Showing posts with label Always a pleasure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Always a pleasure. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 20, 2015


This is it folks round the world,  this is Rice Rd. where I begin my daily walk ......pretty spectacular

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson)  _ author/publisher

Time marches on,  change is eminent,  this morning walk on Rice Rd. months ago at this very same time was bright & LIFE everywhere was up-and-at-em.   Now,  it's quiet.   I love the seasons.  I never want to forget who's in charge of this beautiful,  wonderful world we live in.

It's great when you listen and remember that we are not alone.  With great Love and planning,  our world
was designed for wondrous living.   Hush now,  let me tune in.   Ah yes,  it's YOU.  I'm in awe.

Again with the view,  it just couldn't go unnoticed,  so I snapped this picture,  seizing the moment ...

Stopping everything,  so hard to do sometimes,  often times even,  but I'm never sorry.  My, oh my,  I even balk at the thought of doing it.  I don't regret reminding myself of who's in charge and there is nothing to worry about,  after all.  Oh well,  yes,  I cry.  It's a real eye-opener when I have gotten caught up in what I think is SO important that there isn't time for anything but finishing this or finishing that.

............................................................................................:)    Chuckle, chuckle !!!

When I do it (whatever "it" is) with the perspective that I get -to -do- it,  not "have-to-do-it ",  there is new LIFE within and I smile inside because I AM.   And that means I can,  whenever I wish and choose to.

Wake up and "smell" the roses today and everyday.  You have x amount of days here on this planet,
what's the hurry ?   Pull a mint out of your pocket,  give it to a person next to you on the bus,  you know,  make it personal,   there's no time like the "present".   If you want,  you could call an old friend,  remember the good ole' days ...... like, "What's the Secret Word " ....with Groucho Marx,  or "Kukla Fran and Ollie",  ..... "Howdy Doody",  " Singing in the Rain"  with Gene Kelly ..... "Mr. Greenjeans" ......
"Johnny Carson" ....... "Marshall Dillon ",  ... "Dinah Shore" ... "See the USA in your Chevrolet",... add to this list,   I challenge you.  " Heart of My Heart",  I Love that Melody, heart of my heart bring back those memories,  when we were kids on the Corner of the Street ........ if this doesn't sound familiar,  sorry about that,   simply a generation gap.  You understand !

Of course......" WE ... (brother & sister) ...REMEMBER " !!!!

 (_ A Wink & a Smile_) ............................................................................................:)

"Embrace Me, my Sweet Embraceable You, .................Have a "great day"  

Monday, October 12, 2015


Yesterday,  the "two of us"  ( my beloved brother & I)  shared precious moments after three years.

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson _ author/publisher

It has been my pleasure to know and experience four "great" brothers.  I am blessed
and thankful for all four.

Ron,  who you see above with me lives in Spokane,  Washington.   Come visit again soon,
bro'.   Next time  bring your nap sack ,  and "rake" ........:)

Be well & prosper ..... 

(_ A Wink & a Smile_) ..............................................:)

Friday, October 2, 2015


Greetings from lovely Ojai Valley's shopping center ....

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson   _author/publisher

This is "my" day of receiving monies,  in the bank via S. S. !   The folks I know around town and all over the country are also divvying up the "rewards" of working lo those many,  many years.   Are you enjoying the fruits of your labor ?   Don't spend it all in one place.   Me,  the grocery store does a darn good business on each first of the month.  Have you gone yet?   I waded through the crowd hours ago.   Plenty buying for the weekend,  storing up for the month ahead.   It is a wonderful gathering place to catch up and say "hey".

This mall is available to Ojai-ians 7 days a week.

 In this little shopping center,  there is a Von's store ( market),  a Rexall Drug store,  a Hardware store ( True Value), Beauty Shop,  Movie & DVD rental store,  a boutique type store,  a dress shop,  and a restaurant called " Eggs & Potatoes".   Sometimes I get to go there for "Huevos Rancheros".  Yum !!

