Showing posts with label Move to a Great Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Move to a Great Life. Show all posts

Monday, September 7, 2015


Yep,  that's mi CASA ..........thank you,  GOD

by: Kat  (Mary)  Carlson _author/publisher

In one of my recent blogs/posts,  I accidentally named my abode,  Casa de Kat.  I like it and now I think I'm going to keep that title.  Oh,  by the way,  this morning,  I'm not mad at GOD anymore.
Yesterday,  I "went-to-bat" for my self and "talked " to my "Heavenly Father".  All i can say IS
OMG !!!!!!.........:)

So this morning after a "glorious"  night of "peace & rest",   my back almost totally better,  I am
thankful for this day and "everything" I AM,  and everything I possess.  Opening up my computer,
pouring  freshly brewed cup of java, & sitting down to "write",  see I never even know what I'm going to do .  At first I thought I'd turn on music ( another one of my LOVE'S ),  but soon,  I looked around the room, remembered the term "Casa de Kat",  and then I knew what to write about.  Not long after that decision was made I looked again around my place and the "tears" began.  I was actually "given" this place based on the fact that in 1989,  after my divorce,  I had no place to live,  no job, a few pennies from a former health care job, ( I actually slept in my car one night),  but in looking at places to live,  that I DID NOT like and cost too much $ anyway,  I said "boldly" out loud, "there's got to be a place I can afford that's just 'right for me",  ( an actual vision appeared of THIS exact place in my mind),  then I called the next number on my list.  After calling the number that lead me here to " Casa de Kat", ...:),  I came,  I saw,  &  I conquered !  I loved it,  could afford it and that was the name-of-that-tune !

Now I am here 26 years.  I don't OWN it,  BUT,   through many a happenstance,  after so very long,  it IS mine!  

Once, a few years back, I had been starting to write and loved it.  I was searching for a pen name.
In doing so,  I "felt",  "heard" this name appear up above,  "KAT",   I did not hesitate,  I grabbed that name (out of the sky) and that is how I got my pen name.  When I started writing I had this image and "love" for my friend's kitty, Lily

What a doll,  she became my mascot,  AND the title of my first blog's web site  It was successful and once in a while I post this "sweet" image of her.  ( There's another story here,  but that will come later).  She's a "model" cat.   Spunky, mischievous,  lovable,  clever,  rambunctious,  " all-that" and  more.   Thanks to you,  my friend,

The pen name has,  delightfully" stuck and so now,   I have dubbed my "newly/old" home here in Ojai Valley,  "Casa de Kat".  

That's my story this morning,   for more stories, news about "health",  "miracles" ,  "healing" 
"music",  "country living",  exciting people I know and "LOVE",   adventures,  animals & pets, family & friends,   come on back to read " Kat Carlson",  here on this website.

Me,  outside in "love" with my "new " growing place"

In the interest of "great" living,  staying"healthy"  stay tuned!   My love & devotion,  to friends around the world !

(__ A Wink & a Smile _).................................................................................:)


Sunday, July 12, 2015


I'm back .......from Glendale, CA.  The party was a time of "getting together and talking about "old times"  
by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

I moved back to my  beautiful,  sweet,  adorable, "happy" home here in Ojai in May 2015.  Seems like a lot longer.  My time here has mushroomed and so many fabulous things have happened that makes this place for me, "the happiest place on earth".  

Visiting my old "haunt" in Glendale yesterday didn't bring back the wonderful memories I use to have. That being said,  I am "glad" to be back here in my own home this morning. I remind myself, that I can and will visit those fond memories whenever I choose in my "head".

Being back with "dear" friends,  DID help me "draw-a-line" in the sand regarding "relationships",   meaning,  time marches on, my life has changed.  I learned who to LOVE, but more like,  who I am going to invest "time" and "emotions" in.   Some old & some new "delightful",  "dependable" "hearts" have entered/re-entered my "world" and I am deeply "grateful" for them. ........:)  Just a fact that they have reached a level of life time connections
& quality.

