Showing posts with label Life & quality all rolled up in "one". Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life & quality all rolled up in "one". Show all posts

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Say "Good Morning" to my friend,  Luke Skywalker .....  

by: Kat ( Mary )  Carlson    _  author/publisher

Hey there,  you with the stars in your eyes .......................................Can this be ?   Ah,  yes,  I think it just might be exactly that ......... " real" !   But,  but,  my flesh (old nature) is saying ,  it can't be!  I'm not supposed to feel this good.   It was the coffee,  oh no,  it was that,  and so on and so on.  And I tell myself,  "just go with it",   you can't figure out everything in Life.  Enjoy the moment,  & "FEEL GOOD" !   "FANTASTIC"   and I am doing exactly that !   ....................:)

I opened my computer and all of a sudden new operations,  new vistas, new LIFE appeared to my brain and eyes.  I had new choices to make.  The kid in me gets excited !  

And at this moment,  I am hoping the same thing happens to you.   Eyes opening,  heart opening at the same time,  I love it.   What do you have planned for today ?   Are you going to work ?  Who will you see at work ?   What will you wear ?   Do you stop at Starbucks for coffee or maybe the donut shop.  I want to know !  Do you have children,  how many ?   Are they grown,  or little tykes?  Are you going to buy groceries today?  What's for dinner?  I want to know everything !

This is from a little girl inside me that has literally been locked up for upteen years !  You can imagine what an adjustment this is,  but,  glory be,  bring it on !  New Life,   bursting forth from under the masks and superficiality of existence as "ghosts- from- the- past" have covered and kept hidden .......when you block the "bad things",   the good things also get hidden as well !
Then we become robbed!

So,  as this new day moves in "me"  I carry on.   I open up for more of the glorious same ! 
Adventure,  surprises,  all kinds,  of all variety.   That meaning disappointments as well as
times of  "joy".    But it definitely won't be business-as-usual ! 

My last blog ( yesterday)  was all about getting to know myself,  " COOL ",  " I AM" !!

If you do go to the "do-nut" shop,  buy me a "buttermilk"  do-nut ? ?  ( this time)

Thanks !!  ( for the do-nut ) !  

 Just for fun,  I changed the desktop background  scene ..... I love the new one !  See ya !

(_ A Wink & a Smile_) ...................................................................................................:) 

Monday, September 7, 2015


Yep,  that's mi CASA ..........thank you,  GOD

by: Kat  (Mary)  Carlson _author/publisher

In one of my recent blogs/posts,  I accidentally named my abode,  Casa de Kat.  I like it and now I think I'm going to keep that title.  Oh,  by the way,  this morning,  I'm not mad at GOD anymore.
Yesterday,  I "went-to-bat" for my self and "talked " to my "Heavenly Father".  All i can say IS
OMG !!!!!!.........:)

So this morning after a "glorious"  night of "peace & rest",   my back almost totally better,  I am
thankful for this day and "everything" I AM,  and everything I possess.  Opening up my computer,
pouring  freshly brewed cup of java, & sitting down to "write",  see I never even know what I'm going to do .  At first I thought I'd turn on music ( another one of my LOVE'S ),  but soon,  I looked around the room, remembered the term "Casa de Kat",  and then I knew what to write about.  Not long after that decision was made I looked again around my place and the "tears" began.  I was actually "given" this place based on the fact that in 1989,  after my divorce,  I had no place to live,  no job, a few pennies from a former health care job, ( I actually slept in my car one night),  but in looking at places to live,  that I DID NOT like and cost too much $ anyway,  I said "boldly" out loud, "there's got to be a place I can afford that's just 'right for me",  ( an actual vision appeared of THIS exact place in my mind),  then I called the next number on my list.  After calling the number that lead me here to " Casa de Kat", ...:),  I came,  I saw,  &  I conquered !  I loved it,  could afford it and that was the name-of-that-tune !

Now I am here 26 years.  I don't OWN it,  BUT,   through many a happenstance,  after so very long,  it IS mine!  

