Showing posts with label Take a good look. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Take a good look. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

A HORSE , Of COURSE Relief Fund (Managing transportation for Mary Carlson) to donate

Introducing Christi & friend

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson)   _ author/publisher

I will be dedicating this blog/post to horses  & more  ......... around these parts,  you see them coming and going.    Each morning,  I make a point to stop by the stables down at the corner on Meyer Rd.    I walk by several of my favorites,  although,  now they all have become special to me.   ( Along with horses,  there are also pigs,  turkeys,  goats,  donkeys this donkey here

Yesterday  I noticed this new comer to our stables,  ta da ,  smile,  you're on "Candid Camera" ( guess he can't smile cause that head gear prevents you from seeing him/it.  ( Keeps the flies out of their eyes) 

 Next you see me with some I like to say "good morning"  to,  check in on them,  kind of see how they are.   Always though when I go,  they are very much interested in eating their "HAY".  Crunch,  crunch,  crunch.   No monkey business,   no sir-ie,  eating time is for eating  and that's that !!  

See what I mean,  wish you could hear them,  just imagine it .........( Darth and Luke)

Today,  ( this picture )  I am greeting Darth ( Vadar),  all done with the eating thing 

then here ........  Darth's "stable mate" is .......

Luke Skywalker and me ........:) 

We have all become one big happy family.   Some horses come and go,  but usually  the longevity
remains.   For instance  Vicki and her "sweetheart",  Red. 

I like "love stories",  this is "A Love Story",  I call,  "The Dynamic Duo" 

featuring Vicki and her Red.   A "happy couple"  for 10 years and counting.  This story,  coming up will warm your heart.   Now,  on with my day,   folks,  the stable first  and then ,  yep,   up-the-hill  for a healthy invigorating walk,  meeting other  healthy minded people  along the way.
hearing nature's sounds "waking up" ........... a new day begins ........................

Can you hear a "LARK",  in any other  part of town,  does enchantment pour out of every door,  no it's just on the street where you live " .......(  I simply get carried away,  with songs)   "Good day" 

(_A Wink & a Smile_) .........................................................................................:)

Friday, July 10, 2015

A TOPIC _ for this Friday,  July 10, 2015  "ORGANIZED" 

by: Kat Carlson _ authorized/publisher

To begin,  I am organized,  yes, I have always been.   BUT,  what compelled me to write about this topic,  has way more to do with my "inner-LIFE".  I "FIRMLY" believe,  when one has taken-to-task,  the practices of how one administers , manages,  all one's "HEALTH",  mental & definitely, "PHYSICAL" ( such as what I eat , too ),   "every facet"  of one's "entire" SELF !  Doing this daily, creates "healthy organs",  see where I am going with this.?     What I do ("practice") inside & outside,   just quite  simply keeps those tissues (organs) "HEALTHY".  See,  the consequences ARE  "everything" "ORGAN-IZED"   or also this concept   "ORDER".    There is "ORDER" in our "UNIVERSE" , "THANKFULLY" !!!!    Teaching one's "SELF" to have an actual mental picture of ALL  the  ORGANS inside the BODY,    I am able to "SEE" (visualize) my own.   Pretty darn good thing too!  _ " NO SURPRISES & NO BLAMING SOMETHING , OR ,  SOMEONE else."  Having "control" of "ME" is a "VERY SWEET" experience.  ( That "MAY"even be why,  I DON'T have "DIABETES" )...... ya' know ?  No,  really go ahead and give this lots of consideration !!!!

Keep this "TRUTH" in front of you,  know this, " IF NOT ME,  then who ? 

 OUR ORGANS,  like "IDAHO potatoes"  have "eyes" ....  well,......:),   when you do have eyes -to -see"inside " you,  things change for the better,  right ? 

LIFE IS GOOD,  and even better when you are good ( considerate) to it

I'll take a few days off,   friends,  "GOING TO GLENDALE,  CA  on AM TRAK,  "
I have a Birthday Celebration Party Combo to "happily" attend,  with GOOD FRIENDS,  Saturday & Sunday,  July 11 & 12 

  _" ALL ABOARD" !!  _  Wanta'  go with  me ?  ......:)

(_A Wink & a Smile_).........................................................:) 

Wednesday, July 8, 2015


This is the pic I selected for "this" topic.... 

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

A topic of this nature "may" be "rejected",  once I expound on it.  But,  here goes !  I am somewhat of a dare-devil !  Have taken many routes that are unpopular,  and have accomplished a "great" deal.  So, this is it. 

