Showing posts with label My Move to a Great Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My Move to a Great Life. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Come with me on today's excursion

by :  Kat ( Mary ) Carlson    _  author/publisher

When I head out my door,  I quite simply do NOT know where I will end up.  So,  come along with me
as I journey to parts unknown.   

First,  these early morning travelers ..... passed.  I asked their permission to take their pictures.

Note the time,  I am never alone in the early hours ......

So then I continued to walk and debate with myself about the direction to take.   Several thoughts came to mind,  but I vetoed them when I approached this interesting by way ........

Having passed this way often,  but promising myself that one day I would climb down below and see
what others had the courage to go see .........

Here I go .... or maybe not .......                  
See what I mean ?  Mountain lions ? ?

Well,  nothing ventured,  nothing gained.  So,  off I go into the wild blue yonder,  down,  down this sort of steep incline

Nearing the what is known as the river bottom ....I kept on (but not before asking a jogger lady with  her dog, did you see a mountain lion .....she said "no")   so I continued ....

Pretty nice down here,  huh?

Next this sign .........

This reserve has only been protected for thirteen years,  I moved to this valley 26 years before that !

Sadly,  where I am and where this man is walking with his dogs,  this entire river bottom will quite probably be completely

under water with the predicted "El Nino" floods,  in merely months ahead of us........ So heading back to
Rice Rd.,

A rocky climb up,  up to the top.........

Almost there ...I am proud that I took this journey to the bottom of our river

I am a "sure-footed" little traveler/hiker !   And,  hey,  no mountain lions,  that I could see anywhere .....
now above it all ...

So I look back from across the street on where else ? ...Rice Rd.

Who do I run into next ? ........ these guys,  all three,  Oh,  I should say "four",  since baby Claire Rose
will be making her debut in two weeks.   Good luck, ......all of you !

See you around guys ...........

(_ A Wink & a Smile_) .....................................................................:)

Thursday, August 20, 2015



I'm on hiatus folks,  taking a little "BREAK" for some of this summer .....   

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson  _author/publisher

B   stands for  "bewitched"

B   stands for  "bothered"

B   stands for  "break time"

Time for a "little" downtown shopping ....  

Summer "fun-in-the-sun"

 Make it a "happy" time

September 1,  2015 ....beginning anew
join me then,  everyone

(_ A Wink & a Smile_)................................:)

Sunday, June 28, 2015

THIS morning,  I gotta "GO" with this black & white,  friends,  this "TITLE" _ "YOUNG AT HEART" dates back,  huh?

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

I've been all over the web, .......  goofing off,  experimenting,  etc.    I finally gave up.   No music played at Rice Road ( my house) all day yesterday,  oh now ,  THAT'S unusual, very,  very unusual.
These facts may or may NOT be connected.   Still last night "&"this a.m, (many hours)  I was dabbling on the internet ( mostly,  web sites,  and I " just now"  surrendered to this concept .....)  HELP,    I don't know what I'm doing.!!!    THEN,   right then,  I tuned in to Pandora radio station  ( my music station)  and "up came"  two songs that are unique and special to me with "connections from above",  well,   you know what I did, (of course,)   I DO this a lot,   _ I cried !   Sometimes,  I just plain,  get lost "in space",   I go venturing off,  and , looking for something different,  something extra.   Okay,   I DID  find some new interesting things to share with my readers,  but I also made a few boo-boos !!   But  "MOON RIVER" ,  by Andy Williams & "YOUNG AT HEART"  by Frank Sinatra  has me back on track.  YAY !  Honestly,  I am a little kid sometimes or as I have often been called a "maverick",   I investigate,  yep,  I do!......................:)   And I often need a rope to pull me back in !  It always works, though !  Whew !!    ( I've got a friend,  "people") !!!

Yesterday I shared a few pics at the pool,  this is another one.  Here I am relaxing after trapsing around Ojai all morning  

I took a few more pictures , here they are ..........

This is a picture of our SHOPPING CENTER with a market called "VON'S" and other places to shop & eat

By the shopping mall above, is this "bus stop", with a Gold Coast bus to Ventura, CA,  where I went one day this week 

When I take daily walks, though,  this is the top-of-the-hill and I am again headed back home

Going to town is my get-away, but a very long one,  so I get quite a variety here in my new digs

These guys are always here to "greet" me....."EMUS"

Happy Sunday everyone,  far & near .........                                                                                                                                       

Saturday, June 27, 2015


Welcome friends,  once again, it's THAT time,  have a "little" surprise this morning....

by Kat ( Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

For several hours this morning,  I have had my music on a favorite of mine,  even though I listen to him infrequently.  As I pondered the topic for today,  this song,  on my Roger William's radio station,  played.   " A Summer Place".    My ears perked up and then & there I decided,  that's it.  My topic for today.  In our fair town,  right here in Ojai,   heat  is always visiting.  Without realizing or even remembering my landlord,  Karen has a "fabulous" pool,   so,  one day this week I walked over and just looked ?  I gotta tell you,  it was soooo inviting,   and i couldn't resist,  dangling my toes,  then and little deeper to my knees. "It felt so good" !