Once, a few years back, I had been starting to write and loved it.  I was searching for a pen name.
In doing so,  I "felt",  "heard" this name appear up above,  "KAT",   I did not hesitate,  I grabbed that name (out of the sky) and that is how I got my pen name.  When I started writing I had this image and "love" for my friend's kitty, Lily

What a doll,  she became my mascot,  AND the title of my first blog's web site  It was successful and once in a while I post this "sweet" image of her.  ( There's another story here,  but that will come later).  She's a "model" cat.   Spunky, mischievous,  lovable,  clever,  rambunctious,  " all-that" and  more.   Thanks to you,  my friend,

The pen name has,  delightfully" stuck and so now,   I have dubbed my "newly/old" home here in Ojai Valley,  "Casa de Kat".  

That's my story this morning,   for more stories, news about "health",  "miracles" ,  "healing" 
"music",  "country living",  exciting people I know and "LOVE",   adventures,  animals & pets, family & friends,   come on back to read " Kat Carlson",  here on this website.

Me,  outside in "love" with my "new " growing place"

In the interest of "great" living,  staying"healthy"  stay tuned!   My love & devotion,  to friends around the world !

(__ A Wink & a Smile _).................................................................................:)


Thursday, August 13, 2015

HOMES......mine's the BEST


by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson  _ author/publisher

I want to go on record as saying ....." hallelujah" ,  is there ANY place lovelier than MY gorgeous  "home" ?   I say,  definitely and definitively  "NOT" .  When I looked and looked and looked for any place for me 26 years ago,  I threw my hands up in despair and exclaimed, " There's GOT to be a place for me,  that I can afford.   A vision appeared and it WAS this exact same place,  wood paneling and all !   I called the next number on the list,  it was  dear, dear Woody Traudt  , on the phone,  who said to me,  come look.  "Someone is living here but may not be after a few weeks."   I did come and I did look !   It was what I wanted.

As it was not ready and was occupied,   I had an offer from one of my clients to stay with her until such time that my place would be ready.   The time did come in just a few weeks.   I glady moved in. Woody explained to me,   I just want someone who will be here for a long time.   Hey, guess what,   it's been  26 years.   For a few of those years,   I gratefully thank my son,  David,  for holding up and enjoying this place for himself for about 13 of those years.   THANK YOU,  SON !!!

I AM here,  indeed and it  IS  beautiful as I always knew it was.   Each morning,  I go outside either for a walk or to work in the yard or "BOTH".    An outdoor LIFE makes you "young" and you know,  "happy".   There is plenty-to-do and boredom seldom rears it's ugly head.  :)
So,  once again,  I applaud my "Heavenly Father" for giving me a "special place in which to live and express my "awesome LIFE" and everything it has to offer. "

If /when I complain it's because I get "stupid",   but frequently learn to be eternally "GRATEFUL",   for what is,  ecstatic "BEAUTY" and get this,  affordability !   IT IS SO COOL !!

Always a way to stay busy and wanted.....

How precious is this ? 

I can't say enough about the unusual surrounding I am "blessed" with.  With that in mind,
I say to you,  a "life" of " satisfaction" and  "completion"  is served up  in these neck-of-the-woods.    HOWEVER,   let it be said,  that it is  "not"   accomplished without "CHALLENGE".  This LIFE throws curve balls !!

"INDEED" ........................

Thanks folks,  ... a pleasure for sure !!!    

(_ A Wink & a Smile_).......................................................................................:)

Saturday, August 8, 2015


It's a "GRAND" day for all you who are off work,  enjoying your Saturday

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

As in all days,  yesterday  I strolled down to the " STABLES",  expecting the usual visit with "Vicki" & her pal "Red".   It just didn't happen on Friday..... (Vicki's afternoon off).  Couldn't waste a good afternoon stroll or my trusty picture taking.  Don,  this man you see here drives around 28 miles (Oxnard, CA)  everyday to see and "care for" his horse named " Cheeky".

