Tuesday, June 16, 2015


This is "IT",  yep,  the "infamous" hill that I "trek "_ "every" day,  usually in the morning between 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson _ author/publisher

Often when I walk down Rice Rd.,  I get waylaid,  and take a little detour to the pastures ( corrals) where there are livestock of various kinds.  Nothing there short of the miracles of life.  There are turkeys  ( white ones, yes white...gobble-gobble) goats ( very friendly goats_ pic *), then there are horses, and more horses,  but I discovered this "BIG GUY" recently !  Meet.....

OSCAR,  !!   I had heard about Oscar from friends,  but when I saw him for the first time, I decided,.. "Oh, he's cute"

Next  to Oscar are these two characters.......Millie & Fred,  the wild antics of these two, are soooooo funny, most of the time when I am on Rice ( they live on Meyer), I see them on the roof of there little dwelling so I decide I want to get that picture.  By the time I reach them they jump down from their perch,  (roof top) ,  ( I just knew they would),  so here's the best shots I could get yesterday.............................

I' ve decided that this is "Fred"...
Now,  to me,  the black & white goat is "Millie"

After I visit the stables (once & a while),  I decide to go on up-the-hill , there at the top I decide to either keep going or turn around down the hill,  and meet passers-by,  bikers,  people going to work, waiving as they pass,  ( it's a very friendly place ),  and this "familiar scene".

I "love" this picture !!!  These nice people live on Fairview street at the top of "MY" hill........:)  Marlene & Jack are in back,  the guy in front has no name.........:)

I made it....down-the-hill,  ready for more tree-trimming, raking leaves , laundry,  hanging more stuff  "&" sipping this great coffee !  mmmmmmm ! .......

Meanwhile,  have a "terrific" day,  my friends !

(_A Wink & a Smile_)..................................................................................:)

http://1topnotchkat.org,  http://akneadedtouch4u.com,  http://lilymakesmesmile.com, http://chooseurwords,  ( Word Press 2014-2015),  https://www.blogger.com/,  Google+,
http://4u2become1.blogspot.com  ( I Support Life & Living Words)

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