Showing posts with label Honest Injun....Quality vs. Quanity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Honest Injun....Quality vs. Quanity. Show all posts

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Here I am again,  pumpin' iron (or wood)...........:)  Hey folks,  not really,   just a gimmick,   BUT,   I surely did "LOAD" up those there logs,   yep,   sure as shootin'........

by: Kat M. Carlson _author/publisher

Ah Life,  can't live with it and can't live without it !   Oh, you know, once in a while,  we run into snags,  at least I do.  A for instance is,  when I figure out how to make money writing,  that will make-my-day.  For almost a year I have looked up on the internet and TRIED a whole lot of ways to monetize this medium for me.  But,  I  WILL,   find a way,  I  "WILL". 

Right now,  in the works I am planning to write my first book.  This October I begin the interview process.  The story is very "sweet" about a gal & "HER"  special  horse named "RED".  Many people will be able to relate and also take away something from it that will inspire their own lives.

Red is quite a "handsome" guy,  I say, (although he is NOT quite this red in reality,  but lots & lots of pictures have been taken of one so special ..........

But this blog is about "the information highway".  Five years ago,  at age 70,  my brother in Idaho got me my very first laptop (computer).  Another brother ( I only have four brothers),  came to see me,  and being-in-the-business,  "taught me " a cursory course on "how - to" use a computer.  Well,  I took to it like a duck to water.  Unbelievable and I was a "happy camper".

Later, around two years later,  after writing family and friends,  I had a strong desire to write blogs.  Still I didn't try for another two years and then my oldest son suggested that I write a blog. That was all it took.  I then set up my own web site and have always done so.  No "hosting" for me.  That just might change though.   Still looking for a way to monetize my "passion" !  ( What's that saying , what you "LOVE' and the money will follow ? )

Of course,  there's always brick laying & loading up cut tree logs,  yep,  that was me that did  all that...:)

 However, as much as I enjoy this sort of thing,  I'll stick to writing,  _thank you very much !!

Outside this day,  I decided to "work" and take in the breathtaking view !   LIFE  is " AWESOME" !!  So much to see & do.  Don't you just love it ?

"HAPPY SUNDAY" in every part of the "WORLD" ....................

(_A Wink & a Smile_).............................................................................:),,,,  ( archives 2014-2015) http:// ( I Support Life & Living Words)  

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

LET'S TAKE A TRIP TO BERMUDA (Transportation Golf Cart )

Let's get away from it all ...........:) 

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

Good Morning one & all,

Think I'm tired of  "beautiful",  "heavenly", "serene",  "luscious" Ojai  ?  ......  Well,  I've never been to Bermuda.    It might be nice for a change,  huh?    Have you ..........been to Bermuda ?  The trip I am alluding to is my own little burg of Ojai California in a "GOLF CART" .  Recently I signed up for a Fundraiser Campaign called "GiveForward".    So the long & the short of it is,  they are assisting me in raising enough funds to help me purchase a form of transportation to and from the "grocery store" ,  Doctors, & Dentists.    Most of you know I walk everywhere, and I DO mean everywhere.   I walk many, many miles everyday.   I can and do still do that.    The problem ensuing is "heat" and "rain".   Having a little put-put ( like a "GOLF CART ")  just  would be affordable & "NEAT".    Yeah,  I'm just-a-kid at "heart".  

Back from "town" to my little ole' grass shack....:)

I am including a link for this campaign ( Fundraiser) through   ( TRANSPORTAION (GOLFCART)  The next step for me is to donate  $25  to my own Fundraiser. 

An exciting "future" event for me is to add another dimension to my activities.  I like to sing,  and I have found a small coffee house that has an "open mike"  night on Tuesdays.   It is held at 6:00-7:00 p.m.  My goodness, a "golf cart" is going to make that "DREAM" come true.

Please help out by "spreading the word" to others about this Fundraiser (
TRANSPORTATION (Golf Cart).  Yep, that's mine under the name of Mary Carlson, given name.  I promise I'll post lots of picture and lots of "thanks" for whatever support you contribute.

Bermuda ?   Maybe it will be in my future.  You "never" know. _____ "REAL"  LIFE IS A BIG "Wonderful"   MYSTERY   ___!!!!

I open my "mystery book"  again this bright,  beautiful,  morning with a "song in my heart ",
" YOUR MINE & & WE BELONG TOGETHER" for all eternity !

Til next time .......... 

(_ A Wink & a Smile_).......................................................................................:) 

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Now, "truth" be told, ........I am really just a scare-dy Kat more times than I admit !

by: Kat Carlson  _author/publisher

Yep,  often I "go-out-on-a-limb" get rather bold,  speak out (and other things) and boom,  there I am, right smack dab in the middle of a "crisis".  Of course one of my own making,  who else is there ?  I kind of like this picture,  I'm pretty comfortable taking pictures and posting them,  mostly of others,  lately !!   Like these gorgeous horses .......

