Wednesday, June 3, 2015


Hey,  like my opening shot ??

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson _ author/publisher

I do !  ( Like my opening shot )..................:)   "Life",  as I  NOW  know it,  doesn't go on as- per- usual.  "Every single day,  hour,  minute is a "mystery"  and well, who doesn't like a "good mystery"?   I didn't use to,  or at least,   I never "really" knew it was !   I had the "notion" that I was certain of "everything".  Go figure !!    What ever "possessed" me ?  Then I was faced with needing to-be-healed !  When I got into Life's  "uncertainties"  Then_ & only then,  did I begin to find out for certain that "having FAITH " would set me  " FREE".!

Being a strong- willed, "unruly" child,  I "questioned"   "ALL THINGS" !   But NOT until I was passed the age of questioning and started in my "GOLDEN YEARS" !  That matters NOT in the end !  I am   "GLAD",  sooooooooooooooooo "glad"   I learned for myself,  that I "actually" COULD, and would not be  shunned,  reprimanded  or ignored !  These are things I felt when I was a little younger.  Later in  "LIFE" , you know, NOT that long ago,   I learned _" thankfully"_  that I COULD and SHOULD  "QUESTION" !   One thing that stood out  to me was this "ANYONE" who is really "confident" &  "IN CONTROL"  would answer either "yay or nay".  They did not always need to know the "ANSWER",  but that they COULD  just   "BE THERE" as_  in-the-present!   Tears are beginning  to "fall" as I put these words down here,  because  NOW,   I KNOW,  someone "IS THERE"  rather "HERE"  "ME".     I speak only  "this moment"   about this _BECAUSE of the "Level", that  this  "AWARENESS" ,  has _"finally"_ reached !

I believed "that I AM " Healed" as scriptures tell me,  and  "learned" that in order "TO-BE-ME" "questioning"   WAS- and- IS  " ABSOLUTELY necessary"   in order to really  "KNOW" what you want and are looking for !   LIFE'S "uncertainties"  really do exist !   I became "FACED" with an "essence" that presented itself to me ,  I" asked of it,  " Who Are You",  the answer  __ "EVERYONE & NO ONE".    My "response"........"Oh, .. I LIKE THAT",  "unparalleled"   to anything ,  I have ever "encountered"  "BEFORE" !   That together with numerous other "close-encounters"  has made  ME a stronger individual !   I guess,  "Seek & ye Shall Find"   fits  "here",   HUH ?

AS ALWAYS.. though,  here, this morning, it as been a pleasure......

Remember the "shot" at the top of this post/blog ?  These are them,  Jack & Marlene !   I "ASKED" then to "pose" for me !
 And I would "write " about them in my next blog ..........................:)

Let today's "MYSTERY"  unfold !!!   "ENJOY" !!

(_A Wink & a Smile_)...........................................:) 

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