Tuesday, June 9, 2015



Recognize that song title....60's music,  it DEFINITELY has " definitive/life changing,"  meaning for this "GIRL"

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

Having not been " on my game "  this morning,  I stopped  "looked inside" and said,  " Good  morning,  Jesus _  " Mary,  I love you",   was the reply,   & this song from a wonderful time in my past,  "  You are my Special Angel ",   came to my heart & mind.    Naturally I cried,  tears of  " JOY".  The night I heard this song,  started my journey that has led me to this " happy" state of being.  Music has always been a medium for my relationship with the  "author & finisher"  of my "FAITH". !!    Every "step of the way",  songs after songs  speak directly to my "heart",  & I become
 stronger & stronger opening up to "Life" _  ( Abundant Life )!

Much of my "journey"  has been "rough" ,  although I was _"SHORED UP"_  with the _"POWER" of "LOVE", _ to give me the "Faith " to meet each challenge.   In the "not-so-distant"  future I suspect/predict a "BOOK", that will share this  "magnificent story"  of  " over coming "
triumphing over the POWERS  of "DEATH" !    It is a "new day" for me in this "world" and each & everyday,  is something to "behold" ,  "cherish"  &  "CELEBRATE"......"FINALITY OF WORKS" !

Back to the drawing board "so-to-speak" & meeting the challenges of "unspeakable heat",  our first "HOT DAY" in ,  Ojai,  yesterday,   was 97 degrees,  and still no "air-conditioner".    Yep,  a challenge,  "pure & simple" !    Today I will be getting a break,  with only 83 degrees "tops" !   I'll start my walk earlier as I did yesterday and then prepare for a trip to the bank & market.   Life goes on and "I-for-one" am looking forward to it with  "delight"  & " music,"  of course!!    I would say "keep on the sunny side,"  but that sounds too much like yesterday !  Whew !

Ah,  yes,  this should help !!,  huh? 

Somehow this, too,  is one of my favorites !!!   As seen by passers-by,   and  "me"  of course,  it's "my"  hill !.....:)

Have a " wonder-full " day,   "friends".................

(_A Wink & a Smile-)............................................................................................:)

http://akneadedtouch4u.com,  http://lilymakesmesmile.com,  http://chooseurwords.com, Word Press.com, archives 10/214 to 1/ 2015,    https://ww.blogger.com/,   http://4u2become1.blogspot.com ( I Support Life & Living Words)
http://1topnotchkat.blogspot.com  ( One Step Closer ) 

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