A peek at my "reverie", 

Decision's,  decisions, decisions,  this shot or.........

or this one, but maybe.......
oh well, what can I say,  it is and was "FUN".  Another "dreamy" aspect of my new "LIFE"....

Moving on, ... this particular day,   I continued up-the-hill ( ya know,  Rice Rd.) and these early "morning risers",  were jogging" their way to "health" & taking in the roadside " beauty"

Here they are,  enjoying Rice Rd. as many others tend to do day by day !!!  People here get out and really take-it-all-in 
I "almost always" visit Vicki and her hunk "RED"

We LOVE it.............................

(_A Wink & a Smile_)..............................................................................:),,,  ( WordPress archives 10/14 - 1/15) "BEYOND THE BLUE HORIZON",  is there in the archives,
oh gee,  there are many others ( WordPress), ( I SUPPORT LIFE & LIVING WORDS) more on Ojai, CA on this website 

Thursday, June 25, 2015

*( Just reread this post written in November, 2014.....I like it,  maybe you will too) _  Today 6/25/15 on ... "One Step Closer"

                      BEAUTIFUL "downtown" OJAI, CA 

THIS our adorable historical Post Office right here in OJAI, CA......:) 

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

The topic above isn't going to be our topic today,  but it IS,   REALLY  a valuable subject , relevant for the world we live in.  Being vigilant is our privilege !!!  I know you have that under control !!

So, isn't this fantastic edifice a beautiful wonderfully preserved monument ?  So many things here in our valley ( Ojai) stand out and are set apart from the norm. 

                                 Next is our beautiful fountain in Libbey Park _ There is a concert bowl, ready for every kind of event,  musical festivals, plays, and more.  Below, _

This kind man let me take his picture on a day when the music festival was preparing for their event, behind the cycler is our famous tennis courts, they sport tennis players from all over the world in the spring. Residents of Ojai "house" the players.. ( yes, it was an honor of mine in the past to house a couple of male tennis players) 

The ever popular Lavender Inn is lovely here ... Lavender farms are prevalent in Ojai along with so many specialties! 
For instance,  horses, horse stables all over this valley,  farms, citrus, avocado,  you- name- it, it's all here.

So much to write about and show you,  tomorrow's another day, huh?  Stay tuned !!......:)

6:30 a.m  (* ..Back from my walk up-the-hill, and a visit to the "stable" !)

 (_A Wink & a Smile_)..............................................................:),, ( Word archives 2014-2015 )  ( I Support Life & Living Words ( more here on Ojai )


Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Yep,  quite gratefully I took a "selfie" at the train station in Ventura of ME,   arriving here on my way to HAPPINESS, a condition I have come to know and ADORE

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson_ author/publisher

This condition I speak of is in-a-manner-of-speaking is getting better and better as the delicious days go by.  And they are prospering in this quaint little town of no other than one called , ...( you guessed it),  ...OJAI, CA.   One might even call it "KISMET".  I kid you not.  The miracles, healings,  keep coming "down-the-pipes". 

I woke up later than usual, and a little stiffer than usual,  most mornings my body has a few 
complaints,  you know, stiff muscles, which I always attribute to lifting heavy objects ( oh yeah,  I still do that -often), and other such work-a-day activities,  but THIS morning,  as I was making coffee ( you know that usually helps those kinks), I stepped into a memory ( not a pleasant one), but not an unpleasant one either, in that that memory has become "totally" healed "right here" on-the-ranch (so-to-speak).   I don't think one could really call this a ranch!  __  But it IS close to being one. take a look............

Behind me are around 40 orange trees, and behind those orange trees are 14 avocados trees, and surrounding this 2 1/2 acre piece of property are, you guessed it,  MORE  trees of various varieties.

Now to continue with my story about this morning,  as the healing came & at  the miraculous
discovery,  I started noticing that those aches & pains in my muscles started "disapating" .  So as is my custom,  I decided that "MAYBE",_  some of our aches and pains,  stiff joints and muscles ( i.e., arthritis ?)  are actually due to some long -past emotional ache and pain.    If  so,  then our bodies can become actually "FREE",  and one "might "experience ( ya think ? ) _"BLISS"..........:)    I'm hoping !!!! 

