Friday, June 12, 2015


Relaxin'  after a "l-o-n-g"  "HOT"  walk,  last weekend....a SELFIE !!  

by:  Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

Sometimes early in the morning,  as is usually the case,  ( I go to bed early,  remember?),
I putz around the house,  this morning I moved my dining room table around,  putting it in a different direction.  " I like it",  ( "I just love it when a plan comes together", huh Spud?).
And sometimes I write long-hand letters to friends who do not have computers,  so no emails to them.  I still "love-to-write"  long-hand.......:)

In this particular letter to this particular friend,  we close by saying,  "hug yourself for me" !
I smile and do that "very thing" !   A " big hug" from mi amiga MARGARET !   Well, mi amigas y amigos,  I have been writing about this "whole concept" since August,  2014.  In my daily blogs over on WORD PRESS,,  ( & this topic has really been written about by "YOURS TRULY".
The "animal kingdom" started this concept  "l-o-n-g"  ago !  Those "intelligent beings" "KNEW",  it's a JUNGLE,  out there ?    YES?  Stroking & more stroking is absolutely necessary
for them in many ways.  Part of their "survival" ends up being their ritual of  "STROKING" their young and also themselves.

NEXT : this pic is of a special friend of mine:  Miss  "LILY",   a frequently featured "image" on past blogs (* see URL above )

For absolutely sure,  this "lovable feline" captured my heart and the heart of many others ! 
"Ain't she sweet" ?  Oh yes, "sweet & funny", "clever and mysterious", "spunky & self-assured"
all of the above & "even more".  To know her "IS TO LOVE HER".  Kudos to you,  "LILY", my amiga in the animal kingdom......Special tribute.

So, back to "ARE YOU SURPRISED ?",   this I have come to "know & believe & practice",   hugs for yourself   "TO "  yourself ,   along with telling yourself how important you are &  how much you appreciate your very own self,   is a definite "KEY" to "SURVIVAL"  in this "JUNGLE" we live in !   It's never wise to wait for somebody else to supply you with the staple of "LOVING", &  providing  your very basic need.    I DO KNOW,   that   "I AM LOVED"  by my "CREATOR",  &  I believe that is also a reason to reflect this  "powerful decision"  on one's  "SELF".    NOW,  this was not a  DECISION  made by GOD based on merit,   but based on plain ,  pure,  "L-O-V-E".   Whenever I ask,  why do you love me... the answer is always,    "because I want to" !!   I don't  love  myself based on "merit",  "I do it",  ... "because"

I just "do" !   

( _ A Wink & a Smile_ )...................................................................................:),,,  ( Word Press Aug.  2014- Jan 2015),,,  Google +

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