Vicki and Don have known each other for several months.

The two of them share the responsibilities.  Oh my folks,  that's a lot !   Horses require attention in order for them to stay well.  "Big lugs"........  affectionately said,    trust me !     I have come to "love" the awesome visits with RED,  DARTH,  LUKE,  FANCY,  BOOMER ,  CHEEKY and more,  many more horses,  down on the corner of Rice Rd. and Meyer Rd.

Deciding to head up-the-hill for my usual 2 mile walk this same day,  I happily encountered this adorable "threesome".  I asked if I could take their pictures.  

These two gals just happened to be  on my path to start my walk,  see picture below  

I want you to meet "CUTIE",  Claire's horse for 12 years.  These "two " devotee's  have to have long-distance phone calls,  or "romance"  

because Claire now attends a University in Massachusetts,   while her own "CUTIE" of twelve years,  has to stay behind here in a nice place in Ojai, CA.   Claire is studying Fine Arts.  The two seemed very "happy" to see each other and be together once again.  Thanks for letting us in on your sweet story,  "CLAIRE "  " CUTIE " !   I'll be more than happy to report more of the story next time you visit.

This very same day ( Friday 8/7/15),  my friend ( I named Darth Vadar) & I kissed,  but Don wasn't quick enough to get THAT shot !!!  

_  No more Friday pictures or short stories,  see ya next time at the corral,  perhaps ?

(_A Wink & a Smile_) ............................................. :)  

"Sleepless in Seattle" .......  "You Must Remember this, a Kiss is still a Kiss , a Smile is still a Smile, the Fundamental Things Apply ,  As Time Goes BY " .......... Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan
Great Movie

Thursday, August 6, 2015

LIFE ........?
Morning folks,  introducing a subject called "LIFE"

I just read an article on "opinions" !   So much time spent on controversy,  on sooooooooooo
many "subjects".    Well,  I guess it's a way of "LIFE" ?   Isn't it ?   Or is it ?  I have come to find out,  blessed "LIFE IS".   And  once you are in "LOVE" with  "real LIFE" ,   all such controversies and arguments "CEASE" to exist.   When one discovers their own identity,  "LIVING" & "BEING"  takes precedent over everything else !!!

Thankfully,  I go to bed "PEACEFULLY,"   and awaken with the very same "wonderful companion " PEACE".     Drugs,  prescription or otherwise,  are NOT a part of my "LIFE" !!

The discovery that "real LIFE "  was always meant -to-be this "SIMPLE"  at first took some getting used to.   HOWEVER,  now that I am in-tune with  "peaceful co-existence with "myself"
I am more-than pleased to just "RELAX and take- it- all- in.   The "extraordinary "BEAUTY"  of
 the extraordinary "aspects" of   "TRUE LIFE."   With it's "ease & simplicity". 

All I can tell you is this,  _ " I ADORE IT" !   Frankly , it is anything but "boring".   It's simple,
but  exciting and refreshing.     My email address is:  jstalucky1 ,  &  it is so  "TRUE,  I AM." 
"LUCKY"  !!!!!

"  TO  LIFE  "

(_A Wink & a Smile_).........................................................................:)


Tuesday, August 4, 2015

In just a minute,  I will be presenting a different variety ( of animals) .... 

by : Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

"Not"  _  this little cutie,  ... faithful, .....adorable, ......witty,.....playful, 

ta da ! "LILY"   

as in lilymakesmesmile,  LILY.  I do hope you have had a chance to meet her over on my blogs on Word  _ .  I really love her and miss her sweet face.   Read up on my blogs of August - January 2014 - 2015.   Isn't she sweet ? 

Yesterday, August 3, 2015,   I went for yet "ANOTHER" walk,   (sigh),  yep,  I sure did.  This time on my walk,

(  a quick look at the moon,  you can barely see it at 7:30 am) 

 These morning travelers sat patiently while I captured their "essence"

and of course,  here is "chipper" Fred and his master, George
 a "great" pair.  I enjoyed making their acquaintance. 