Red,  my friend Vicki"s horse is her charge alone now for 10 years.  He was being put down, and she "fell" for him ! Brought him home for a few months or maybe more,  but DID NOT ever expect this "duo" to last that long.

Here is the "two of them",  ever faithful Vicki, right by his side,  feeding & cleaning & sometimes riding,  every single day of the year,  twice a day ( at least) !  Hot weather or not, & of course "cold" weather as well.  Hooray for my gal pal !!!!   I'm not done telling this story......

Vicki also cleans several other stables,  this is who I named "Darthvadar"

Here in the exact same corral, is Darth's pal,  Luke Skywalker..........:)  That name,  because of the "light" stripe
Darthvadar,  because he is well,  "DARK"

* "R2D2" may just be in my next blog.  Oh yes, I have him,  folks !

* Savor the "moments" you "have"  during this visit to our planet,  _ Earth !!

(_A Wink & a Smile_)....................................................................:)

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Written on 09/06/2014 by Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

More & more have I been "MOVED" to "REST",  in between acivities, of course,  I STILL have a "LOT" of living to do. but "BALANCE",  is what will take you wherever you need and even want to go,  "FASTER"

by Kat ( Mary) Carlson_ author/publisher

While you are over in WORD PRESS territory there are numerous posts available for viewing. This a.m. I read up on what I wrote a year ago.  Interestingly enough there is quite often "parallels" similar to what I put "down- on- paper" these  fascinating days.  The message is CLEAR,  the attitudes that carry us through our "MAGNIFICENT  LIVES",  are always what will bring happiness,  peace,  joy.  the abundant "LIFE", "health ",  "prosperity",  "success" & much much more !  Seems like a sure bet!   Yes?

Even though TRUTH is as "old-as-the-hills",  our "LIVES" ,.....(when these "TRUTHS  are incorporated/applied )  are always ..."BRAND NEW" ...and .... "EXCITING" !  So, today's topic WILL  TAKE  YOU  THERE,   wherever you want to or need to go.   That being "REST", indeed a concept  that  has " definite potential" !  ?  Oh,  it's a proven "FACT", everyone !  So go on over to and browse around that "VENUE for a trial run"'s territory.

Tune in again tomorrow,  " THIS LITTLE BIT OF COUNTRY "  will continue and "hopefully"  "entice"  you  "FOREVER"  ?.........................:)   My treat _ at least for the moments I have you
"on-the-edge-of -your- seats".......................tee hee !

MY "FINE-FEATHERED" FRIENDS & their friends,  the alpacas *(in the background)   "I LOVE WHAT I DO " , "SIGH" !!!

(_A Wink & a Smile_).............................................................................:)

Snoop around over there _ http",,, on Word Press,  http://4u2become1.blogspot,,, google+

Tuesday, May 12, 2015


Never more than today have we needed to "KNOW real LOVE" and the extraordinary POWER it has.!

 by author/publisher; Kat (Mary) Carlson

So I start this morning, 4:15 a.m.,  up with the birds and roosters,  with this message I have
held at bay for a while....( I guess, it's because , well,  who knows why  ?).

If you have ever said,  and we all have done so,  all I need is MORE "patience",  or I need MORE
faith,  or another phrase is MORE peace,  or another,  MORE love, and so on and so on!  I now "KNOW" positively for sure that never ever do we need more of these attributes !  NEVER...more!

Quite simply put,...these ATTRIBUTES themselves ARE.!   Meaning when you are blessed with them,
all is needed is to know them and trust their "ability" to "perform for us."   It's a whole new world for me,  because it's no longer a matter of  _"finding"_ "enough" of  "anything".  I also know that these attributes have been given to me & you and have access to what we need when we need it, AND I might had "cheerfully",  "what we want when we want it".  How's that GRAB ya' ?

Yep I mean exactly that !   I really do!!   Our hearts are what determine "who we are" & "what we do" in LIFE.   Your heart & mine are "sanctioned" and "CAN"  be "trusted with" &  "given all things " !   This wonderful "glaring" fact helps  you & me  to have exactly what IS intended for this LIFE !  I for one,  Am  "thrilled"  to not only have "enough"   but I can also  "celebrate it"  with others who live & share  this GREAT world!

"Faith is the substance",  "FAITH IS SUBSTANCE"   it knows "what to do and when to do it,  right ? And so on down the line with other attributes as well.  No short-term memory at all!   Ready to trust "trust" ?  Ready to let "faith" ... "work" ?  It's really VERY simple !   Honest !......:)

Now,  WHO  wouldn't believe "THAT"  face ?......:)

(_A Wink & a Smile_)...............................................:)


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