Well, this IS my blog and often that's what people who write blogs do, write down what might be 
visiting our brains, especially this early in the morning. I got home late yesterday to "home sweet home"  very "HAPPY" to be living here in this "fantastic" place.

Trains are such an "awesome" experience.  Taking the train has been comfortable, expedient, and a way to meet people from all walks of life.  Conductors temperaments "vary" but I can't say enough about how pleasant and helpful most of them are.  So, "kudos", to them, & "hats off to them all,  male "&" female.

I close with this "happy" anticipatory"  thought,   I'm looking forward to pushing open my sliding glass door on this "gorgeous" land, where I enjoy my "freedom", and "EXPLORE" all the vistas I have at my opportunity.  

I recommend the "train", it sometimes takes you where you didn't expect to go, but perhaps need to anyway!
I have a place called "HOME" how GREAT is that? 
MEANWHILE,  back-at-the RANCH,  "Welcome,  friends !!!! 

Have a "wonderful",  "exciting" ,  "SUNDAY",  July 12, 2015 ! 

(_ A Wink & a Smile_)..................................................................:),  http:lilymakesmesmile,com, ( _ archives 10/14 - 1/15 by Kat Carlson )  ( I Support Life) & (Living Words)

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

It's a "beautiful" morning  

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

Here in _country-land, U.S.A. ,  "LIFE" is quite simply, a fabulous trip !  As the song goes, by Johnny Mathis,  " IT'S  HEAVENLY,  HEAVENLY. "  I hope you have heard that one.  If not, I am certain you will enjoy it when you do.  Another song/album,  I can't say enough about is: Barbra Streisand's,   " A LOVE LIKE OURS" !

This is home-on-the-range for me.  Yesterday,  I walked around the property with gobs of trees, 
all kinds of them avocados (14), orange (40+), oak ( I stopped counting those) , pepper trees, and other varieties as well.  I took my camera for a few new shots for my blogs.  This one above is a sample. Now,  this one ....

A few avocado trees

Sigh ...........well,  the topic or title this day is "HEAVENLY" , and I want to say,  as I lay down on my bed at 6:30 p.m. exhausted,  I felt , ready for this ?,  oh my,  the feeling was "BLISS".  I have been concentrating or creating in my mind,  this thought, "a blissful body",  I was taken aback (not really),  just purely & simply,  lavished in my first experience of actual "BLISS".  

Life is good.  It just keep getting better.   Practice " SILENCE",  _my recent updated article over on Google+ and Facebook,  but you can also find it on Blogger ( One Step Closer, by me Kat Carlson).

I still walk up-the-hill each & every morning, along with visiting the stables, horses & my friend (hard-working) Vicki

"Devotion" _  ( that's her "RED") 
 The horses,   people,   working the land,   trimming trees,   raking,   piling and loading these leaves,   branches,... they ALL,   contribute to my   JOY and PEACE and now BLISS.     Hard work of this kind,  makes for a  "happy" LIFE.   You see,  I don't stress over these things or any kind of things I do now,  when I want to quit,  I walk away ,  that is the same for everything I do.   Just put-it-aside,  it isn't going away,   and there is plenty of time to go back.  Make no mistake,  I DO enjoy the work too !

So now,  this morning,  there's a variety of music for you,  a must- read article/blog on SILENCE, this one on Heavenly,  and a whole "brand new day"  to write your story on.  You are your own composer,  ya know ?   

(_A Wink & a Smile_) ..............................................................:)


Monday, July 6, 2015


Wonder if I will have to take my "Folgers Classic Roast " to Glendale ?