Mornings with the sun appearing,  while the moon is waning is a delightful combination.   I am "thankful"  I get to "meet & greet",   both the people and their dogs & the "waking up of morn".

Greet the mornings where you live .... 

(_ A Wink & a Smile_)............................. :)

Thursday, July 30, 2015


 <div id='coolsocialb'><div id='coolsociald'> <a href=''>Cool Social</a> <a href=''></a> </div><script type='text/javascript' id='coolsocials'>(function() {function async_load(){var s = document.createElement('script'); s.type = 'text/javascript'; s.async = true;s.src = '';var x = document.getElementById('coolsocials'); x.parentNode.insertBefore(s, x); }document.getElementById('coolsociald').innerHTML = '';if (window.attachEvent) window.attachEvent('onload', async_load); else window.addEventListener('load', async_load, false);})();</script></div>

Hey everyone,  it's "yard sale" time & my favorite past time !

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

This Saturday,  August 1, 2015,  I will conduct my 2nd "yard sale" here in Ojai, CA.  The first was over three years ago.  However, In Glendale CA,  ( my former place of residence) I was a "yard sale guru"......................................:)  It was "loads" of FUN & I enjoyed enough profit to keep up my habit of "shopping" !!    Much of my time here in Ojai, Ca since May 2015 has been spent on other things.  Tree trimming,  raking leaves,  laying bricks,  "planting" ( mostly succulents-very little water in CA ),  , walking up-the-hill,  visiting the stables along the way and my friend Vicki my buddy Red....pic below

This dynamic duo attracts my devotion "frequently,"  Vicki & RED  

In fact,  Vicki & her blue truck made a run with me to put up signs for my "YARD SALE".  Vicki and I were out & about as folks were coming home from their work places.  As we were putting up signs ( incidentally,  if you look closely, I made signs out of pillow-cases), now don't scoff,  they are perfect.  No running around looking for cardboard,  cutting them up,  or what have you).
Think I might have just started a trend.........................................:)  The "thrift stores have oodles of  pillow cases for cheap.   I had extra yard sticks and so I put one -half of one on top.
the other on the bottom  ,  making a secure way to hang/hammer them into telephone polls. " see pic.....

Finding alternatives is my forte',  I love being creative
 I make custom jewelry which includes earrings,  necklaces ( a creation of mine is a gorgeous pendant front & a back of a pretty watch combo.  The ladies are smitten by them and in Glendale they caught on with many as gifts for loved ones and themselves.  So many of my original items will be up-for-sale this Saturday,  Aug 1, 2015 !! This is only one example

Picture quality not the best,  but this necklace I made out of left-over abalone shells.   In person the colors are really vibrant. ( greens & blues)   

Lots of other odds & ends for SALE in just two days.  My Fundraiser campaign is still continuing (Transportation Golf Cart) and ends middle October.   So,  still time to make YOUR contribution.    By this Christmas,  I will be driving my new Golf cart !!!   Going up-the-hill and lots "MORE" places,  like CHRISTMAS shopping. ........................................:)

 Maybe there is "stuff" in you closets, garage or whatever you'd like to sell,  Take a chance,  it is "SO " much fun.  Folks who stop by are fabulously friendly,  that's the BEST !!!  Do yourself a favor,  get acquainted  with your "community" .

Hey,  ya think these guys will come ?


 (_A Wink & a Smile_).........................................................................:)  _   2 smiles......:)


Sunday, July 26, 2015

Here I am again,  pumpin' iron (or wood)...........:)  Hey folks,  not really,   just a gimmick,   BUT,   I surely did "LOAD" up those there logs,   yep,   sure as shootin'........

by: Kat M. Carlson _author/publisher

Ah Life,  can't live with it and can't live without it !   Oh, you know, once in a while,  we run into snags,  at least I do.  A for instance is,  when I figure out how to make money writing,  that will make-my-day.  For almost a year I have looked up on the internet and TRIED a whole lot of ways to monetize this medium for me.  But,  I  WILL,   find a way,  I  "WILL". 

