Monday, June 22, 2015


Your eyes are the eyes of a WOMAN IN LOVE.......sigh !! 

by: (me) _ who would be Kat ( Mary) Carlson

Each and every morning,  of late ( for the last 2 to 3 years),  I have been blessed with the company
of "SWEET LOVE"I know, I'm bragging,  & why not ?   Many years before that I suffered l-o-n-g  and managed to screw up my "precious" "LIFE".  Some of my nearest & dearest were not given a chance to know & love a mom who was gifted with a "happy" heart.   No, my heart was damaged early on ( way too early) in infancy.   So,  when I was blessed with precious children of my own,  they didn't have the opportunity to know or witness ( experience or see), their own
maternal parent enjoying this "incredible" WORLD.  

The story of their childhood "could" be worse,  however,  because as it turns out, my "wonderful" off springs, DO  have lives that are not damaged so much,  but are enjoying who they are.    That makes "THIS" mom,  "very" thankful.    Now,  it is a fact that they have a "happy", "happy" mom.    It's never too late to hold-out for the very best LIFE,  that has been given to YOU !!!!

This world is so Precious & Beautiful,  but I totally & completely understand how there are those lives that don't get off to a "good start".   To them,  I say,  I'm sorry !   Perhaps "change" will come to your "heart" and "mind" !   Nothing's impossible! 

A song comes to mind....." We're In This World Together " and there's more to it,  maybe you can finish it for me.  As "Hillary Clinton" so aptly wrote in her book _ " It Takes a Village" _,  it does!!   My arms & heart are extended to lives in our "world" who "want & need"....something
that is destined to make them "happy" & "complete" !  It is the "right" of everyone to know
"PEACE" & "LOVE" .

Hey,  know what,  I just now, looked at my "topic" for today.   Guess I did,  after all  have this
message on my HEART !!! 

That's a wrap,  this morning, thanks for "being here"...........

" We're in this world together " gotta make it last forever........

(_A Wink & a Smile_).........................................................:),,  htp://, (WordPress archives 2014-2015) "DO YOU HAVE AUTHORIZATION",  " I NEVER KNEW"
& SO MANY OTHERS down the list for you to view......,

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