What is helpful to me is this bus stop,  with a large Gold Coast bus which travels to Ventura.  Everyday,  I can ride every half hour,  but must limit it on weekends to one bus per hour to and from Ventura.

Along side this shopping mall is this great bus stop to Ventura, CA

I am grateful for all that is here and provided for us.  Gold Coast transit to Ventura picks us up every 1/2 hr,   except weekends which is every hour.  The ride is fabulous,  but you cannot be in a hurry.   The ride to most places in Ventura, and most especially,  VTC ....our transit center is approximately 1 hour long.   All aboard !  A conversation starts between passengers and
it makes the trip very interesting.  I enjoy the cute little tykes,  some even in infant seats,  some with their dollies.   :)  Others,  on their way TO Ojai,  are taking their bicycles to ride along the gorgeous pathways in our "fair" city.

This bike rider was "gearing" up for a musical concert at Libbey Bowl.

Which reminds me ,  today in our beautiful Greek theatre is a
sing-a-long with the score from "Grease".  Folks gather on weekends
shop and sight see in the Arcade

Young & old alike are gathering and enjoying the ice cream store to the left

Take a walk on the Ojai side,  friends,  we welcome you to our town,  for eating shopping and taking in the sites,  and enjoying musical concerts as well

Bye for now,  from Ojai's "new" self- appointed Ambassador  of "good-will"

(_A Wink & a Smile_).......................:)

Monday, September 14, 2015

Start the morning off "right"

by: Kat M. Carlson  _ author/publisher

"Maybe  I'm right and maybe I'm wrong,  and maybe I'm weak and maybe I'm strong,   but
"NEVERTHELESS"   I'm in LOVE  with you  !!

Ah,  romance,  can't live with it and can't live without it.   I gotta say,  I'm all for it!   The most significant and important thing I have discovered currently,   is,   it is possible to be in
"LOVE"  with ourselves.   Only strong,  vital,  "head together" type of personalities,  can pull this off.    When our hearts are rooted in real  "honest LOVE",  can you or I be in a position to become  one who,  absolutely,  deeply ,  considers him or her self,   capable of receiving that "emancipation".   What a "glorious" experience !!!  ......:)

It is my opinion that if and when "marriage" does take place ,  one's own "emancipation",  will keep this kind of " marriage",  going  "STRONG".   As is always the case,  when you don't really 
need something,  it's then you can truly have it,  and appreciate it's value.   But until or even if "marriage" does not come about,  one is "happy"  within and ,  in LOVE with LIFE !

Ah,  "real "LIFE".  well,  when you find it,  bravo for you !!   A "superb"  "extraordinary " relationship !   It transcends all matter,   and makes you "free-to-be". 

Well,  I'm on a roll here,  but  "hey",  why not !   It is "terrific" news,  isn't it?  " Being  in love with Life itself?"  

                                                          Just flat out ,  "BEING" ?

GO    FOR   IT    !!!!!


 (_A Wink & a Smile_) ..........................................................................................................:)

Monday, September 7, 2015


Yep,  that's mi CASA ..........thank you,  GOD

by: Kat  (Mary)  Carlson _author/publisher

In one of my recent blogs/posts,  I accidentally named my abode,  Casa de Kat.  I like it and now I think I'm going to keep that title.  Oh,  by the way,  this morning,  I'm not mad at GOD anymore.
Yesterday,  I "went-to-bat" for my self and "talked " to my "Heavenly Father".  All i can say IS
OMG !!!!!!.........:)

