Saturday, June 27, 2015


Welcome friends,  once again, it's THAT time,  have a "little" surprise this morning....

by Kat ( Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

For several hours this morning,  I have had my music on a favorite of mine,  even though I listen to him infrequently.  As I pondered the topic for today,  this song,  on my Roger William's radio station,  played.   " A Summer Place".    My ears perked up and then & there I decided,  that's it.  My topic for today.  In our fair town,  right here in Ojai,   heat  is always visiting.  Without realizing or even remembering my landlord,  Karen has a "fabulous" pool,   so,  one day this week I walked over and just looked ?  I gotta tell you,  it was soooo inviting,   and i couldn't resist,  dangling my toes,  then and little deeper to my knees. "It felt so good" !

A peek at my "reverie", 

Decision's,  decisions, decisions,  this shot or.........

or this one, but maybe.......
oh well, what can I say,  it is and was "FUN".  Another "dreamy" aspect of my new "LIFE"....

Moving on, ... this particular day,   I continued up-the-hill ( ya know,  Rice Rd.) and these early "morning risers",  were jogging" their way to "health" & taking in the roadside " beauty"

Here they are,  enjoying Rice Rd. as many others tend to do day by day !!!  People here get out and really take-it-all-in 
I "almost always" visit Vicki and her hunk "RED"

We LOVE it.............................

(_A Wink & a Smile_)..............................................................................:),,,  ( WordPress archives 10/14 - 1/15) "BEYOND THE BLUE HORIZON",  is there in the archives,
oh gee,  there are many others ( WordPress), ( I SUPPORT LIFE & LIVING WORDS) more on Ojai, CA on this website 

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