  I am blessed with many wonderful things.  As I crawled out of bed to close the windows from a place with lots of sun & heat yesterday, and head toward the bathroom,  I suddenly gave thanks for my feet,   that carries me everywhere everyday, and found an absolute "litany" of  stuff that reminds me "how lucky" I AM.
From my feet to my toes, and ears,  eyes and head,  it was not hard to go on and find that everything in my fabulous "LIFE" is more than enough to be grateful for!  I never have trouble finding things to complain about.  I mean,  I didn't even realize I was repeating these things over and over in my head, ya know, simply an ache here and an ache there, nevertheless, my brain goes there,  ( I hardly even knew) and yet, there it is/was each morning. So, today I found being thankful so easy and inviting company for myself,  my "BODY " & "MIND"  & "HEART " to dwell on. ( By the way, to "dwell" means where you live,  all-the-time ) !

THERE'S A SMILE ON MY FACE FOR THE WHOLE HUMAN RACE & & IT'S ALMOST LIKE BEING IN LOVE", by _Mr. Nat King Cole, ...........thanks man !!...........................................:)

Ah yes, of course this is a plus, but don't really use that like I use my feet, eyes, ears,  "EVERY" minute of EVERYDAY !!!

Of late, I have been telling my ankles, muscles,  bones,  nerve cells, etc. that I love them and thank them ( I do this while I rub them with lotion or cream),  and I guess this morning,  it has taken hold and my brain is in a wonderful mode !!!  Well,  brain & heart,  keep on, keeping on !!
 I could not ask for a better companion. 

So, here, on-the-ranch ...:), it IS a "beautiful morning" ..........YES ?

My coffee is waiting,  and even before I had my first cup,  today,  _  I found my "cup of ambition" ( Dolly Parton in  (Working 9 to 5 what a way to make a Living)  in "Life itself"

Thanks for the visit "this morning",   friends .......

(_A Wink & a Smile_)...............................................................................................:),, ( Archives 2014-2015,  ( I Support Life & Living Words)

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Yep,  quite gratefully I took a "selfie" at the train station in Ventura of ME,   arriving here on my way to HAPPINESS, a condition I have come to know and ADORE

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson_ author/publisher

This condition I speak of is in-a-manner-of-speaking is getting better and better as the delicious days go by.  And they are prospering in this quaint little town of no other than one called , ...( you guessed it),  ...OJAI, CA.   One might even call it "KISMET".  I kid you not.  The miracles, healings,  keep coming "down-the-pipes". 

I woke up later than usual, and a little stiffer than usual,  most mornings my body has a few 
complaints,  you know, stiff muscles, which I always attribute to lifting heavy objects ( oh yeah,  I still do that -often), and other such work-a-day activities,  but THIS morning,  as I was making coffee ( you know that usually helps those kinks), I stepped into a memory ( not a pleasant one), but not an unpleasant one either, in that that memory has become "totally" healed "right here" on-the-ranch (so-to-speak).   I don't think one could really call this a ranch!  __  But it IS close to being one. take a look............

Behind me are around 40 orange trees, and behind those orange trees are 14 avocados trees, and surrounding this 2 1/2 acre piece of property are, you guessed it,  MORE  trees of various varieties.

Now to continue with my story about this morning,  as the healing came & at  the miraculous
discovery,  I started noticing that those aches & pains in my muscles started "disapating" .  So as is my custom,  I decided that "MAYBE",_  some of our aches and pains,  stiff joints and muscles ( i.e., arthritis ?)  are actually due to some long -past emotional ache and pain.    If  so,  then our bodies can become actually "FREE",  and one "might "experience ( ya think ? ) _"BLISS"..........:)    I'm hoping !!!! 

Back to my day-to-day  "LIFE",.......this delightful man,  below ..... makes- my- day,  often

Introducing GEORGE,  our frequent trolley driver and a good one, FOLKS !   To get around these parts,  Ojai Valley,  I need a good trolley driver!!.........:)  As you may remember I walk 4 miles ( around twice-a-week) ,  to board a CUTE trolley and go to other parts of this DELICIOUS valley & other times I go to Ventura, CA via Gold Coast transit ( bus) to shop ( 20 miles away)

This morning already has been another great one.  ( Just finished a wonderful talk to my 98 yr. old friend ( Martha) in Glendale, CA)........I'm so happy that she is okay and very much alive.  She still bowls at Leisure Vale Retirement Community.

