Showing posts with label Love & laughter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Love & laughter. Show all posts

Monday, October 12, 2015


Yesterday,  the "two of us"  ( my beloved brother & I)  shared precious moments after three years.

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson _ author/publisher

It has been my pleasure to know and experience four "great" brothers.  I am blessed
and thankful for all four.

Ron,  who you see above with me lives in Spokane,  Washington.   Come visit again soon,
bro'.   Next time  bring your nap sack ,  and "rake" ........:)

Be well & prosper ..... 

(_ A Wink & a Smile_) ..............................................:)

Thursday, September 17, 2015

It's a "beautiful" morning

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson  _ author/publisher

With a Song in My Heart............I behold your adorable face,   that's right,  another song !  I never tire of the oldies but goodies.  This really is a lovely song,  I believe !

It IS a beautiful morning.  We here in California have experienced a little rain.  Enough to slightly water the vegetation around these parts.  Hopefully the ground will become prepared enough to withstand more.   But the smell of rain really is a treat. Then of course the air is fresher and sweeter.  Still we are hoping for much more rain.  That of course is our wish.  Our lakes are down more than they have ever been.  WATER,  our most VITAL of ALL commodities.
May you & I see & experience the replenishing of our wells & waterways!!  Let the RAINS begin,
let them "carry on" and nourish these parts.

A little sideline now,   gladly I had a chance to walk yesterday.  I happened upon these two lovelies  
Taking a "little" walk early in the morning,

AGAIN .......this shot
Enough of that,  time to go back in ...........................:)  
So o o o o o o o o o  CUTE,

Notice the wet pavement.  Actually,  I took my umbrella  !  I have been taking it with me and using it for "three" mornings now.

The first morning,  I went to our do-nut shop.  The "fellas",  (it's always fellas, how come? )
yeah,  there were lots of "guys" stopping by for a "cup of coffee" on their way to work.  I put my hand in my pocket to grab my camera, ooooooops,  no "camera",  darn it,  I  forgot to bring it.
So, ..... finishing my coffee and cake do nut with chocolate frosting,   .... the rain had stopped,  and  I decided to head back toward my "Casa de Kat"  ( 1 1/2 miles) down this hill

Once again,  down,  down  this path to "hibernate" ( notice the stables on the left) house

is lots further continuing about another 1/2 mile ahead.    I am " situated " in about the middle of this picture among-st the trees.

I made it back folks,  ready for a new day, 

How about you ?  ............... 

(_A Wink & a Smile_)...............................................................................:) 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Say "Good Morning" to my friend,  Luke Skywalker .....  

by: Kat ( Mary )  Carlson    _  author/publisher

Hey there,  you with the stars in your eyes .......................................Can this be ?   Ah,  yes,  I think it just might be exactly that ......... " real" !   But,  but,  my flesh (old nature) is saying ,  it can't be!  I'm not supposed to feel this good.   It was the coffee,  oh no,  it was that,  and so on and so on.  And I tell myself,  "just go with it",   you can't figure out everything in Life.  Enjoy the moment,  & "FEEL GOOD" !   "FANTASTIC"   and I am doing exactly that !   ....................:)

I opened my computer and all of a sudden new operations,  new vistas, new LIFE appeared to my brain and eyes.  I had new choices to make.  The kid in me gets excited !  

And at this moment,  I am hoping the same thing happens to you.   Eyes opening,  heart opening at the same time,  I love it.   What do you have planned for today ?   Are you going to work ?  Who will you see at work ?   What will you wear ?   Do you stop at Starbucks for coffee or maybe the donut shop.  I want to know !  Do you have children,  how many ?   Are they grown,  or little tykes?  Are you going to buy groceries today?  What's for dinner?  I want to know everything !

This is from a little girl inside me that has literally been locked up for upteen years !  You can imagine what an adjustment this is,  but,  glory be,  bring it on !  New Life,   bursting forth from under the masks and superficiality of existence as "ghosts- from- the- past" have covered and kept hidden .......when you block the "bad things",   the good things also get hidden as well !
Then we become robbed!

So,  as this new day moves in "me"  I carry on.   I open up for more of the glorious same ! 
Adventure,  surprises,  all kinds,  of all variety.   That meaning disappointments as well as
times of  "joy".    But it definitely won't be business-as-usual ! 

My last blog ( yesterday)  was all about getting to know myself,  " COOL ",  " I AM" !!

If you do go to the "do-nut" shop,  buy me a "buttermilk"  do-nut ? ?  ( this time)

Thanks !!  ( for the do-nut ) !  

 Just for fun,  I changed the desktop background  scene ..... I love the new one !  See ya !

