Saturday, June 20, 2015


Reminder folks, _ APOD ( Astronomy picture for the day)
Someone I know love's Astronomy.......:)  It's cool !

 I've missed my good friend,  Lily.  I hope you recognize her,  that means you've read up on some of my other  web sites...
 & they are,  _,, ( all on Word Archives 2014-2015)  Some topics include:

_" Do You Have Authorization ? " _ " Sweet Nothings 1 & 11 " , _ " An Excellent Decision, a Sunday Kind of Love", _ "Peace, a Word for Everyday ", _ "RX for Today", " Under the Christmas Tree ", _  a post on " Assisted Living Facilities", _ " It's Words Like These ", + an array of many other topics (designed to share our everyday experiences).....take a peek....& by all means,  check out sweet, adorable,  witty,  spunky,  mischievous,  delightful,  precious,  " LILY " ( above) ....Sigh ! 

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson) _ author/publisher 

I remembered something my son told me today about the "gorgeous" stars in this incredible
"haven of magnificent natural phenomena" ,  yep,  that would be OJAI VALLEY,  "my home"...:)
so around 12:00 ( midnight),  I stepped out and literally gazed at this wonderment.  I'd love to provide you with a picture of the galaxy's as I viewed them moments ago.   It is a sight-to-behold !
APOD is constantly available for you to get a good look and read up on what's what out there & you can ALWAYS step outdoors yourself,  right ?  I DID go outside at night in Glendale, CA and gaze at the moon & stars.  Don't miss the "beauty & mystery " of it ALL.   I won't say LIFE IS TOO SHORT,  because for "ME",   "LIFE " is a continuum,   the  "LIFE" I know,   will never ever END.  But hey,  so what if it does,  it's STILL the "greatest" !

But while I am still in this fleshly body,  "everywhere",  there is outrageous "grandeur."  That brings to mind the awesome & spectacular GRAND CANYON,   breathtaking rock formations in Arizona, ....well,  of course one could take a lifetime and not touch on all there is to experience in CREATION.    But honestly,   I do know & experience,   so much  "beauty"  & "richness",  right under  THESE  stars & mountains,  terrains  &  orchards,  and  animals  &  really and truly "PEOPLE",  who  LOVE  &  appreciate it ALL !    ( Maybe Chamber of Commerce is looking for a PR person ? ).........................................:)

That would be her ( under the shade tree ) ....:) "yours truly"  &

this "HAPPY" camper,  taking it easy

making sure to " take-it-all-in ",   as sure as shootin' !  "THIS IS MY LIFE" .....  Not too shabby",  huh?

If you want to come to see me,  bring a sleeping bag or bed roll and just gaze at the stars all night long!............. !!

(_A Wink & a Smile_)...........................................................:)

* credits listed above in the beginning of this post,  " &",  Google+

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