So long 'til tomorrow...................friends

It's a beautiful morning,  ( can't you just hear that song ? )   I LOVE music,  I am infatuated with it,  ...... it is LIFE to me !!!  I DO have favorites,   lots & lots,  ....   HEAVENLY by Johnny Mathis, MARIA, by Johnny Mathis,  ... WHEN I FALL IN LOVE,   by Nat King Cole,  ...  well,  I could go on forever !!  If you love music too, I am sure you know how I feel !!!

(_A Wink & A Smile_)........................................:),,,  ( Word Press archives 10/14 - 1/15 ) check them out,  ( maybe this one called_ "Peace,  a Word for Everyday on Word Press)___ ( I SUPPORT LIFE & LIVING WORDS ) you'll like these too .........................:)

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

AFTER said & done

THIS morning,  I AM back in Glendale, CA,  ( not physically),   I'll tell you why !  

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson 

While this extraordinarily "beautiful" country is something for my eyes to behold,  lately, something has been bugging me.   Finally,  I let myself go back ( in my mind & heart) to Glendale, CA....( you know, the big city).  Going back brought lots of tears to my eyes as my "heart" began to miss the place where I really "began",  where my "Precious" relationship with GOD,  my creator and my master builder & Savior,  delivered me unto  the ABUNDANT LIFE !!  Well now,  I realize although Glendale is where I began "my real LIFE",  and certainly I miss those surroundings.

This "breathtaking countryside" lost it's luster the last few days for me .  I wasn't "happy"  at this discovery,   so I looked inside for the mystery to unfold.   Bottom line,  "Happiness IS,"  and it "IS", wherever I am at "HOME" in my "HEART".   So,  having reconciled with my own "Spirit",  stripping away the "romantic" surroundings,   once again,  I found "ME" & my "heart" at one with GOD.   It's early this morning,  but no doubt I "will "find this magical place,   Ojai, CA having oodles  of  "charm & beauty"   when I place my foot "outside the door" into the  "LIFE"  known here by a host of other satisfied  OJAI"ans".  

Just a taste of reality for this "happy camper" and keeping it on the up & up !  Ya know what,
there is a "beverage" store here in Ojai called "ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT" .....fuuunnneeee!

Avocado trees here ( my place) around 14 of them.  They will be ready for picking around November, December this year.
I gotta tell ya folks, they are "GOOD" tastin' avocados  !!!  My house is below those two tall trees on the right side of this picture.
This view is looking upwards underneath a gorgeous oak tree.  The oak trees are plentiful and awesomely "wrangling" "beauties" !

Enjoy the "rest-of-the-day" wherever you are.......   "LIFE IS" .... awesome !

(_A Wink & a Smile_)................................................................................:),,,  ( WordPress archives 2014-2015 ) check them out _ http://,  ( I SUPPORT LIFE & LIVING WORDS) more to see......!!

Saturday, May 30, 2015

" IT'S PARTY TIME "........:)


ISN'T IT ?.......oh my,  "I"  thought that it was !! ( Party time! )

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson: * author/publisher_ since August 2014- May 2015
( Some of my work (writing) began as early as 2010, but my really serious published work started in August 2014 )  Welcome aboard !

I began and entitled this POST/BLOG the way I did,  because I am (again),  enamored with the "LOVE"  & "POWER"  &  "forthrightness"  of my "clever"  CREATOR !   So,  that- being- the- case for me,   this moment is indeed a party  for myself !     I get to put words on paper that make me "happy", "thrilled" and "young".....ha ha !! ....( _ at Heart!_ )    ALTHOUGH,  "truth-be-told,"  I have never  "felt "  younger in my  entire "LIFE"!    I definitely have more energy,   more creativity,   more ingenuity,   more  power  over _ "every-little-thing"  _  I do !!!!