(_ A Wink & a Smile_) ...................................................................................................:) 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015



by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson   _ author/publisher

I'll bet I get lots of readers based on this topic ? ................:)   But,  just as quickly,  they are likely to buff-aw it and move on.  No matter !  The news I have discovered first-hand will not be readily received.  

Are you listening to your body ?  Is it telling you "what-to-do" ?  It probably is !  In fact it has to tell someone.  Do you know why?   BECAUSE,  it doesn't know EITHER.   And when you hurt, obviously,   you & I seek "HELP"!    And then of course,   you are compelled to seek someone ( ?????) who does know,  right ?   If you are "extremely lucky",   you'll find that "someone" after what (?),  numerous tries and " humungus  tests, & lab work,  x-rays,  MRI's , and so on and so on.  Prescriptions will be issued,  "try this" for a month,  etc,  etc,  etc,  etc,  etc.   By now,  you should be well !  What,  don't tell me you're not !!

If you are not tired of this,  then that will basically continue for your entire LIFE.  Probably will anyway, because you have not found out,  that "YOU" are "NOT" your body.   If our own bodies did have authority,  then in all these jillions of years,  we wouldn't be sick.  The very first complaint would be accurate ,  wouldn't it?   If not the first then the next and so on.  The system we have now does not work !

Obesity for instance,  would not be prevalent and is even on the rise until,  it can't even stop itself.
During the recent months,  years,  I have had the good insight to blow their cover into these demands placed on me,  and hear them "speak" out loud in a horribly demanding voice.  Hearing yourself,  can FREE you !   I realize most folks DON'T hear the command ( yes,  it's a command -unheard message) and we can't decipher the code.  With obesity and all other ills,  there is a code ( like a micro -chip),  & it "will be obeyed" !!  "It's not your fault " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm not touting a new method,  religion or anything of that nature.   It's has become my awareness and my own determination to take charge of my own needs.   I " CHOSE " to do that ! You can "toss" around this information,   I am just passing it on ! 

 It may just behoove you to "give this some thought" !  ? ? 

The "malady" I surrendered wasn't obesity !  

Nevertheless,  it gives it's messages through our very own flesh.   Do whatever you have to do,
to get to know "YOU" !!

(_A Wink & a Smile_)...................................................................:) 

Monday, September 14, 2015

Start the morning off "right"

by: Kat M. Carlson  _ author/publisher

"Maybe  I'm right and maybe I'm wrong,  and maybe I'm weak and maybe I'm strong,   but
"NEVERTHELESS"   I'm in LOVE  with you  !!

Ah,  romance,  can't live with it and can't live without it.   I gotta say,  I'm all for it!   The most significant and important thing I have discovered currently,   is,   it is possible to be in
"LOVE"  with ourselves.   Only strong,  vital,  "head together" type of personalities,  can pull this off.    When our hearts are rooted in real  "honest LOVE",  can you or I be in a position to become  one who,  absolutely,  deeply ,  considers him or her self,   capable of receiving that "emancipation".   What a "glorious" experience !!!  ......:)

It is my opinion that if and when "marriage" does take place ,  one's own "emancipation",  will keep this kind of " marriage",  going  "STRONG".   As is always the case,  when you don't really 
need something,  it's then you can truly have it,  and appreciate it's value.   But until or even if "marriage" does not come about,  one is "happy"  within and ,  in LOVE with LIFE !

Ah,  "real "LIFE".  well,  when you find it,  bravo for you !!   A "superb"  "extraordinary " relationship !   It transcends all matter,   and makes you "free-to-be". 

Well,  I'm on a roll here,  but  "hey",  why not !   It is "terrific" news,  isn't it?  " Being  in love with Life itself?"  

                                                          Just flat out ,  "BEING" ?

GO    FOR   IT    !!!!!


 (_A Wink & a Smile_) ..........................................................................................................:)

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


It will be "wonderful" to sit here again during the day.   It's w-a-a-a-a-y too hot in the recent today,  104 degrees F. 

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson  _ author/publisher

 i  just have "the" luckiest breaks,   like , for instance,   this morning after doing a smidgen of grocery shopping at Von's ( Y in Ojai,  CA ),  I looked desperately for a "cool" spot to sit while I waited for a ride with Gold Coast Access,  (transit).  

I sat next to an interesting distinguished looking "young" man.  I had purchased a  freshly baked yummy bagel  for a light snack.  Reaching into the bag,  the "gentleman" and I exchanged pleasantries.   Our talk took us to eatery's around town where the "silver headed" folks gather ,  exchange how-do-you-do's, and  then,  oh yes,  we go there.  We often engage in conversation about,  Health,  then family,  world news ( NOT), and successes,  ( a lot is said about our children's whereabouts too.   If all takes off well,  we open up about where we "hail" from.