Back to my day-to-day  "LIFE",.......this delightful man,  below ..... makes- my- day,  often

Introducing GEORGE,  our frequent trolley driver and a good one, FOLKS !   To get around these parts,  Ojai Valley,  I need a good trolley driver!!.........:)  As you may remember I walk 4 miles ( around twice-a-week) ,  to board a CUTE trolley and go to other parts of this DELICIOUS valley & other times I go to Ventura, CA via Gold Coast transit ( bus) to shop ( 20 miles away)

This morning already has been another great one.  ( Just finished a wonderful talk to my 98 yr. old friend ( Martha) in Glendale, CA)........I'm so happy that she is okay and very much alive.  She still bowls at Leisure Vale Retirement Community.

So long 'til tomorrow...................friends

It's a beautiful morning,  ( can't you just hear that song ? )   I LOVE music,  I am infatuated with it,  ...... it is LIFE to me !!!  I DO have favorites,   lots & lots,  ....   HEAVENLY by Johnny Mathis, MARIA, by Johnny Mathis,  ... WHEN I FALL IN LOVE,   by Nat King Cole,  ...  well,  I could go on forever !!  If you love music too, I am sure you know how I feel !!!

(_A Wink & A Smile_)........................................:),,,  ( Word Press archives 10/14 - 1/15 ) check them out,  ( maybe this one called_ "Peace,  a Word for Everyday on Word Press)___ ( I SUPPORT LIFE & LIVING WORDS ) you'll like these too .........................:)

Sunday, June 21, 2015


TO  ALL YOU "FATHER'S"  .....  everywhere .... in this vast  "WORLD"  we live in ..... "HAPPY DAYS "   .................:)


G-O-O-D  M-O-R-N-I-N-G...............................:)

by: (me) _ Kat (Mary) Carlson (author/publisher)

Is this for "real" ?  After introspection and a few bouts with solitude,  I have discovered  things.............:)  Ha ha!    Yep,   I took a  "peek"  inside  me yesterday.    It's okay now !!!  Without a doubt,  LIFE is "major" terrific !!

Satisfaction IS _ that quest was the key factor in my "look" beyond the seemingly obvious!  It was
enlightening !  I trust this inquest and it proves to be extremely profitable !  I am in the hands of
"truth",   & I enjoy this "reliability" of keeping things on the up & up  ( balance, .. if-you-will..)'s the BEST !!!

How about this little "burg" ?  It's called Meiner's Oaks, CA.  An interesting story surrounding it, but that's for another day ! 

Two days ago,  I walked here to Meiner's Oaks,  ( approximately 4 miles from my house) and I catch the cute trolley,   right here sitting on the bench where all of us "passengers" meet & greet !  But before I  sat down for the trolley to arrive,   I visited the " DONUT HOLE",   bought me a glazed twist.......ate it, ....  mmmmmmmmm !!!!    Incidentally I worked for this same Donut Shop
" 30 years" ago !!! .............:)    It was called  DONUT & 1/2,   in a neighboring town.  I opened at 5:30 in the "MORNING" !  _ I just "LOVE MORNINGS" !! _ The air is so fresh and crisp then,
 the rest of the world is still sleeping,    it's way cool!   FOLKS,   in the "wee hours" sure "love" their coffee & donuts !  The waiting line was incredible !

Back to the "adorable"  trolley,  we all know & love !  Here's a quick shot , below.

The sun was rather bright,  I'd say,  but isn't it "CUTE "?   We have two running most of the day....FUN, fun, fun !!!

After purchasing a few staples at the market,   I "hopped back" on a trolley heading toward "home",  where I get off,  and walk down-the-hill to "Paradise"..................:)

Under the trees (right side of the road), I walk just a little further down the road to my "best place on earth" !!!


Take a deep breath,  brush yourself off,  and start all over again,  this moment !!

(_ A Wink & a Smile_)............................................:),,  ( Word Press 2014-2015 ) 500 articles_,  ( I Support Life & Living Words )

Saturday, June 20, 2015


Reminder folks, _ APOD ( Astronomy picture for the day)
Someone I know love's Astronomy.......:)  It's cool !

 I've missed my good friend,  Lily.  I hope you recognize her,  that means you've read up on some of my other  web sites...
 & they are,  _,, ( all on Word Archives 2014-2015)  Some topics include:

_" Do You Have Authorization ? " _ " Sweet Nothings 1 & 11 " , _ " An Excellent Decision, a Sunday Kind of Love", _ "Peace, a Word for Everyday ", _ "RX for Today", " Under the Christmas Tree ", _  a post on " Assisted Living Facilities", _ " It's Words Like These ", + an array of many other topics (designed to share our everyday experiences).....take a peek....& by all means,  check out sweet, adorable,  witty,  spunky,  mischievous,  delightful,  precious,  " LILY " ( above) ....Sigh ! 