So this morning after a "glorious"  night of "peace & rest",   my back almost totally better,  I am
thankful for this day and "everything" I AM,  and everything I possess.  Opening up my computer,
pouring  freshly brewed cup of java, & sitting down to "write",  see I never even know what I'm going to do .  At first I thought I'd turn on music ( another one of my LOVE'S ),  but soon,  I looked around the room, remembered the term "Casa de Kat",  and then I knew what to write about.  Not long after that decision was made I looked again around my place and the "tears" began.  I was actually "given" this place based on the fact that in 1989,  after my divorce,  I had no place to live,  no job, a few pennies from a former health care job, ( I actually slept in my car one night),  but in looking at places to live,  that I DID NOT like and cost too much $ anyway,  I said "boldly" out loud, "there's got to be a place I can afford that's just 'right for me",  ( an actual vision appeared of THIS exact place in my mind),  then I called the next number on my list.  After calling the number that lead me here to " Casa de Kat", ...:),  I came,  I saw,  &  I conquered !  I loved it,  could afford it and that was the name-of-that-tune !

Now I am here 26 years.  I don't OWN it,  BUT,   through many a happenstance,  after so very long,  it IS mine!  

Once, a few years back, I had been starting to write and loved it.  I was searching for a pen name.
In doing so,  I "felt",  "heard" this name appear up above,  "KAT",   I did not hesitate,  I grabbed that name (out of the sky) and that is how I got my pen name.  When I started writing I had this image and "love" for my friend's kitty, Lily

What a doll,  she became my mascot,  AND the title of my first blog's web site  It was successful and once in a while I post this "sweet" image of her.  ( There's another story here,  but that will come later).  She's a "model" cat.   Spunky, mischievous,  lovable,  clever,  rambunctious,  " all-that" and  more.   Thanks to you,  my friend,

The pen name has,  delightfully" stuck and so now,   I have dubbed my "newly/old" home here in Ojai Valley,  "Casa de Kat".  

That's my story this morning,   for more stories, news about "health",  "miracles" ,  "healing" 
"music",  "country living",  exciting people I know and "LOVE",   adventures,  animals & pets, family & friends,   come on back to read " Kat Carlson",  here on this website.

Me,  outside in "love" with my "new " growing place"

In the interest of "great" living,  staying"healthy"  stay tuned!   My love & devotion,  to friends around the world !

(__ A Wink & a Smile _).................................................................................:)


Saturday, August 29, 2015


Morning everyone ....... It's me,  Kat   

by: Kat  ( Mary ) Carlson  _ author/publisher

Saturday,  August 29,  2015.   I'm coming to you this morning dressed in "grown up" garb.
And that only because I was inspired to say a few things about "my" spiritual journey".
Years ago,  many many years I began serious growth determined to take charge of the
sickness in my LIFE.  I started with "Words",  meditating and concentrating on them until "they" ( words)  became "real" and had meaning.   Gee, that has gone on now for years and years
and has brought about absolute change.  

Absolute in that I have "most gratefully",   learned that the place I am at now,  has a solid footing.  I asked to be rooted and grounded in profound  " LOVE".    Now,   I know without a doubt,  that no matter what changes come either inside or outside,  I will always be shored up in "love's power".    I can "NEVER"  lose ground.   All that has gone before me,   the "growth"  I've made,  is "solid" as a "rock".   With that awareness,  I  "rest" and know that those kinds of dividends are spectacular.

The world system,  at large,  can and will "never" grant you or me that kind of  " SECURITY".

So,  as the title of my blog overall,  is this  "ONE STEP CLOSER"because I "really" am "One Step Closer",   you see.  I can only build,  better and better "substance",  it IS "money-in-the-bank",  only  much,  much, better!  We all know how "fleeting" the value of money is these days,
don't we ?  Life and Solidarity,  that's where my focus is.  That's what  I "Herald",  this morning,
that's where I spend my efforts,  just  plain,  "BEING " and "BEING" at "PEACE",  being
"FREE".  There is a song,  it goes like this ,  "house built on a weak foundation will not stand,  oh no".

You & I are able to "stand" now,  because we have seen to it that our "house"  is built to "LAST",  no "matter" what.   And I really do mean " matter".  It's something to give thought to.