I find this type of "LIFE" thrilling.  Our planet is a fabulous place,  and everyone has a "great "
story to tell.   So, on and on our minds clicked and now I know about his successful daughter Susan,  and I know he is from Illinois (originally) AND  I know his name is "ROCKEFELLER".
Introducing my new acquaintance .....

Mr.  Rockefeller standing in front of "Von's" ( * note a great smile ) 
There IS a Mrs. Rockefeller.  Too bad I didn't get to meet her.  She sounds like a busy ,  lovely woman  helping others.   A friendly shopper saw me taking a picture and offered to take a picture 
of both of us. .......

Nice looking couple  ( if only he wasn't married ).........:) 

After this chat,  Mr. Rockefeller was off to a former engagement, .... while I waited for my ride.
Below is another shot of this beautiful shopping center. " Von's Market at the famous " Y " at
Maricopa and Ojai Avenue ....
As per usual, a" day with surprises",  in Ojai Valley ! 

Fortunately for me,  my next-door neighbor happened by before long and it wasn't necessary for me to wait longer.  I was certainly hoping to beat-the- "HEAT" !  It turns out I just barely did.
When I reached mi "Casa de Kat",  and went inside to check the temp "outside"  ( dual thermometer)  it was 99 degrees at 10:00 a.m. 

The leaves from the tree where I sit in the beginning shot is singing this tune " The Falling Leaves".... ,  like you wouldn't believe !  Nothing to do but WAIT,  & watch.  In fact I did sit out and got really into the whole "falling leaf"  syndrome.   I found just "tuning into" the whole operation , incredible,  and was fascinated by it all.   LIFE is awesomely mysterious and wonderous...( children do this & now I do too).   The patterns and routines,  the sights and sounds,  meeting new & wonderful people,   all make me "grateful" ..."I AM ALIVE"._ " Fairy tales can come true,  it can happen to you,.....IF YOU'RE YOUNG AT HEART"_ sung by Mr. Nat King Cole.

 " I'll be seeing you "............ 

(_A Wink & a Smile_)................................................................................:) 

Sunday, August 30, 2015

AND AWAY WE GO....( Honeymooners)

Luke Skywalker & me,  this a.m. (7:15)

by Kat ( Mary) Carlson  _ author/publisher

Bright & early this morning,  after reluctantly crawling out of bed,  I took a shower to loosen the kinks, up and down my spine,  then I selected my cool clothes for the day ( shorts & tank top),   I made a fresh pot of java.   Sometimes I love the aroma so much I just stick my nose in the container and take a whiff.  ...:)   Soon,  the signal was a "go" from my freshly brewed pot of coffee,  and I poured a cup,  added honey,  always,  I use "honey" for practically everything  ( honey is a natural antibiotic), and for extra flavor I add a peppermint.   I just discovered this little treat.  It's s-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- good !

This  sizzling hot weather here in Ojai,  has left the orange trees looking a little wilted and thirsty,
so  I watered some before I took my "usual" walk down Rice.  The horse stables are on my way on
Meyer Road.  Stopped for a bit to see my friends there,  Vicki,  Red,  Darth Vadar,  and the horse you see above in this picture with me is Luke Skywalker.   I named then myself.   Horses are sensitive,  I've discovered.  On certain days,  they can't be cozy enough and dearly love petting,  other days,  they practically run from you.   Sounds a little like people,  huh?  

These passers-by showed up as I started my upward climb 

This "trio"  is Marlene,  Chad and Jeff.  

Here is the first shot I took of these Ojaians

I have always felt that this picture should be published in some magazine,  it's just so .......


I checked my photos this morning & found this interesting one that I took yesterday shopping at the local market.  

I just "love" having my camera ready at moments like these.  Both of us had visited the shop called " Attitude Adjustment ". .....:) 

One more picture of me & cool-hand "Luke"....

Oooooooops,  this isn't Luke ,  this is Darth !   (Luke &  Darth share the same corral.,  Luke has the pretty stripe down his nose and Darth is,  "Dark" ..)

*  It's Sunday  August 30, 2015.  Still a little time left to make it a day you'll remember....

(_ A Wink & a Smile_).........................................................................................:)

Sunday, July 19, 2015

From where I sit,  looks like a "very" good morning, 

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson _ author/publisher

It's 5:00 a.m,  moments ago,  I stepped outside and sat in this very same spot.  See this bench I'm on,  I took it apart yesterday.  And would you believe with bricks on the ground and everything
dissembled,  "RAIN" started pouring.  It just poured "buckets", at first I said to myself, oh stay,  get wet, it'll be fun.  THAT did not last long,  I stayed a "few" seconds and skedaddled.  Off and on throughout the day yesterday,  it just "POURED "  RAIN.  As I came in this morning from this bench, my feet were actually WET. 

