Wednesday, June 24, 2015


I am going to do a follow up on this topic called  DELICIOUS, in today's morning blog, I was alluding to delicious in the sense of  LIFE as being DELICIOUS,  true enough, oh so true   

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

But since I updated this particular post/blog,  I'd like to say something about a scripture that was
uttered to me out loud recently, .....,  yes indeed,  I do hear the voice of my GOD,  and it stirs my soul,  and makes me more & more aware,  thankful for my "personal" relationship.   it is indeed that !  This particular time I want to share that I heard " Blessed are Those who HUNGER & THIRST after RIGHTEOUSNESS,  for they SHALL be filled.  OH  MY,   at that moment I WAS filled with "JOY",  it ( JOY) is a product of "righteousness"...... okay,  that- being- said and not wanting to move on without recognizing how precious that was and is........ 

I am moved to say another thing about being "filled" with righteousness,   every good & perfect gift ,  that's given to us from our author of "FAITH",   absolutely fills -us- up,  and I for one eat less ( enough),  but less.  The reason is........I am so "SATISFIED",   I am "FULL".   It's just that I can't eat more,  there's no room.   It helps a LOT people,  in other ways,  like budget,  not so much work,  preparations,  and even more.  This topic,   I really could write more about at some point  ( perhaps a booklet).   Food & I have a healthy relationship,   I am happy to say! 

It's wonderfully kind of you to let me carry- on- my- ramblings about what makes  "LIFE" tick for me ...... THANKS !!

(_A Wink & a Smile_)...........................................................:)

P.S.  "Righteousness",   I really never knew what that meant in the past, ......I thought maybe,  a goody-goody,  ya' know,  NOT SO,   far from it,  it ,  for me just means I'm happy,   it may seem like someone who is good,  but happy just IS,  ..... that's all !!!!!

( Word Press blogs...archives:  10/15- 1/15 ),,,,

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