Enjoy your weekend !! 


 (_ A Wink & a Smile_)..............................................................................:)

Friday, August 28, 2015


Gorgeous " Lavender Inn".......................downtown Ojai on Matilija Street

by: Kat ( Mary ) Carlson   _____ author/publiisher

Once in a while,  you just decide to put " STUFF" in a blog,  well, because you just decide to,

I'll peer into my "bag of tricks",  and pick this...............

Oh yeah,  that's lovely,  don't you think  ? 

Maybe I'll look again,  ........ how about this .......

This happens to be my good friend Martha ,  98 yrs. and counting (she's still bowling & wondering why she hasn't made a strike lately )....

Not doing badly so far,  huh?  People just can't be beat ......they are funny,  curiously odd, & often so awesome too ....... Gotta love them .....Now,  what's next ?

Hey Martha,  there you are again on your 98th birthday,   wearing a Mickey Mouse hat.... ha ha ha   

I snuck that one in because,  why not ?

I admit that this picture of me is one of my favorites,  I remember the walk I took and all those pictures of Topa Topa 

exhausted me and I just plopped down outside in my patio chair,  decided I'll take a "selfie" ,  what's next,  let's see .........
Yep,  I like this pic of Chrisy ......."beautiful"   

Next ...............
Prettiest place on "earth" home 

Lily (Snow) .......funny ,  first time I gave her a last name,  of course,  Lily is my "featured image on ( ...back in 2014-2015 * lots of interesting topics there to choose from.......more stuff ?

Another "fav"  of mine,   

Be sure & mail your letters here at our Ojai Post Office

* Look out ..... more of this kind of thing ........ give yourself the attention you need

I'll stop filling these pages with "stuff",  and let you "get on with your day" ... " Happy Trails"

(_A Wink & a Smile_)......................................................:)

Thursday, August 27, 2015


IT'S A BEAUTIFUL MORNING.............( love that song,  have you heard it ? )

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson  _  author/publisher

My daily walks/adventures here in our local Ojai Valley,  find events & people who have stories
that excite me.  One such story is that of this fellow walker named Dennis Leary, see pic

Some time ago,  I published Dennis's picture on this blog.  He & I had a similar experience,   a fall resulting in a broken hip.

Yesterday around two months later,  I happily came across this friend of mine "walking" without his walker.  ( Dennis & I are the same age "75" ).  So out came my camera,  and he kindly let me take his picture now ...........walking anew

Bravo Dennis .......that's "GREAT"  !

Our celebrated "climb-up-this-hill"  is a challenge but oh,  it yields fabulous results!  Getting well is a "joy" to those of us who get to go there in our own "reality".  I'm proud of you Dennis!

Every morning,  before & after I pass these guys straight down my short gravel road and over the fence,  "Alpacas".  Yesterday  I couldn't resist taking this picture.  
The alpacas don't usually come up this close to the fence.  There is a "tree" behind them and that's their "hangout" as a rule.  Aren't they an interesting lot ?  And I think they are "adorable".

Vicki and Red,  my two "great" friends down at the stables,  well,   I have the pleasure of visiting these two everyday

As time progresses,  come October,  2015,  Vicki and I are going to sit down and start interviewing
with hopes of me writing Vicki and Red's interesting "LOVE" story.  Vicki's story in her own right,  is really something I want to share with folks around the world.   I know you'll fall in love with her as I have.  I can't wait to get started  ..........

More to come in the days ahead,  news about  Ojai Valley and it's vistas ,  also stories and pictures
of "very" interesting colorful people around town. 

Meanwhile, stay tuned everyone,  I am going to be driving my "golf cart" in the near future.   Keep those positive thoughts & donations coming ! 

 To donate:  (Relief Fund - Managing Transportation)  "Mary Carlson"   Thanks!

Although this golf cart is sitting in my very own back yard,  this one actually belongs to my friend,  Karen.