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

In a very few days from now, in fact this Saturday,  I am taking a little "SENTIMENTAL JOURNEY ",  to my old "haunt" in Glendale, CA.  Some of us "friends" are celebrating!
This celebration is two-fold.   First the wonderful _(cocina)_ kitchen server,  Anna,  is completing her 27th year at Leisure Vale Retirement Community !  Second,  it is "my 75th birthday ".   There will enough of us at Mimi's (Los Feliz) to "PARTEE') and guzzle down "mimosas",  or maybe ...sip them  ?  Anyway,  I will travel on AmTrak.     When eating and all the catching- up is over at Mimi's ,  back at Leisure Vale,   I "may" be able to sing at Kareoke.    Songs I usually sing are ...  my favorites "Twilight Time" _ the Platters,  "I Love You for Sentimental Reasons," _ Mr. Nat King Cole,   " Put Your Head on my Shoulders" _ by Paul Anka ,   " Just the Way You Are," _ Mr. Billy Joel  " Sea of Love" _ the Honeydrippers,  "Earth Angel"  " Hello Dolly",  and more !  It's going to be-a-blast !

I will put down my tree trimmer,  rake,  shovel,  wheel barrow, .....

 and "DRESS TO IMPRESS" ....... ?

Sounds like fun,  huh?

However there are "still" 4 more days until I go.  Yesterday,  I was able to tackle, MORE leaves, and trim a few more branches of my orange trees.  That job never runs out.   So, being a Kentucky farm girl from the "get-go" ,  I am right at home,  here on this "beautiful land."

There  is definitely something really "magic" about working the land.  I think,  perhaps it's sobering.    It's "REALITY ".    I  "get more" than I give.   "I FEEL GOOD" _ as sung by: Mr. James Brown.............:)

Beautiful,  "yummy" avocado trees,  ready  to harvest in about 5-6 more months !

Come back folks,   again,   it is "always",  "my"  pleasure.....

(_A Wink & A Smile_)............................................................................:),,  ( Word Press...archives 10/14 to 1/15),  there when you want them....available 24 hrs a day.....:), ( I Support Life & Living Words)

Sunday, July 5, 2015


Me, "doing the make-up" & hair  thing, ( a little anyway),  days ago !  5:30 in the morning,  my shower is over,  getting "spruced up" for my walk up-the-hill and my steady visit to the stables....& picture time !   On the wall near the lamps are my certificates for Massage Therapy!   Oh well, that was when I turned 50 yrs. old !  Only 25 yrs ago!  The pillows in my window help insulate and keep my room warm from cold nights !   Floppy,   one of my "stuffed doggies" is still sitting on my unmade bed !!!

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson _ author/publisher

Good morning everyone,  I am flying "solo",  this morning,  on the "outs" with the usual Master Builder as I once called my Friend and Creator.  Yep, it's true,  we had a spat.   I think I'll just wing it anyway.   I'm a big girl and seem to be doing very nicely on my own !!  

I find that "Independence" is quite refreshing!   I was getting a little bored with it all.  Besides, I suddenly realized ( right this minute) as I write this,  "I AM FREE",  huh?   Yesterday,  I worked outside in the vast yard on this glorious property.   I trimmed trees again,   raked leaves again,   gathered up old oranges lying under trees for centuries......:).   Then I dropped the whole kit-and-kabuttle,  and quit my duty,  to just "do-nothing".   Now,  quite seriously,   I actually DO  love working outdoors.   But I have simply HAD IT for now, anyway......:)   Of course , later,  the trees needed watering and I do some by hand.  The others are on a drip system.  ( All 40+ of them....)
Oh yes, and don't forget the avocados !!   Oh my,  come December,  they are going to taste DELIGHTFUL !!   It has been a while since I had one of mine. "I can't wait"......mmmmmmmmmm !!!

More orange trees here,  but the huge avocado trees are behind them, ... 14 tall trees, yum!

........."IF YOU TRAVEL TO THE WEST,   TAKE,   THE HIGHWAY THAT"S THE BEST,   GET YOUR KICKS ON ROUTE 66 " as sung by Mr. Nat King Cole.   Sound familiar.??    Sorry,   it just popped into my head !  I get carried away.   As you may remember I LIKE MUSIC !!!  It's the BEST !!!
See the horses behind Vicki.  She owns and cares for her "Red" and other horses as well,   at the sables I visit each morning on my walk. Vicki & Red, a pair for my first booklet !