Right now,  in the works I am planning to write my first book.  This October I begin the interview process.  The story is very "sweet" about a gal & "HER"  special  horse named "RED".  Many people will be able to relate and also take away something from it that will inspire their own lives.

Red is quite a "handsome" guy,  I say, (although he is NOT quite this red in reality,  but lots & lots of pictures have been taken of one so special ..........

But this blog is about "the information highway".  Five years ago,  at age 70,  my brother in Idaho got me my very first laptop (computer).  Another brother ( I only have four brothers),  came to see me,  and being-in-the-business,  "taught me " a cursory course on "how - to" use a computer.  Well,  I took to it like a duck to water.  Unbelievable and I was a "happy camper".

Later, around two years later,  after writing family and friends,  I had a strong desire to write blogs.  Still I didn't try for another two years and then my oldest son suggested that I write a blog. That was all it took.  I then set up my own web site and have always done so.  No "hosting" for me.  That just might change though.   Still looking for a way to monetize my "passion" !  ( What's that saying , what you "LOVE' and the money will follow ? )

Of course,  there's always brick laying & loading up cut tree logs,  yep,  that was me that did  all that...:)

 However, as much as I enjoy this sort of thing,  I'll stick to writing,  _thank you very much !!

Outside this day,  I decided to "work" and take in the breathtaking view !   LIFE  is " AWESOME" !!  So much to see & do.  Don't you just love it ?

"HAPPY SUNDAY" in every part of the "WORLD" ....................

(_A Wink & a Smile_).............................................................................:),,,,  ( archives 2014-2015) http:// ( I Support Life & Living Words)  

Monday, July 20, 2015

Is this "really" Southern California ?   It just keeps on "RAINING " with temperatures of 99 degrees. 

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

My topic " Day by Day",  has to do with each & everyday,  I wake up,   yawn,   stretch,  make a trip to the "little girls room"  open (or close) windows,   step outside and touch "nature" with a greeting,  pour a cup of java,  sit down at my laptop and see "what unfolds".  My entire Life consists of  "what mystery will unfold" today ?  There are NO fixed plans.   Simply none.

It didn't use to be that way.   But it is my constant "delight" to get to experience  new and fun things  that could probably only thrill me,  and definitely does alright.  The very best thing I experience along with new adventures is the  "PEACE"  that accompanies/carries me.   A better companion,  could not "EVER" be found.    Among other things,  I have "strength" , performing tasks  that make me scratch my head and say to myself,    "I don't believe I just did that !"  Designing and creating just sometimes blows my mind.   I say to myself,  "how did I do that or know that ?"  _  Answer : " I don't know",  EVERY TIME !!!!

Often simply ,  there are "shortcuts",  lots of them,   just a  "smarter,   simpler,  less expensive  way",   to perform something that use to be harder /more expensive !    That too I relish and "naturally" look forward to.   I get to say to myself,   " I  LIKE  ME" !!!    Yeah,  I really do that !    If that is a "normal" daily experience for you,   then I am just a late bloomer,  but hey,  who cares,  better late than never!!

My "DAY" is just beginning,  "I  LOOK  FORWARD  TO  IT" .....................

The avocados are "growing" and they are " SO " good.   Looks like I will be doing "more" weeding soon !

 In a "large" nursery type pot,  ( needs to be transplanted),  is a "FIG" tree.  The oranges
 are sweet and juicy.  Now,  for my breakfast,  think I'll have  an "orange,  oatmeal, with blueberries,  honey and plain yogurt ".   Oh yes,  sometimes for a snack later,   I have sourdough bread made with rosemary and olive oil,  topped with melted sharp cheddar cheese!   Sound good ?

I'm ready for "life" to unfold 

Thanks you for visiting me today................