"It's a very happy occasion for me folks,   meeting like this each day.........................."

(_ A Wink & a Smile_) ....................................................................................................:)

Thursday, August 6, 2015

LIFE ........?
Morning folks,  introducing a subject called "LIFE"

I just read an article on "opinions" !   So much time spent on controversy,  on sooooooooooo
many "subjects".    Well,  I guess it's a way of "LIFE" ?   Isn't it ?   Or is it ?  I have come to find out,  blessed "LIFE IS".   And  once you are in "LOVE" with  "real LIFE" ,   all such controversies and arguments "CEASE" to exist.   When one discovers their own identity,  "LIVING" & "BEING"  takes precedent over everything else !!!

Thankfully,  I go to bed "PEACEFULLY,"   and awaken with the very same "wonderful companion " PEACE".     Drugs,  prescription or otherwise,  are NOT a part of my "LIFE" !!

The discovery that "real LIFE "  was always meant -to-be this "SIMPLE"  at first took some getting used to.   HOWEVER,  now that I am in-tune with  "peaceful co-existence with "myself"
I am more-than pleased to just "RELAX and take- it- all- in.   The "extraordinary "BEAUTY"  of
 the extraordinary "aspects" of   "TRUE LIFE."   With it's "ease & simplicity". 

All I can tell you is this,  _ " I ADORE IT" !   Frankly , it is anything but "boring".   It's simple,
but  exciting and refreshing.     My email address is:  jstalucky1 ,  &  it is so  "TRUE,  I AM." 
"LUCKY"  !!!!!

"  TO  LIFE  "

(_A Wink & a Smile_).........................................................................:)


Saturday, July 18, 2015

Welcome friends,  it's Saturday ......  

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

I have a "song" for you this morning,  how many of you remember this one ......








OF  MY HEART " ............................

I love the music in me ,  "SEPTEMBER MORNING", as sung by Mr. Johnny Mathis,  &  well,  there is always,  "HEAVENLY, HEAVENLY", also Johnny Mathis,  "STRIKE UP THE BAND", " "ARE YOU SINCERE, when you say, you love me"   I'm pretty sure that was sung by _ Theresa Brewer,   Oldies, but Goodies ......Take it away,  "Music & Life" .........Let your day be filled with song .......... 

Have a wonderful weekend ........

(_A Wink & a Smile_) .................................................:) 

Monday, July 13, 2015


* In the interest of our "bodies" & and our "souls",  consider this ......

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

Greetings folks !  "Top of the morning to you,  &  you  &  you " !!

Having been an experimenter in my more advanced years and "ASKING" questions,  lots & lots of them,   I "really" "dug" deep.   I was " insatiable "!   Being "satisfied" DID NOT happen,  just like that !  Some folks told me,  oh, I wouldn't ever ask questions like that,  it's too "deep" !

Today,  I can tell you,  I  AM  s-o-o-o-o "GLAD"  I did  ..ask & ask !   WHO did I ask ?  My answer is this,  "the Universe",  or then I would question this profound voice of "LOVE".   I knew,  I just  "KNEW" !!   But "knowing" also helped me ask more questions.   AUTHORITY or not,  I wanted answers !  And I didn't  stop ... until I was "SATISFIED".  

"SATISFACTION",   ( a precious commodity,  in our "crazy" world.)   You cannot buy it,  can you ?   In fact people still think they can find it in a bottle,  prescription drugs,   food,   work,  "sex" ( although it has a great deal of "significance" , in the production of our bodies "chemistry"_ "ENDORPHINS" produce pleasure,  good for our "hypothalmus" ( in our brains-both pleasure & pain center).     Which brings me to the topic today.