I call them the "DYNAMIC DUO".   My working "title" is  " A "STABLE" ROMANCE !!  The pretty earrings she is wearing ? ...... They are from me.  And along with many other things I do,  I make earrings, and necklaces,  oh yeah !!! .............:)

That's all folks,   "this"  morning ......


(_A Wink & a Smile_)...........................................:)   

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Introducing faithful friends of a different variety, aka , my "stuffed" friends,  "Floppy" & "Rip"following me all the way from Glendale, CA

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson

What can I say about two of my closest friends,  Floppy & Rip !  "Floppy", " well, just look at him and "Rip",  standing for "Rest in Peace" or Rip van Wrinkle ( a Sharpe')....:)   Sometimes these guys just keep me aware of the little sweet innocent "girl" inside me and bring out the tenderness that is so often needed !  I look into their eyes and melt,  stroking and hugging them, and softens my "heart",  yes,  melts" me like "butter" !    I haven't had the pleasure of owning a "live" animal recently.  I imagine it's the same with those guys too !  Precious LIFE !

In recent blogs/articles I have had the pleasure of showing pics & writing about live animals.  So beautiful are they !  Strong, some of them,  others are here for a different reason.  Yesterday as I walked once again up-the-hill,  I saw a bushy tailed rabbit,  crossing the road.  Oh, yes rabbits and squirrels,  plenty of those down here in horse country!  I live out here in the wild,  so-to-speak ! Not all that wild, but "way different" from the big city where I spent three years ( my last stint)!

In Glendale CA,  I had the pleasure of "singing" and advancing (somewhat) in that capacity!  Songs that I had the pleasure of singing that spoke to me,  was "TWILIGHT TIME", ( the Platters)  "HOW DO YOU MEND A BROKEN HEART" , ( Bee Gees), & "MY LIFE",  ( Billy Joel)  & "JUST THE WAY YOU ARE",  also (Billy Joel) !  There were many others. "PUT YOUR HEAD ON MY SHOULDERS", (Paul Anka),  the list goes on. I really enjoy singing!

Life is a trade off,  I have much here in Ojai that I am completely thrilled about !  It's a new day in my LIFE and new adventures on the immediate "horizon".  Oh, that reminds me of this song I got to
sing  "BEYOND THE BLUE HORIZON" !  Beautuful song , next line "waits a beautiful morn" !...:)

Beautiful morns, they ARE HERE in Ojai, "pure & simple" !

One morning on my daily walk, about 9:30 a.m, . I saw this spectacular view!....:)

"Very Nice"

Same morning,  "hello again" ,  still walking !

(_A Wink & a Smile_)...........................................:)

Scroll on down for more past posts !  Thank you the pleasure !

Saturday, May 16, 2015


One thing's for sure....I DIDN'T do it !...............:) 

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson : author/publisher

Have you ever asked anyone, let's say,  in our business world today,  especially,  and their response is,  I didn't do it.  Maybe,  though,  they "( he, she it)"  will direct you to another department,  agent,  representative, and then ...then I hear this worn out phrase,  I'll connect you with the person who can "help" you answer that question,  I,  NEVER  get my question answered more OFTEN, than not !  Or this "tired old response",  "call back in 30 minutes, someone should be here who can help you with that issue "!  It happens huh?  I think most of these kinds of experiences amount to passing-the-buck syndrome!!

When I was "not connected with or not in tune"  with my own source of POWER over this universe (world system),,  I ran into that !    SO  frustrating !   Unbelievable and annoying to no end.  I wanted to throw up my hands in despair !  And often did that too !