For us here in Southern California,  "RAIN" is a "real blessing".  And along with that,  the "AIR " smelled awesome.  That crisp smell,  making the earth express it's "thanks" and I could
just sense that !!   When LIFE has a chance to verbalize,  things just "stand out",  and become

Hey,  it's "SUNDAY" ...( my brother Ron's birthday _who lives in Spokane, WA. "Happy Birthday" Ron ).  When you are in church this day,  ( for those who go),  ( church for me is this delightful country setting today ),  ... look over at your neighbor ( right & left),  "SMILE"  ?    "CELEBRATE"   "LIFE",   and breathe "deep".  Ah-h-h-h, !!  I can give- "thanks", can't I ??

Outside .... my front yard
"Friendly neighbors " ................:) 

More "friendly" neighbors

Another beautiful "VIEW"

It's all good ..................

Have a "HAPPY" !!  

(_A Wink & a Smile_)..............................................................:),,  ( 10/14 - 1/15 ), ( I Support Life & Living Words) (One Step Closer)

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


A picture for my 75th year,  today, July 14,  2015

by : Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher


Just another ,  you know, one of those good ole' songs.  Music, music,  it really is the "BEST".
Music helps me with every mood,  I have and need,  most all of the time.  Seriously,  it can and will "HEAL" your body & mind. 

Don't miss out .......find a radio, or CD player or Android, or something that will afford you a variety of "music".   Try to capture the "tunes & "sounds" of  actual therapeutic "listening".. Well,  therapeutic is a little too generic.  No,  go for it, people.  Music, all the way.  Our world today,  consumes lots of chemicals to try and make the pain go away.  And one of them happens to be "FOOD".   Now,   I "know"   that doesn't surprise you.    But I can't point that out,  "enough"
Then of course, another is the "really" obvious, "DRUGS" like prescription drugs & well, the 
"horrible" other kind of drug use/abuse.!!!!

Right now,  right here,  this morning,  I am "heralding" & "focusing" on "types of alternative lifestyles,"  that do-not-cost "much money",  and    _ "THAT WORK" !   " ALL I WANT IS LOVING YOU  &   MUSIC,  MUSIC,  MUSIC"  remember that song,  probably not most of you.
It goes on, "CLOSER,  MY DEAR COME CLOSER, the finest part of any melody is when you're dancing close to me", ........... yep,  that's the way it goes. !

THIS "IS" the HOME of "loveliness" , our Ojai, CA
Just step right outside my front door to this "sight"

Even this one , off my patio.....:)
The " emus " & "alpacas" are always looking through the "fence".....:)

I've enjoyed my visit with you this morning, ........"everyone"

(_ A Wink & a Smile_).............................................................................:)

Friday, July 10, 2015

A TOPIC _ for this Friday,  July 10, 2015  "ORGANIZED" 

by: Kat Carlson _ authorized/publisher

To begin,  I am organized,  yes, I have always been.   BUT,  what compelled me to write about this topic,  has way more to do with my "inner-LIFE".  I "FIRMLY" believe,  when one has taken-to-task,  the practices of how one administers , manages,  all one's "HEALTH",  mental & definitely, "PHYSICAL" ( such as what I eat , too ),   "every facet"  of one's "entire" SELF !  Doing this daily, creates "healthy organs",  see where I am going with this.?     What I do ("practice") inside & outside,   just quite  simply keeps those tissues (organs) "HEALTHY".  See,  the consequences ARE  "everything" "ORGAN-IZED"   or also this concept   "ORDER".    There is "ORDER" in our "UNIVERSE" , "THANKFULLY" !!!!    Teaching one's "SELF" to have an actual mental picture of ALL  the  ORGANS inside the BODY,    I am able to "SEE" (visualize) my own.   Pretty darn good thing too!  _ " NO SURPRISES & NO BLAMING SOMETHING , OR ,  SOMEONE else."  Having "control" of "ME" is a "VERY SWEET" experience.  ( That "MAY"even be why,  I DON'T have "DIABETES" )...... ya' know ?  No,  really go ahead and give this lots of consideration !!!!

Keep this "TRUTH" in front of you,  know this, " IF NOT ME,  then who ? 

 OUR ORGANS,  like "IDAHO potatoes"  have "eyes" ....  well,......:),   when you do have eyes -to -see"inside " you,  things change for the better,  right ? 

LIFE IS GOOD,  and even better when you are good ( considerate) to it

I'll take a few days off,   friends,  "GOING TO GLENDALE,  CA  on AM TRAK,  "
I have a Birthday Celebration Party Combo to "happily" attend,  with GOOD FRIENDS,  Saturday & Sunday,  July 11 & 12 

  _" ALL ABOARD" !!  _  Wanta'  go with  me ?  ......:)

(_A Wink & a Smile_).........................................................:)