Showing posts with label Sense of Humor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sense of Humor. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


I am going to do a follow up on this topic called  DELICIOUS, in today's morning blog, I was alluding to delicious in the sense of  LIFE as being DELICIOUS,  true enough, oh so true   

by: Kat (Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

But since I updated this particular post/blog,  I'd like to say something about a scripture that was
uttered to me out loud recently, .....,  yes indeed,  I do hear the voice of my GOD,  and it stirs my soul,  and makes me more & more aware,  thankful for my "personal" relationship.   it is indeed that !  This particular time I want to share that I heard " Blessed are Those who HUNGER & THIRST after RIGHTEOUSNESS,  for they SHALL be filled.  OH  MY,   at that moment I WAS filled with "JOY",  it ( JOY) is a product of "righteousness"...... okay,  that- being- said and not wanting to move on without recognizing how precious that was and is........ 

I am moved to say another thing about being "filled" with righteousness,   every good & perfect gift ,  that's given to us from our author of "FAITH",   absolutely fills -us- up,  and I for one eat less ( enough),  but less.  The reason is........I am so "SATISFIED",   I am "FULL".   It's just that I can't eat more,  there's no room.   It helps a LOT people,  in other ways,  like budget,  not so much work,  preparations,  and even more.  This topic,   I really could write more about at some point  ( perhaps a booklet).   Food & I have a healthy relationship,   I am happy to say! 

It's wonderfully kind of you to let me carry- on- my- ramblings about what makes  "LIFE" tick for me ...... THANKS !!

(_A Wink & a Smile_)...........................................................:)

P.S.  "Righteousness",   I really never knew what that meant in the past, ......I thought maybe,  a goody-goody,  ya' know,  NOT SO,   far from it,  it ,  for me just means I'm happy,   it may seem like someone who is good,  but happy just IS,  ..... that's all !!!!!

( Word Press blogs...archives:  10/15- 1/15 ),,,,

Friday, June 5, 2015


FRIENDS,  Seize the moment,.........YOU ARE_ "NOW"   

by: Kat ( Mary) Carlson _ author/publisher

Even as I "try" to write this" blog/post,  "I AM"   faced with "waiting" for Firefox to  decide to "respond" and perform  the way it is meant to do.  Then I look at the title of this blog and chuckle,
BECAUSE,  my title for today,  "helped me"  SEE,  "I AM" _ NOW".  I remember deciding long ago,  I don't want to live with  "PROMISES"  that keep a carrot "dangling"  before me.!   I am
but,  as LIFE would have it, THIS MORNING,  THIS BLOG or laptop is acting up and challenging
the content or purpose of writing "NOW".   Funny,   "everything" ( it seems) that could possibly go wrong HAS..............:)    Not like there IS a "sense of humor" _ "hanging around in my midst" !

As was my purpose for this "blog" I have even now, myself  "stopped", "WAITED"  ( being forced to by circumstances,  and have been in-the-moment,  sometimes I do not "like" what is "THERE", in-the-moment,  but oh friends, sometimes  ,it  is "MAGICAL",  and is definitely a "SMART"  move.   More often than not,  it IS a moment with my  "CREATOR", "MYSELF" and "not one"  that I would have ever wanted to miss !    I make appointments with  "HIM"/ ME  and keep them often.....daily,  and sometimes throughout the day, off and on!   I believe that  these are "the" most important times  "EVER,  IN MY LIFE" !     

Past blogs have been dedicated to this topic ....last year,  over on, htp://,  http://chooseurwords  (Word press) 10/14 - 1/15.!  Now I get to take "me" back to that SPECIAL place in my heart.   And along with that is this awesome magical  countryside to  "devote"  these times to,   and in fact have already been delightfully happening.  Moment by Moment,  I am in the company of  "GREATNESS", taken in doses that are designed  for me  as I can !   But, definitely,  a  "SMART",  exciting,  "MOVE" on my part.   For "ME",  GOD is NOW,  NOW'S  are growing and becoming "MORE" important, and frequent !  

A very good "furry" little friend reminded me once,  "SILENCE IS GOLDEN".....  

(_A Wink & a Smile_)...................................................................:)