Time spent in good company "re-arranging" my Life,  growing up and believing my own "POWER"
 SOURCE has created an avenue for things to work out and "cut out ridiculous confrontations"  like that ! I will say this "growing up " process takes time and also "intimacy" with the ONE SOURCE who "KNOWS" me through and through !  I'm happy to say,  that because I know that I am known,
I CAN be "honest and forthright"!  Upfront ?  Yep, upfront!  If  (IF ?) there's anything I don't understand or do not know how to accomplish I have learned  (thankfully) how to ask, AND I DO get results as long as my "cards are on the table",  played with dispatch!! Even this has to be learned!  Asking the "right" question,  even if the right question is,  "give me the right question",
will and does get me what I need to know/think/feel!  I am sooooo thankful for my connection today !

It's a "TOUGH" world, today..."certainly an understatement" , but I do know now,  it's not a matter of "who dunnit" but  " WHO CAN I RELY ON"  COMPLETELY !!!!..........................:)


(_ A Wink & a Smile_)....................................:)

Friday, May 15, 2015


Yes indeed,  a kind of hush,  morning after our rainfall

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson_author/publisher

At 6:30 a.m. this morning I went for my walk up-the-hill !  Everything was still,  however I then listened to the sounds of stillness and I heard "roosters crowing," ,  "crows cawing",  "turkey's gobbling", "birds singing in the trees", & I saw a fellow stable owner cleaning up his horse's stall.
No other passers-by,  way to early for that ! So no car fumes to speak of, but here in our God-given
country,  there are never many cars,  trucks or what have you.  There ARE bicycles, and just days ago, a man in his wheelchair came barreling down the steep hill, for his morning constitutional !,
He seemed to be in great shape.  Good for him !....:)

This picture coming up I took a few days ago, 
As I begin walking 1/4 mile toward the hill, there are horses in their prospective corrals

Out there bright and early,  are their owners feeding and what not!   So devoted are they !   I like their manner and dedication to their prized possessions.  Male & female alike !  Walking further down on Meyer Rd, ...two goats,  pigs & turkeys ( gobble-gobble, oh yes they do that constantly),
It a wake up call each morning that life is beginning "anew" that day !

I am happy for each "new event"  & "feature" of the days I spend here in God's country!  It's better than any movie or TV ( I don't even have one).

I will bring you the apex of "Life and Vitality" on the move !   Wait for me, there will be more in no time,  like maybe tomorrow ?...............:)

May your day be "terrific" ! 

(_A Wink & a Smile_).................:),,  htpp://,  ( archives, 10/15 -1/15 ), Google+,

Thursday, May 14, 2015


She's a beauty alright,  oh,  which one ?

 by: Kat (Mary) Carlson;  author/publisher

My morning walks, ( and sometimes I venture out in the afternoons too),  are such  a wonderful experience.  I take my camera along with me ,  ( I am ready for excitement folks), and yesterday on my walk I heard, then saw Christa coming down the adjoining road on "Meyer", heading toward me on "Rice",   remember there are only three roads down here in our little private community...:) aka the river bottom!  Christa  (having only met her,  just then)  agreed to having her & her horse's picture taken. That put a smile on "my" face.

It never fails that in this "wonderland", I find many. many vistas and have to curtail the picture taking ! Next this also is a "spectacular view I found up-the-hlll, take a peek !

It "never " fails,  I am surrounded by views & vistas, and "Vitality and Life"

Songs such as "Heaven,  I'm in Heaven, and my Heart Beats so,  that I can Hardly Speak, and I seem to think the only happiness I seek...........actually the rest of the song is about "dancing cheek-to- cheek, but I "will" dance soon,  I will !  My brother Ron and I danced away at our sock-hops.  Did you ever have a sock-hop after the football games ?  Well, we did at Covina High School, Covina CA !  That goes back a few years.....:),  huh Ron ?

Today's walk,  I "wonder",  what will I find next ?  hmmmmmmm !

(_A Wink & a Smile_).........................................:),,,,  (wordpress archives 10/2014 - 1/2015), Google+

Monday, May 11, 2015


Funding out "NEW" discoveries,  STILL !! I'm thinking/hoping it's endless !!....:)

Right here ,everyone,  100 yards away from my patio,   are these "exotic birds" and "animals".....Emus , ( birds...looking a little like ostriches),  and these three "Alpacas" !!! 