All along the PATH to my own "well-being or healing"I was still curious as to what exactly I was receiving into my LIFE.   Our "LIFELINE" ,  our "BLOOD" ,   is majorly affected by "chemistry",  or our "emotions".   Our  HEART  first ,  "emotions"  prompted by our attitudes,  then "PHYSICALITY"  finally comes into PLAY.    Unfortunately,   I HAD to go way back to my childhood,   but,   you know,  "HEALING" in your "SPIRITS "   first,  meant for me _ not having to hash through "stuff" or "gory details".    The entire process,   was completed by learning to "TRUST".   When that attitude was cemented and yes,   it does become cemented.  ( It did for me)!

You have heard "nothing's"  etched in stone.    Guess what,  "L-O-V-E "  _ "IS" _  etched in something "M-O-R-E "( greater than) stone ...... a   "SUBSTANCE"   ( FAITH,& LOVE,  a substance )  that is impenetrable !   Therefore,   I say to you, this morning,  a  "w-a-y"  to "health" is and always will be through the POWER & SUBSTANCE called "LOVE".   Here I will interject this experience for me,   I experienced   "LOVE" in a "red" light of  ENERGY",  which I "KNEW",  immediately, _ was "L-O-V-E"  itself.    It was and is "personal",    personal sometimes is hard to accept,   but "oh"   "you want to",   "you really do",   _"TRUST ME" !!!    When you "really", "really"  think about it,   "EVERYTHING"  is personal,    one way or another" , _  either you are getting "better" or you are   _ "NOT".    That's "PERSONAL", _ isn't it ??    You & I tend to go with what's "familiar",  but  often , "familiar" is something that you should change.   Familiar can and does come in the form of "SATISFACTION" ...........

                             This is personal ........have an "awesome" day,     friends !!!!! 

(_ A Wink & a Smile_)..........................................................................:)

Sunday, July 12, 2015


I'm back .......from Glendale, CA.  The party was a time of "getting together and talking about "old times"  
by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

I moved back to my  beautiful,  sweet,  adorable, "happy" home here in Ojai in May 2015.  Seems like a lot longer.  My time here has mushroomed and so many fabulous things have happened that makes this place for me, "the happiest place on earth".  

Visiting my old "haunt" in Glendale yesterday didn't bring back the wonderful memories I use to have. That being said,  I am "glad" to be back here in my own home this morning. I remind myself, that I can and will visit those fond memories whenever I choose in my "head".

Being back with "dear" friends,  DID help me "draw-a-line" in the sand regarding "relationships",   meaning,  time marches on, my life has changed.  I learned who to LOVE, but more like,  who I am going to invest "time" and "emotions" in.   Some old & some new "delightful",  "dependable" "hearts" have entered/re-entered my "world" and I am deeply "grateful" for them. ........:)  Just a fact that they have reached a level of life time connections
& quality.

Well, this IS my blog and often that's what people who write blogs do, write down what might be 
visiting our brains, especially this early in the morning. I got home late yesterday to "home sweet home"  very "HAPPY" to be living here in this "fantastic" place.

Trains are such an "awesome" experience.  Taking the train has been comfortable, expedient, and a way to meet people from all walks of life.  Conductors temperaments "vary" but I can't say enough about how pleasant and helpful most of them are.  So, "kudos", to them, & "hats off to them all,  male "&" female.

I close with this "happy" anticipatory"  thought,   I'm looking forward to pushing open my sliding glass door on this "gorgeous" land, where I enjoy my "freedom", and "EXPLORE" all the vistas I have at my opportunity.  

I recommend the "train", it sometimes takes you where you didn't expect to go, but perhaps need to anyway!
I have a place called "HOME" how GREAT is that? 
MEANWHILE,  back-at-the RANCH,  "Welcome,  friends !!!! 

Have a "wonderful",  "exciting" ,  "SUNDAY",  July 12, 2015 ! 

(_ A Wink & a Smile_)..................................................................:),  http:lilymakesmesmile,com, ( _ archives 10/14 - 1/15 by Kat Carlson )  ( I Support Life) & (Living Words)