Wednesday, June 3, 2015


Oh well, NO I do not mean that these "fellas" are funny,  but the "guy" on the right "can" spin a "Yarn"  DEFINITELY ! 

The "gentleman" ( Dodger uniform) above is a one-of-a-kind "special edition" type of personality called  SPUD.   Many folks around the world, know & love him......that means "me", too,  SPUD.  Thinking of you today with my special  "Thanks" !!

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson  _ author/publisher

As always,  I started with a subject that I thought would be entitled something like " Laughter",
don't forget it !   I "know", that "we-the-people" are blessed when this phenomenon....."LAUGHTER"
takes- me -away  and polishes the center of  my "BEING" !   I now have a sense of "HUMOR" that "erases"  pain & heaviness , lubricates the mind and body,  keeping   "LIFE"  &  "LOVE"  & "LIMB" ...." LIGHT  &  JOYFUL" !

I remember the first  "belly-laugh"   I ever experienced personally,  (it wasn't too many years ago),  I shocked myself,   but totally enjoyed the "experience".   Guess what I was doing ?   I was watching Archie Bunker on  "ALL IN THE FAMILY".   Some people do not like him,   but I find that show "hilarious".   It would not  have   "tickled- my- funny-bone"  a "very " - "l-o-n-g" time ago !   But "time" has changed a great deal  & I AM a different person.  A major, welcome change is that of "LAUGHTER" !  I  LIKE  that,  "in me" as much as any thing else that has changed and made my life richer !!........:)  

So, this I know,  being  really-in-touch  with the true nature of  "LIFE", is  being -in-touch with all aspects of a well -balanced  "DEMEANOR" .  NES  PAUX ?    If you doubt GOD'S sense of humor,  there IS this "cute" animal at the end of my "driveway",  called an "ALPACA".   First you see the alpaca's pasture friends, the Emus,   then to the right of the picture you'll see alpacas.(background)  But you know,  they are something  "PRECIOUS"  after all !     Just keeping it "real" !

A "friendly bunch" !!

(_A Wink & a Smile_)...............................................................................:),,  http://chooseurwords,  ( Word -archives _ 10/14 - 1/15) ,  ( I Support Life & Living Words), https.//,  Google+

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