AND,    a little secret,  folks,  "IS",  this coming July 2015,  I am turning 75 years old !!   Oh,  HAPPY DAY !!!!..............................:)   Yep,_ honest  "INJUN"..,   "all "  of the above is "TRUE"!
It's a  "GREAT"  year   for me !!

Moving to this wonderful little "BURG", has simply,  "sealed-the-deal",  &  "awakened my soul" with  more  "BEAUTY" &  "VITALITY"  !   I get to share that beauty with you on a "daily" basis.  So, "it's "Party Time",  here in Ojai,  California !  Every morning ! 

When I got up at at 3:30 "ish",  I ached all over!  I did,  yes, I did.  Somehow, though with a little music ( that was definitely ordained,  "tears of JOY" ),   a weak cup of  "java",  and   "paying-a- few -bills", &  this,  I did,  in order to help- things- along,   I used my "hair dryer" to help "soften"  some muscles.   ALL of these antics brought about my Party mood !  But, you & I know , "my great new surroundings" & "relationship"  are the " REAL  DEAL" !!!

Keep tuning in,  I'll share the things that I find, that make  "LIFE" a  "WONDER" & "FEAST"  for "yours truly" !!  ALWAYS a pleasure........

(_A Wink & a Smile_)................................................:)

Back from my WALK, entrance ( see gate) to my "Caz-bah" !!!!  Just another beautiful morning in Ojai !  

*,,, ( _archives 2014-2015,,,  Google+

Wednesday, May 13, 2015


Yes,  this "IS" home, where I hang my hat !!

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson : author & publisher *

Very early on this evening I let myself get up from a long nap,  (about three hours)  and get to work on fixing up my newly re-established HOME.  After a long break from it,  I needed to make a few repairs,  etc. 

But,  after putzing around, cleaning mirrors,  (closet doors), "whew",  (just kidding), grew a little weary and decided to rest for a spell.  So as I did rest,  I meditated and this thought and reality "hit" me.  I managed to find myself back in the game of  "LIFE "....solely managing it myself,  I 
was given the opportunity to clean up/repair my own dwelling place,  "MY HEART" !  That IS where I dwell, now & forever ( same thing) !   For some grueling years I dealt with a tyrant, head of the place where I lived for a while.  Also, I had to deal with the entire world's system there.   I became transformed in my "HEART OF HEARTS ",   "readied" myself for the "REAL" world. A mighty task, HUGE,  because in doing so,   I learned who the "real" tyrant was,  and how to meet head-to-head with ME.  I learned I needed "LOVE & HEALING"!  Can't have one without the other !  They really are a marriage,  made in HEAVEN.   It "IS " divine to grow and KNOW yourself.

So, having met and getting together with me,  my HEART grew and I found my "FOR REAL"  new home right there inside me. !   Once that is established,  it can "NEVER  EVER" be taken away from you! That is SECURITY  with a capital "S".!!

I am "HAPPY" to report that now I am ready for this world because I found "myself" and will always know me and can also "TRUST" me with my LIFE. 

The fact that I have a wonderful "roof "over my head to manage by me in these later years of my LIFE is a treat.  First things first, though and since I am prepared to dwell ANYWHERE,  I can and do have this opportunity to experience the BEST !   Now, I dwell safely, in my "HEART"  under management that "really cares" for me,  "ME" !..........................................:)

A " few" shots from my former home in Glendale, CA.  Below !...:)

Martha, my wonderful 98 yr old friend, the morning of her birthday, hat..loaned to her by me, Martha still bowls and plays every game...I Love her !
A gift to myself last year, & was cared for & placed on my pretty patio In Glendale, CA

A View of my bedroom in Glendale, CA

Note,  the sign above my bed says "Love makes a house a home".....and also,  "makes a "heart" your FIRST, & foremost  _  " most important "_   HOME !"

(_A Wink & a Smile_)..................................:)

http:;//,,,  (Word Press archives 10/2014 - 1/2015, ),,  Google+,  Kat (Mary) Carlson's blogs