Wednesday, June 17, 2015


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That would be  "ME" ??

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_ A WORD or TWO,   to re-emphasis ,  that  "YOU ARE",  and essentially,  there is......"ONLY YOU",   in the "FINAL ANALYSIS"  ?????     Somewhere along-the-line,   it DID all BEGIN, with you,  RIGHT ? ( hence,  "IF NOT ME,  THEN WHO? ")  _ will see-to-it that _" YOU have" _ what you need,   right here where   "YOU ARE "!!! )    But,  "MAYBE"  "you" have "decided",  that it is simply easier to pass-the-buck,  & "ALLOW"  others to be responsible for _  _"YOUR -only- SELF" ! ?? _ There are answers........please ask the questions ..... for "YOUR-SELF" !

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 * by: Kat Carlson _ today,  Sunday,  July 12, 2015 _ UPDATED


But I didn't think people "had" to work in Paradise................huh?  Think I got a bum- deal.......
( just kidding.......:)  Of course the view is nothing-to-sneeze at,  oh wait,  yes,... in fact sneezing is what I do occasionally !   SIGH !  As "Ellen" says, .............." ANYWAY" !  _( Like my shirt ?_ " ANGEL" ? )

by : Kat ( Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

Yesterday,  on my morning walk up-the-hill,  on Rice Rd.,

I stopped by the stables on Meyer again,  ( one of my favorite haunts )I got to meet and find out "a little" bit of Vicki's story and how she came to know & purchase her PRECIOUS "RED" of years !

He's a "BEAUTY" and so "BIG",  ( quite a "HUNK"), _ well,   the LOVE between them is really "something else"

Vicki and her beloved,  " RED"........she rescued him and sees to it that he's in- good-hands,   the complete "story" about this "dynamic duo",  is coming up later in a separate blog......I am looking forward to promoting and sharing this "divine" relationship !

After finding out this exciting story and saying "good morning" to my new friends,  I continued to walk ( you know the drill),  getting better & quicker and "still" loving the trek,  ( I see people going to work,  bicycling, ridng their horse,  "rabbit",  sooooo cute,  with white tails,  they actually turn around and look back at me after passing by me.....fuuu-nnn-eee !  The mornings in my world are SO ..."PRECIOUS"....... and then of course,  so,  is the "rest- of- the- day" ! 

A pose in front, surveying my "kingdom " next shot.......

My walk is over ( for today ),  relaxing ( sigh ),......before I get-to-work !!  As I present this blog to you...many hours later, I go back to bed for a little snooze and start all over again,   but it will "NOT" be the same this morning or any other morning......... I "get-to-live" in "PARADISE"................:)  It's " HEAVENLY"...............

Remember to take-a-break for yourself,  often,  throughout the hours,  days,  weeks,  months, PEOPLE !     ( Check out the topic for today,  there's  "ONLY "  _ "YOU"  )

(_ A Wink & a Smile_ )..............................................................................................:),,,  ( Word Press archives 2014= 2015 ) ,,  ( I Support Life & Living Words ) Google +

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