(_A Wink & a Smile_).................................................................................................. :)

Sunday, July 19, 2015

WORKING makes for a "happy" SOUL

My front yard on one of my off days ,  (off from hard labor),   ya gotta admit, this us where "all Life" can flourish

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson _ author/publisher

Now, I can actually add "laborer" because I have been digging holes for brick laying ,  and of course I am lifting and laying them.  I didn't know it was so "strategic".  The soil underneath has to be "just right", dimension wise,  deep enough, wide enough,  and then keeping it in that state until the brick ( 9" x 9") fits exactly.    I am telling you,  it "feels" good to have to stay with it,  sweat pouring down your face & all.    Many times ,   after it was positioned and laid,   dirt back over it all,  I started over again.    Hey,  < satisfaction, >   is a "holy" thing.    Honestly,  it "truly is" !

Trees are plentiful and naturally,  they all have _  leaves,  leaves,  leaves,  that _  fall,  fall,  fall!    I have two wheelbarrows that fill up quickly.    I was born on a farm,   ( in Kentucky),    but was 5yrs. old when we moved to Indiana.    So I was raised a city "girl".   Each summer,   however,  my Aunt & Uncle asked me to come live with them.    That was so special.   And guess what, they had no children of their own.   I fed chickens, played with & fed the pigs,  ( slopped the hogs),  spent time in the smokehouse where the hams stayed.   We had a cistern for pumping water.

What I am saying,  is,  living the way folks live in this community,   uplifts and makes life richer by far.   That definitely makes me feel better,  body and soul.   Just didn't know I could do all these things and I am thrilled to be able to.   Seems as though I also have all the right tools,  blunt-cut-shovel,  pointed shove,  axe and pick,  tree-trimmers,  yeah,  they are all in my possession.     I forgot to mention, pulling weeds.     Yep,  I do that too.    You probably can guess that I sleep "very, very" well at night.

Sometimes, though I do get up,  and sometimes I look outside at the "gorgeous" stars.  Well, it IS "KISMET"  ,  folks.    No need for drinking,  drugs,  (prescription or otherwise).    Someday I might buy a TV,   __  "might" !  .......................:) 

I know you are "just hankering" for a place in the country,   aren't you ?    Well ,  "happy days" are here again !!   Look again at the picture of my "front yard".  pretty, isn't it ?

I "love" this place ..........

(_ A Wink & a Smile_)...............................................................................................:) 

From where I sit,  looks like a "very" good morning, 

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson _ author/publisher

It's 5:00 a.m,  moments ago,  I stepped outside and sat in this very same spot.  See this bench I'm on,  I took it apart yesterday.  And would you believe with bricks on the ground and everything
dissembled,  "RAIN" started pouring.  It just poured "buckets", at first I said to myself, oh stay,  get wet, it'll be fun.  THAT did not last long,  I stayed a "few" seconds and skedaddled.  Off and on throughout the day yesterday,  it just "POURED "  RAIN.  As I came in this morning from this bench, my feet were actually WET. 

For us here in Southern California,  "RAIN" is a "real blessing".  And along with that,  the "AIR " smelled awesome.  That crisp smell,  making the earth express it's "thanks" and I could
just sense that !!   When LIFE has a chance to verbalize,  things just "stand out",  and become

Hey,  it's "SUNDAY" ...( my brother Ron's birthday _who lives in Spokane, WA. "Happy Birthday" Ron ).  When you are in church this day,  ( for those who go),  ( church for me is this delightful country setting today ),  ... look over at your neighbor ( right & left),  "SMILE"  ?    "CELEBRATE"   "LIFE",   and breathe "deep".  Ah-h-h-h, !!  I can give- "thanks", can't I ??

Outside .... my front yard
"Friendly neighbors " ................:) 

More "friendly" neighbors

Another beautiful "VIEW"

It's all good ..................

Have a "HAPPY" !!  

(_A Wink & a Smile_)..............................................................:),,  ( 10/14 - 1/15 ), ( I Support Life & Living Words) (One Step Closer)