Monday, June 29, 2015

The Lanvender Inn, downtown Ojai

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

This morning,  I give tons & tons of  "THANKS "!   For sure,  I am blessed with many wonderful things.  As I crawled out of bed to close the windows from a place with lots of sun & heat yesterday, and head toward the bathroom,  I suddenly gave thanks for my feet,   that carries me everywhere everyday, and found an absolute "litany" of  stuff that reminds me "how lucky" I AM.
From my feet to my toes, and ears,  eyes and head,  it was not hard to go on and find that everything in my fabulous "LIFE" is more than enough to be grateful for!  I never have trouble finding things to complain about.  I mean,  I didn't even realize I was repeating these things over and over in my head, ya know, simply an ache here and an ache there, nevertheless, my brain goes there,  ( I hardly even knew) and yet, there it is/was each morning. So, today I found being thankful so easy and inviting company for myself,  my "BODY " & "MIND"  & "HEART " to dwell on. ( By the way, to "dwell" means where you live,  all-the-time ) !

THERE'S A SMILE ON MY FACE FOR THE WHOLE HUMAN RACE & & IT'S ALMOST LIKE BEING IN LOVE", by _Mr. Nat King Cole, ...........thanks man !!...........................................:)

Ah yes, of course this is a plus, but don't really use that like I use my feet, eyes, ears,  "EVERY" minute of EVERYDAY !!!

Of late, I have been telling my ankles, muscles,  bones,  nerve cells, etc. that I love them and thank them ( I do this while I rub them with lotion or cream),  and I guess this morning,  it has taken hold and my brain is in a wonderful mode !!!  Well,  brain & heart,  keep on, keeping on !!
 I could not ask for a better companion. 

So, here, on-the-ranch ...:), it IS a "beautiful morning" ..........YES ?

My coffee is waiting,  and even before I had my first cup,  today,  _  I found my "cup of ambition" ( Dolly Parton in  (Working 9 to 5 what a way to make a Living)  in "Life itself"

Thanks for the visit "this morning",   friends .......

(_A Wink & a Smile_)...............................................................................................:),, ( Archives 2014-2015,  ( I Support Life & Living Words)

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