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson) _ author/publisher 

I remembered something my son told me today about the "gorgeous" stars in this incredible
"haven of magnificent natural phenomena" ,  yep,  that would be OJAI VALLEY,  "my home"...:)
so around 12:00 ( midnight),  I stepped out and literally gazed at this wonderment.  I'd love to provide you with a picture of the galaxy's as I viewed them moments ago.   It is a sight-to-behold !
APOD is constantly available for you to get a good look and read up on what's what out there & you can ALWAYS step outdoors yourself,  right ?  I DID go outside at night in Glendale, CA and gaze at the moon & stars.  Don't miss the "beauty & mystery " of it ALL.   I won't say LIFE IS TOO SHORT,  because for "ME",   "LIFE " is a continuum,   the  "LIFE" I know,   will never ever END.  But hey,  so what if it does,  it's STILL the "greatest" !

But while I am still in this fleshly body,  "everywhere",  there is outrageous "grandeur."  That brings to mind the awesome & spectacular GRAND CANYON,   breathtaking rock formations in Arizona, ....well,  of course one could take a lifetime and not touch on all there is to experience in CREATION.    But honestly,   I do know & experience,   so much  "beauty"  & "richness",  right under  THESE  stars & mountains,  terrains  &  orchards,  and  animals  &  really and truly "PEOPLE",  who  LOVE  &  appreciate it ALL !    ( Maybe Chamber of Commerce is looking for a PR person ? ).........................................:)

That would be her ( under the shade tree ) ....:) "yours truly"  &

this "HAPPY" camper,  taking it easy

making sure to " take-it-all-in ",   as sure as shootin' !  "THIS IS MY LIFE" .....  Not too shabby",  huh?

If you want to come to see me,  bring a sleeping bag or bed roll and just gaze at the stars all night long!............. !!

(_A Wink & a Smile_)...........................................................:)

* credits listed above in the beginning of this post,  " &",  Google+

Thursday, June 11, 2015


Think I can "hail" a taxi,  or "hitch" a ride in THIS neck of the woods ??...............)


by: "ME" _ Kat ( Mary) Carlson

Probably have to shed that coat too,  in an hour or two.  Weather changes in OJAI VALLEY are completely reliable.   I go through numerous "outfits" per day,   simply because,  first there's sunshine,  then comes the "glorious" clouds,  then maybe some wind kicks up.   So,  inside I go to
get comfortable by taking off this and putting on that................................:)   Laundry,  well,  I've sort of taken care of that,   I have a system !.......(sometimes) !

Upon pondering this blog,   I went through several gymnastics,  even thought about alluding to an "altercation" hence the title, " Let's take it outside",  I felt feisty .... ( really quite a lot of fun,  finally)    Change,  well,  it comes whether I like it or not,  but,  mixing-it-up, .. .. IS, ... and,   in the final analysis,  a very good thing,    " huh "__? ? ?

I'm in the "process" of deciding on ,  if I want a TV or not !   Since I moved here  (Ojai),   I just haven't really needed one.   Besides,  I am not at all a TV buff.   There are moments when I want to watch " All in the Family "  with Archie Bunker!  (sigh).    And I have entertained the thought of  renting " The Honeymooners " from the library.  (Jackie Gleason).  

The squirrels chasing the rabbits across the road is often a "highlight of the morning" for other things do come up frequently throughout my day,  that tickle-my-funny bone.
Now,  it's  not  nice  to mention "alpacas,   but have you ever seen one ?  They are extremely "lovable",  true enough !   Emus , too ,  they are the "alpacas" roommates  ( pasture mates) below...

This is an "alpaca" !
This is a barnyard friend,   an EMU !!  ( more emus & alpacas in the back )

Each morning I walk,  I walk up to their pasture on my way to the main road,  and of course they greet me or I greet them,  ( same difference)  and my morning is enhanced by their presence ! .....:)   Always the horses and other animals are eager to see  humans coming in the a.m.   because ( and I thought they were happy to see me)  well,    turns out they are "hungry" !  ...:)   Nevertheless,  I AM "happy" to see them.   Farm animals make pretty good friends in that they are , well,  "friendly " !!

My friends around the world are taken aback by the variety of animals so near to me and available for viewing and having a "conversation"  with ! .........:)    All in all, I "get- a -kick"
out of the turkeys going "gobble-gobble",   the goats going baa-a-a the roosters  "crowing",
,  the crows   "cawing",    the birds singing  ( incredible warbling ),  on my morning walks.   The whole world is waking up and the "sounds" of the "wild" ( nature)  are "such" a blessing and wakes- me -up to "LIFE"  everywhere I " look & listen" !   There are "no" distractions from
worries,  it just is- what- it- is,  and it just makes me,  "thankful"!

Again,  this time with you in the morning,  is a "treat" for me,

Listen to the "MUSIC",    in whatever  fashion  it comes in !

(_A Wink & a Smile_)..................................................................................................:),, ( Archives -2014-2015)
Google+, ( One Step Closer) ( I Support Life & Living Words)