The "whole" of mankind & the man vs. woman delima from the garden of Eden, (let's say), the
"real" issues are derived from sexuality.  Which carries over in the "financial" world,  based on 
gender.  Gender has to do with our body parts and their use.  I'm sorry,  I know, it's kind of off-the-wall sounding,  maybe it won't (penetrate),  oh my, that's "THE" word,   of course.  Anyway, this entire issue,  "dominance" vs "dominance",  has gotten into our psyche's and prevented you & me from "utter freedom"  and/or "wholeness".   Wholeness is offered to us in the name of "LOVE",  and that is where the confusion lies.  My only experience with "LOVE" is the same as the rest of us,  human love.  God's "LOVE",  although it is "loving and romantic,  it is that and "then some !!!!    I DO NOT  believe GOD is a man or a woman.   There,  that's what I mean.   That may be what causes  the confusion,   when you are ready to come to completion in your ready to "Live & Move & Have Your Being "  as was stated by GOD as what we have & are in Jesus Christ.    Understand,    that "Freedom"  is meant for now,    in this lifetime.  "My God shall supply "ALL" MY needs  .......  "ALL" ,   or  "SOME" ?    I AM A BOTTOM LINE KIND OF GIRL !       "Is the job finished or NOT ?"    I hope that you "DO"  have everything you need and "DO" have your "COMPLETE BEING".......oh, no,  it's pink,   that will never do......:)   It's a guy thing !


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(_ A Wink & a Smile_)..................................................:),, ( Word Press archives 10/14-1/15 ) WordPress, ( I Support Life & Living Words) 

Sunday, June 28, 2015

THIS morning,  I gotta "GO" with this black & white,  friends,  this "TITLE" _ "YOUNG AT HEART" dates back,  huh?

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

I've been all over the web, .......  goofing off,  experimenting,  etc.    I finally gave up.   No music played at Rice Road ( my house) all day yesterday,  oh now ,  THAT'S unusual, very,  very unusual.
These facts may or may NOT be connected.   Still last night "&"this a.m, (many hours)  I was dabbling on the internet ( mostly,  web sites,  and I " just now"  surrendered to this concept .....)  HELP,    I don't know what I'm doing.!!!    THEN,   right then,  I tuned in to Pandora radio station  ( my music station)  and "up came"  two songs that are unique and special to me with "connections from above",  well,   you know what I did, (of course,)   I DO this a lot,   _ I cried !   Sometimes,  I just plain,  get lost "in space",   I go venturing off,  and , looking for something different,  something extra.   Okay,   I DID  find some new interesting things to share with my readers,  but I also made a few boo-boos !!   But  "MOON RIVER" ,  by Andy Williams & "YOUNG AT HEART"  by Frank Sinatra  has me back on track.  YAY !  Honestly,  I am a little kid sometimes or as I have often been called a "maverick",   I investigate,  yep,  I do!......................:)   And I often need a rope to pull me back in !  It always works, though !  Whew !!    ( I've got a friend,  "people") !!!

Yesterday I shared a few pics at the pool,  this is another one.  Here I am relaxing after trapsing around Ojai all morning  

I took a few more pictures , here they are ..........

This is a picture of our SHOPPING CENTER with a market called "VON'S" and other places to shop & eat

By the shopping mall above, is this "bus stop", with a Gold Coast bus to Ventura, CA,  where I went one day this week 

When I take daily walks, though,  this is the top-of-the-hill and I am again headed back home

Going to town is my get-away, but a very long one,  so I get quite a variety here in my new digs

These guys are always here to "greet" me....."EMUS"

Happy Sunday everyone,  far & near .........                                                                                                                                       

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


I am going to do a follow up on this topic called  DELICIOUS, in today's morning blog, I was alluding to delicious in the sense of  LIFE as being DELICIOUS,  true enough, oh so true   

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

But since I updated this particular post/blog,  I'd like to say something about a scripture that was
uttered to me out loud recently, .....,  yes indeed,  I do hear the voice of my GOD,  and it stirs my soul,  and makes me more & more aware,  thankful for my "personal" relationship.   it is indeed that !  This particular time I want to share that I heard " Blessed are Those who HUNGER & THIRST after RIGHTEOUSNESS,  for they SHALL be filled.  OH  MY,   at that moment I WAS filled with "JOY",  it ( JOY) is a product of "righteousness"...... okay,  that- being- said and not wanting to move on without recognizing how precious that was and is........ 

I am moved to say another thing about being "filled" with righteousness,   every good & perfect gift ,  that's given to us from our author of "FAITH",   absolutely fills -us- up,  and I for one eat less ( enough),  but less.  The reason is........I am so "SATISFIED",   I am "FULL".   It's just that I can't eat more,  there's no room.   It helps a LOT people,  in other ways,  like budget,  not so much work,  preparations,  and even more.  This topic,   I really could write more about at some point  ( perhaps a booklet).   Food & I have a healthy relationship,   I am happy to say! 

It's wonderfully kind of you to let me carry- on- my- ramblings about what makes  "LIFE" tick for me ...... THANKS !!