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson

Don't ya' know,  I'm a little blown away by all that is here right in "FRONT" of my eyes and what it means to discover these surprises !    I had "NO IDEA"  I would find all that I am finding in Ojai.  None of this was here before I left in 2012...( a short stint in Southern California happened for three years)...and another for 7 yrs,  I was not sure I would ever return.   I really liked it in Glendale, CA.   But,  as every little thing developed,  I was destined to come back and "realize" this  "DREAM COME TRUE"  !

As I no doubt mentioned it all started in 1989,  when I saw this place in a vision, wood paneling inside and all!  The very next phone call I made to my potential landlord,  Woody ( an awesome guy from Texas,  found me a promise of a "home",  This place was occupied,  "but", they would be moving out in 3 weeks.  Woody wanted a tenant who "WOULD STAY" & rent it for many years !

Hey,  that's EXACTLY what happened , huh?   My wonderful son, took over while I was away not even knowing himself if I would come back but lo' and behold,  "I AM BACK",  & making "astounding discoveries"  as though it was "PARADISE",  and it "IS" !    I call it my "OASIS", and I always have,  but NOW there is so much more,  part of that is due to the fact,  that "I AM"   now, "aware"  of this "spectacular beauty" from within !

On my usual walk yesterday,  I passed by the horses ( mmmm...deep breath...vitamins) , walked closer to these stalls and discovered two goats in their own stalls.   Later I looked up and saw three "horseback riders" perched and saddled on their "own" horses,   There are only "three" streets/roads "down here" in the  beautiful countryside where "I" live.  Much more beauty elsewhere in this awesome community.    Yep, it's all very exciting and I am spellbound !

More to share with you coming up....

(_A Wink & a Smile_)...........................................:) 

Friday, May 8, 2015


As life would have it,  we live in an ever changing world..., here I am though... same lovely surroundings ( Ojai, CA)

by: Kat (Mary ) Carlson  author/publisher,,, (Word Press.)
(Archives _ August, 2014 - January 2015 ),,,  google+

I have the distinct pleasure of sitting on my patio,  a patio I have worked on,  (sweeping leaves, lots & lots of them , blowing leaves with a blower,  lots of them )  AND planting lots of flowers,  one of which is a gorgeous large orchid !   Years before when I came outside,  I simply worked & worked,
making things look nice,  but little did I know,  I wasn't really enjoying myself.   Today in my "real
world" ,   I sit & work with PLEASURE.   What a difference it makes to "really" be "able" to sit back,  relax and ENJOY myself !

It's a "new world" for me,  and now living it in this beautiful countryside is "icing on the cake" !
When I left Glendale I was ready to move,  but I did not know what wonder was in store for me.
As this week has gone by,  I find myself in awe of LIFE,  my life and the lives of others I am surrounded with.   Family,   friends,  business aquaintances,  passers by,  on the vastly wooded roadsides.  ( see pictures).

My walks in this country setting take my breath away,  the sounds & beauty of nature are in unison,
all life everywhere is sounding off about what a wonderful world we live in.  Ojai exemplifies a
place of "rest" & "peace" & "tranquility" !  But this kind of "rapture" is filled with surprises,  all the time surprises.  Never, ever a dull moment!   I almost pinch myself to see if this is "true",  but it IS
and I know it because I walked through my transformation diligently,   and even though I really wasn't expecting this dividend,   I accept it with "grace" and "gratitude"!    Our best lives are ours for the taking.   It is a "blessing",  pure & simple ! 

Ojai is somewhere I enjoy sharing on these pages,  with more to come next time we meet.

My early moring walk begins here..up this road and just past the telephone pole,  I start up the "hill"!

Same road, but heading back "down the hill" and viewing the mountains ahead !  The exact same mountains I see stepping out my front door!

Me stopping for a "selfie" along the way.  

 That's all folks......for today!....See ya next time!

(_A Wink & a Smile_)....................................:)