Saturday, June 13, 2015


Good morning EVERYONE,   it looks like a pretty good day  from here,.....OJAI,  CA

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

May I approach the bench,   how's that for a topic ?   Well,  there actually were other topics to choose from this morning,  but that is seldom the case.   So, know what,  I just picked the title I liked best.........:)   If I had chosen "Smoke gets in your eyes",   it would have had lots to do with songs that move me.  ( that's a lot of them,  folks, oh, sooooo many) !   the similarity of both topics is,   I looked to  my inspiration in  "prayer",  and sometimes,   I start crying,  tears of  "JOY" !  " May I Approach the Bench"   won  out this morning.

My "walk" started "real" early yesterday morning !   It began at 6:00 ish a.m..   It turns out I am glad I did.   These "pictures" might explain why!

I'd like to introduce " Boomer " for the first time here in blog land ! We had the pleasure of meeting yesterday morning &  this lady named  "Vicky".......

told me a lot more about the stables I visit each morning, "Boomer" & more stuff

For 50 years,  this special lady has mucked and helped out in her corrals,  for her two horses & others corrals as well!
Vicky returning from a knee replacement is hard-at-work once again !  Kudos for our new friends at the corrals!
This "friendly" face has been around the block,  shall we say ?  I dare say,  he was looking for something-to-eat & approached me with expectation.....cute,  huh?

When my visit with everyone here at the corrals, I continued my usual walk up-the-hill and back again,  enjoying the early morning sounds of "Nature", waking up.  Walking toward my house, and getting pretty close, I looked up to the right, high above.......

there they were nestled on top of this tree,  9 birds ushering in this morning or just waiting there ( or whatever birds do) in their own world.......:)   Anyway,  I liked it, and grabbed a shot !

Now, I go on with the promises of this New Day,  Saturday June 13,  2015,  with renewed energy!   

" ENJOY "   This center behind me is where I shopped a little yesterday !....:)

(_A Wink & a Smile_)............................................................:), http://chooseurwords, http:lilymakesmesmile,com (WordPress Archives 2014-2015),, google+ , ( I Support Life & Living Words) 

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