(_A Wink & a Smile_)...........................................................:)

P.S.  "Righteousness",   I really never knew what that meant in the past, ......I thought maybe,  a goody-goody,  ya' know,  NOT SO,   far from it,  it ,  for me just means I'm happy,   it may seem like someone who is good,  but happy just IS,  ..... that's all !!!!!

( Word Press blogs...archives:  10/15- 1/15 ),,,,

Monday, June 1, 2015


  I'm coming your way this morning,  again, _  8:45 a.m., Monday June 1, 2015, because,  I 

sincerely recommend that you watch " Astronomy Picture of the Day _ ( APOD),....Google it or whatever you need to check out this "fascinating",  magnificent collections of videos.  It's spellbinding !  I know you will enjoy seeing what others have been
researching & finding for us to "see" & "appreciate".

'Til we "come together",  again,   take a moment and go where you " may "  have never gone before !!

Endorsed by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher * 

*see credits on past & future posts (25)
& Google+

Sunday, May 31, 2015


I Come to the Hills,.........

with the "Sound of Music"

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

Days ago,  I was engaged in my usual morning walk up Rice Rd.,  this particular morning,  as I walked,  the "trees" were so alive,  it made me think of Maria in "The Sound of Music",   Special times here in Ojai Valley,  and oh yes, "all over everywhere",   Life's own gift  of the "awareness of GOD " , fills your soul.   These times,  you can literally "reach-out-and-touch "  the "Spirit of Life"
I will call......" His Essence ",  the teaming vibrations of "wonder" & "splendor" !!

Oh I get so "spoiled",   at times when I am "blessed" with the "Presence of God" !  In my old days,
which I can barely remember,  I didn't KNOW this event happened "everyday" !  I DID experience
such "splendor" in Glendale as well.  I think though,  when I moved back to this "glorious" place,
and my usual morning walks, "the aura of  God"  is more "eminent"  & "powerful" !

When this "territory" was founded long ago by the Indians,  they called this place,  Ojai ,  meaning "Nest in the Mountains",   ( correct me if I'm wrong ) .  Later.  people began to hear about these "magic powers "of  "HEALING" and started moving here by the "droves".  They still do.  

The very day I came her to look at property in 1977,  I experienced "PEACE", so "tangible,  I felt as though I really could "cut-it-with-a- knife" !  There were times when I left here,  Ojai,  and sought "healing" elsewhere,  but here I am, "praising God" for the "work He has done" !   Not just here, because after all ,  GOD is "spirit" and "LIFE IS", it's not a matter of "geography".   Oh my yes,
GOD is "everywhere",   "HE"  is universal !  

It's SUNDAY,  isn't it,  well then,  "there you have it",  a day to honor ( better do it everyday, stay in touch ),  the "works His hands have made" ! ! 

Always a pleasure................
"LIVE".... &  "LET LIVE".....from  Ojai, CA

 (_ A Wink & a Smile_).........................................................:),,  ( Word Press- archives 2014-2015),,,  Google+

Thursday, May 21, 2015


Black & white this morning, introducing "WORDS", and "me" on my patio again !....:)

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

Before I begin this morning, bear with me ...another "gorgeous" shot of "breathtaking" OJAI, CA

This shot is "THE" very first picture I took standing immediately outside my front patio door on a cloudy day, no less !   "STUNNING"

Back to the subject THIS morning, which is my favorite...."words".  I KNOW for an ABSOLUTE fact,  that words have outrageous POWER.  What I intend to convey is the word "PEACE" for instance, I discovered is, when meditated upon becomes an "essence" able to transform yor LIFE !
Honestly,  it really does deliver you into a place of quietness & safety,..throughout everything you do and want to accomplish.  Furthermore, YOU enter a "new" life experience !  No longer do you just exist day by day, the "realm" you enter into sustains you and eliminates doubt as to "what is the meaning of life".  Having created this position for yourself, " a position of relevance and permanence",  the petty little things in LIFE no longer dominate your "being".

And also, other words have the same transforming affect,  these are "REST", not -take- off- your- shoes,-sit- in- front of the TV after a lng days work, adjust your recliner "type of rest", "NO",  a "REST"  within YOU,  something else that "will and does"  sustain you ,  giving you a reliable source for this "LIFE".   Changes will come,  they are changed you are going to welcome,  because LIFE'S worries just aren't relevant after you know  ( intimately ) "REST" and "PEACE" !!

"PEACE"  now is my best friend !   It is always there,  "in my heart",  and giving me constancy !  Reliability IS,  when you become "familiar" with this "essence".!   Yep, it's money in the bank, alright !  Gotta go there folks,  I am thankful for my  "avenues of reliability" !

Two "living words" for today,  there's more, next time !   Be assured that "Ojai & it's beauty" will also be represented here on my daily blog ! 

Time to sit back and enjoy my day ...( Thursday,  May 21, 2015 )

 (_A Wink & a Smile_)................................:),,,  http://chooseurwords. com ( Word Press 2014- 2015) Google + , http:// 4u2become